Congo trip with kidete

Did you get any pollen to dust the girls?

Edit: I see you answered that a little further down the thread.


In that event it’s best to email him then. Theres lots of landrace sellers on IG. I agree Isn’t the best, but its the best if you like landraces. Lots of people involved with landrace cannabis on IG. the down side is they can have their pages removed without notice.


Now this right here is absolutely incredible. I wish I could do that. Kudos to you all.

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Whoa buddy. What’s up your ass? Perhaps you would have rather made a trip to the Congo yourself? How did the trip you helped with work out? I won’t ask you to participate in the next round so you don’t get upset. I don’t need any negative people messing up a great gig or adding any negative energy to a great group and a great project. I have gotten ten packages from kenya from mike for myself and another three or four for Elchischas. Every single one of my orders has arrived in good shape. Although the packaging at first seemed strange, Once I saw how it was done I thought it was ingenius. Passing anything through customs in a third world nation can be a gamble. This clever packaging avoids that mess. Most of my packages came in about three or four weeks. The first was 5 weeks. Once you see how the seeds are packaged you will understand why it takes so long to do it. Next time you are in Kenya perhaps you can give him some pointers on how to do it better.


Fair enough.
Thank you for setting this up, @Upstate
And thank you for all that you’re doing @Kidete


@Zanzibar Sorry I was so harsh. Maybe I could have done better if I had more free time.


lolz. You’re good @Upstate
I’m realizing that I’m really angry lately, and I’m not even sure why. I’m just very cranky and pissed off everywhere in my life right now. I’ve started to talk to people about it.
I will also add here, even though I’ve already let him know in a note, but since I was venting here - I’ll add it here as well.
I was wrong in speaking about sending and receiving letters from Africa. I have had this experience more than once - both sending and receiving things from a friend in Namibia, where it has gotten lost, but the same is also true for things to and from Europe. So to say that a country is faulty, let alone an entire continent, is ignorant and wrong. I apologize


After seeing @Chara ’s posting and searching the site for your email address, I emailed you last night. :grinning:

First of all, I’d like to say how much I deeply appreciate @Kidete ’s and @Upstate ’s respective work in this effort and I know that I am not alone. Cannabis genetics around the world are quickly disappearing and it’s vitally important that it’s preserved. To a large degree, I believe that’s why a lot of us are here on OG and why a many of us dug deeply into our pockets during these tough times to enable this endeavor by @Kidete. That being said, I would like to ask for some understanding. I’m an old man and what is easy for some people, is not necessarily easy for me or for others. For example, although I do have an instagram account(that I don’t know how to use :rofl:), when I clicked the link above, this is what I got:

I tried multiple times, and kept getting the same message. So technology that is easy for some, is not so easy for others. Also, it goes without saying that different mediums(phones vs computers vs tablets) and different systems(android vs apple) will all have different results and outcomes. And to add insult to injury, we could add on generational age gaps, varying levels of technological competence(or incompetence in my case) and varying levels of mental incapacity due to consumed herbage. All of that being said, I agree that kidete’s seed dispersion should have been handled via the OG system. It’s super duper easy to use, and anyone who’s involved in these endeavors is already extremely familiar with it.
Almost done… :grinning:. I’d like to once again thank @kidete for taking his valuable time and efforts and potentially risking his personal safety and @Upstate for his continuous support in preserving this plant we all love. WHEN a cannabis preservation hall of fame is created, @Upstate ’s name will be on it. Thank you. :pray:


I can confirm that I received your email. Don’t worry, your mail is on the way.

As far as posting seeds, I’ve been doing it successfully for the past 4 years. Different countries and each customer receives their seeds while intact.

Also, I understand how the Kenyan postal system works and that’s why I am shipping the seeds using my strategy.

Instagram works best on your phone. Despite our age differences or experience with technology, I’m positive that everyone owns a smartphone. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Apple or Android


I noticed their Goruka highlands and wondered if that came from the OG repo? Pics look familiar, and it’s not something that is easy to come by.


Diggy Soze sold them. Or gave for free, don’t know actually. Just know he gave them away instead of finishing the OG part.


I’m positive it’s not the case. I don’t own one, and I don’t think I’m the only one (although it’s rare nowadays I admit, but still). As said IG wants you to use not just your phone, but also their app, any other means to visit it is doomed to fail. And there’s a reason why it’s made that way.

Would have make more sense to use OG to report and communicate, given people are all here already, but I understand it adds up more time doing so on top of IG.

Maybe next time It’s possible to have a private group here with people dumping content from IG for everyone to enjoy :slight_smile:


Isn’t the IG link posted above? You don’t have to use the app at all, it just prompts you to.

I thought there was a full YouTube video that was linked also?

I wasn’t able to throw in on this but still have been able to follow along and it’s been great.

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From Worcestshire Farms I’d guess.( repetitive info after seeing allotments post) He gave them seeds from Freakers Preservations, which is why he was kicked out of the group. My guess is he gave them the Cabeca de Negro I grew. He gave them the Kashmir from Barefrog. I don’t recall what else, but seem to recall another. He said he gifted them the seeds, but they are selling them, and selling Freakers Seeds is not acceptable. He also said he wanted the genetics spread around…and I believe him, but still disagree that he chose to give tlt anything at all. That’s what OG is for. He could have made a free seeds thread, for instance. His position was that tlt reaches more people. Ok. If tlt gave the seeds as freebies, that might have been acceptable…but they sold them. That’s unacceptable.


Thank you. :pray:

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I wanted to do that this time, but I still don’t know how to do it. I don’t even know how to set up a group message. I had so many PM’s to answer everyday related to the trip that I didn’t have time to.learn. Next time.
As far as IG goes, I get intimidated by new sites. New paying methods ( cash app) often take me days to figure out how to use. Instagram might have been the same way. Probably was. Been on there years and just learned how to edit a post yesterday lol. So if anyone understands tech disability as a real thing, it’s me. There is his email address in that screenshot up above,too. Anyone unable to do email? It’s OK if that’s the case. I’ll have your seeds sent to me and I’ll forward them to you in a priority box. I haven’t gotten my seeds either…and I’m itching to pop them. Good things come to those who wait.


Just wanted to say I don’t have IG but I can still watch the videos and see the posts. The trick is to refresh the page whenever you get prompted to log in. That gives you a few more minutes on the site. It’s annoying to keep refreshing but it’s better than joining IG just to see a post. You can’t read comments or post anything though


Not sure that’s allowed, is it? This was kind of a sale, and sales aren’t allowed on OG unless you are paying to do so. @Kidete, are you allowed?
If it is allowed…that makes for an additional pathway for seeds to get lost or seized, and for that reason alone, a bulk shipment from Kenya to the US is out of the question. Seeds have to be sent in individual packages…and if they are already sent one package at a time, why do it twice. Imperfect as it is, I think this is the best way for now. Never put all your eggs in one basket. The way I see it, worst case scenario, If at least one of us gets our seeds, everybody will still get seeds. A bulk shipment we could lose everything. I feel ok about receiving a few packs for people if needed, but no more than that. Too risky.

I think you can surf, but without joining you can’t be involved with messages or posts. If you do join, IG is allowed to hack all your info. All of it. You sign a waver. It’s BS, and I understand if people don’t want to deal with that.

Yes, linked above i think. Mike did the whole thing himself and did a very good job. Took some time to put that together for us, I’m sure.
@Zanzibar we all have bad days, and with the crazy times we are living in, sometimes those bad days come frequently. When you said I did a poor job managing this, I got angry. I didn’t get anything extra for helping make this trip happen. It used all of my free time and some time I had to take from other things I should have been doing. I just did it to help get some rare genetics out of the jungle and because I believe in @Kidete and know how great the risk is to East Africa’s genepool. He’s our man…and he’s going to find us the Black Magic
strain someday😁

I decided to give it the axe after taking it outside.


I’m allowed to post adverts since I paid for the OG package but the membership didn’t mention anything about making bulk shipments via Overgrow


I also mentioned yesterday that my email address is the same as my paypl.