Congo trip with kidete

Personally I think it’s best this way. Stick with what works. The bigger, more fancy a package is, The more likely it is to get seized by customs. But next time if there is a group of people that would rather risk a bulk shipment and have OG handle distribution, that group could pick a head to help you coordinate that shipment and come up with a clever disguise.🥸


There was a signup for the Goroka but instead of fulfilling it he gave them to tlt. I never got them, I was like 5th on the list. Don’t know if only Europe was left out. I’m not entitled to free seeds but if you say you do an OG coop run (with someone elses seeds I think) that’s a strange move.

I did not know about the others but lol sure he gave them away for free to a seller and got nothing in return, sounds plausible :clown_face:

BTW while I was gone for a bit I got a DM from him trying to sell me kashmir seeds. With invoice and correct customs declaration.


Most of the times I can’t even browse, I got the same error already reported above. Or I am asked to login before seeing anything. And I don’t have a login, as it requires a phone number…

So not so practical for all use cases, including the ones requiring a bit of opsec and privacy.

It’s sad @upstate, but that’s the game. Better safe than sorry!


I understand that people are excited to grow the Angola. However, it’s just like you said. It’s quite risky showing up to the post office with 20 envelopes and expect them to be shipped out at the same time


Sorry if my wording was confusing. I was high when I wrote it. :crazy_face:
What I meant was that we could organize it much like we do with private seed purchases/distributions with a private thread, using PMs to share safe addresses, etc. Also, doing so on OG allows us a certain level of anonymity that outside apps and emails may not. As for Instagram, it doesn’t work well for me. Perhaps it’s because I can’t use it on my phone as the screen is too small for my old eyes, perhaps it’s because I don’t have a facebook/meta account for privacy concerns, or perhaps I simply lack the mental capacity. Either way, OG is easy, even for me. :wink: Just my 2.5 cents


Im the only human left on Earth to never own in my 54 years(1970 to today) a smart phone, cell phone, flip top phone or any other kind of mobile phone. I even cancelled my landline last month. The only connection I have to the outside world is the internet and my personal interactions with others.

Edit- The money not spent on a useless smart phone and service I spend on MORE SEEDS. MUHAHAHA


A smartphone is not useless and has saved me literally thousands of hours of time that I cannot get back. Not everyone is on their phone 24/7. It is a good tool though when necessary. The new Iphones even have satellite navigation and texting that doesn’t require a phone signal. That way if you’re lost in the woods, you can get back to civilization.



And only for the cost of your first born. Whadda deal!


There’s no free lunch…


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I dont text, the phone is just an expense to me I do not make money from using one. I dont get lost in the woods I have been outdoors all my life. If I get away from civilization I dont want to come back. I do envy the cameras in the iphones, it is way beyond my poor camera.

I was born in 1970 and was raised outdoors in the country and I have an outdoorsman rural soul. I grew up without electronic gadgets and a fishing pole or rifle in my hand.

I look forward to people growing out these great genetics that have been grought back from Africa for the community to enjoy.


Yeah that’s correct. Instead of fulfilling the Goroka co-op sign ups he ‘gave’ the stock to the landrace team who resold it.
It wasn’t just europe, none were sent out.

He had a co-op sign up for the kashmir, but instead of distributing them through the co-op, he solicited everyone on the sign up sheet to buy them. The mods banned him and the mods found several other accounts that were actually sock puppets. Interesting detail about the invoice and customs form, I hadn’t heard that before.

(Those kashmir were the seeds that showed symptoms of viroid infection and/or pythiosis rot when grown out. There was a dudded stardarg cutting in the same grow and one of the kashmir plants showed severe necrosis and stem girdling.)

sorry to go off topic here



I know the Kashmir is supposed to not be sold as requested by original provider.


damn, for real??? He’s still trying to sell those infected kashmir somewhere?

I can’t like that, but wow. Good info @CocoaCoir

Heads up everybody, steer clear of that shit.


A new french film aired yesterday : Congo-Océan, un chemin de fer et de sang

Congo-Ocean, a railway of blood

From 1921 to 1934, France undertakes the construction of a railway line called the Congo-Ocean in its colony of Congo, connecting Brazzaville to Pointe Noire on the Atlantic coast. Forced labor, mistreatment, and the punishment of dissenters: this construction project spreads terror up to the Sahara.
Around twenty thousand workers lose their lives. The recruitment and working conditions on this colossal construction site, denounced at the time by writer André Gide and journalist Albert Londres, cause a scandal in the metropolis.

here is the link for those interested in the Congo from 100 years ago…


That’s why people hold on to rare varieties. Someone always has to go and make money off of it and ruin it for everybody.


What would happen if different individuals each bought one strain from the landrace team and then reproduced them and distributed them to the OG community. Kind of like taking back the heirlooms and landraces and giving them all for FREE. Just a little tit for tat. 🥸


Lol, I think we are doing that. If we don’t buy 'em we trade or someone just gives it to us maybe for seeds. It feels nice doing it and it is one less gouge for the seed sellers.


They have a lot of them now. I count 157 landraces and growing every day. On the lower end of my estimate I would say at least $25,000 to get them all. We should make a list of preferred strains and start ruling out ones that nobody wants to reproduce


Could take it one step further and deliver a bunch of the seeds back to the places they were taken from :joy: