Congo trip with kidete

That is a GREAT idea. But dont look at me because I cant organize what I have in my left pocket. 🫣🤣


That’s a great idea. There’s been talk between myself and @Elchischas of starting a tlt f2 seed company with help from the OG community, starting with the strains they carry that were acquired in a devious manner, and gifting those seeds to OG, but also selling some cheaply, the money to go into a coffer for the purchase of more of their strains…
Lots of this talk is just venting, typically after seeing some strain they took from someone I or El Chiscas knows being sold for $20 a seed. But maybe it’s time to take the next step. :thinking:
The Freakers already do this to an extent, but it would be nice to target a wider audience.
Of course people can get started on their own too. I’ll offer up their Congo Black for a repro if someone wants to run them.


So I guess the first step would be to organize a list of the strains that are wanted.


I don’t know how much interest there is going to be @Magu . We already have the co op and the Freakers for people that are willing to give up a grow cycle to make seeds. It’s tough to find that type of person. If you find me some growers, let me know and I can prioritize some strains to pick up.


I did not think of that. I suppose if there is any interest it will happen organicaly. But it is a good idea for the future. :rainbow:

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I’ll do it. This is next level .

can I start now. Jamaican Lambsbread


Starting is half the job, the other half is finishing.


@Hashpants that’s an awesome offer ! ! !
You are Next Level too.
Keep the momentum rolling.
This is a very fine endeavor.


Hey , if they fail. I can always smoke my pants, eh. I was saving Those for retirement.


Retirement pants


Every time I see that Lambsbread I want to pop one of my last few seeds, but if I grow the lambsbread I want like a years supply of that smoke. I will do it when I have space and the right climate. There’s something spiritual about that plant.


Gee, guess you gotta bug. Many of us have it. You remember one thing was to not sell it; the other thing was you are to share it. Kind of, in a human way, obligated yourself. Grin, how’s it feel? I hope it feels as good to you as it does to me.

I have grown a ‘hippie’ strain for a long time. I feel an obligation to the guy that started it and what he did with it. Without changing these seeds I found weasels in the wood pile. More in there than we thought.

Anyone else ever find something and push to see what it was?


I have been on the forums for many years Before it was all about love of weed and about sharing what happened? The prices today are simply ridiculous.
They are just a bunch of seeds! Besides, you cannot support a seed business based on lies. I am sure that by buying the varieties one by one we can distribute them throughout the forums and make them so popular that no one will want to pay ridiculous sums of money for them.


If it the tlt seeds version, that’s a good one to spread around. So expensive.


I’m unfamiliar with that expression…what does I mean? I actually have a wood pile that has weasel in it lol. Very confusing :grin:

This is what the Freakers do, but we are limited to OG. If anyone wants to do a run like this thru the Freakers, get in touch via PM. The main difference is you’ll also get seeds of any strains run by Freaks this year.


Well that’s a burden. lol


“Weasels in the wood pile” means when you discover something that has been right in front of you and you had no clue. You looked a that wood pile I bet for a while. It must have been a surprise when you saw the weasel. I have found suprises in strains that I have grown that I had no clue they were there.

I have been a ‘member’ (whatever that means) for more than two years. I have no clue what "Freakers’ are or what they do only somehow you are involved. I don’t understand ‘boxes’ or any of that. Guess its ‘secret’. I have no clue.


@Grayeyes The Freakers are a collective of landrace and heirloom lovers that once a year each do an open pollination preservation, and share the seeds with other Freakers. If there’s lots of seeds there could be an overflow signup where surplus seeds are passed out via the co-op. Its up to the grower whether or not that happens. It often does😁


@Grayeyes I think all important info about the freakers is in the first post of this thread.


Package arrived safely late yesterday.
Thank You Kidete.