Congo trip with kidete

Mine arrived also thank you @Kidete


You’re welcome :+1: I’m glad they’ve arrived within a short time


You’re welcome


Are these trips something happening regularly?

Because if so, holy fuck that’s so fucking awesome!


I’m outta likes @_GreenToAs_T but this is the first one I’ve heard of and pitched in for and he does plan on doing another one soon where he will attempt to find those magical strains hidden away from most of society in the jungle but has explained further up that it’s a long tasking trip and risky of course


Love the idea of reproing and distributing the TLT lines - not so much the purchasing from them.

If we can collectively source our detective skills to discern the sources that would go a long way to potentially source the same genetics from earlier filial generation as well. I know they’re from a different area but I’d offer up some of their Vietnamese for a repro that I happened to get from their source:

Genetics: Vietnamese Landrace
Sourcing: Personally collected in Vietnam
Vegetative stage: 12-16 weeks
Flowering: 14-16 weeks. Some up to 18 weeks (100 days +/- indoors)
Latitude: 20°N
Height: 2 – 3 metres
Aroma: Cream, menthol, eucalyptus, fruity, thyme, lemon, coffee/chocolate smell,camphor, vanilla,sandalwood,papayuela,limonaria
Effect: Clear, active, euphoric, very visual
Characteristics: Conical and tower structure


Got my seeds in a few day ago thanks again @Kidete


Did you collect that one?

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No - I copy, pasta’d the description for everybody’s reference


Glad seeds are coming in. @Tejas did you get seed too? Mine are in the mail, but it’s going to be too late to grow them this Summer Outdoors. Hopefully one of you can get into them so we can all take a look.


They will at some point, I hope. @Kidete was game for a new trip to the island of Zanzibar in Tanzania at the end of this month, but I thought it was too soon to put together another trip. I thought it would be best for the seeds from the last trip to come in first before asking people to go in on another one. If anyone can find out any information about the local sativa on the island of Zanzibar I’d love to hear about it.
At the moment the Congo is too dangerous to go into. Recently the Congolese military detained a Kenyan woman for no good reason.
If anyone has specific information about a good trip idea, such as where to go and what to look for, post it here or PM if you don’t want to give up the information publicly


Now some news about the small batch Congo I’m growing. I had a disaster with a late Malawi hermie nailing everything. A female decided to make a 1-inch long male shoot with half a dozen flowers on it in the back left corner of my room down low…the one spot i cant easily reach in a full room. Most Congos were plastered pretty badly. Then a couple weeks of 90’s in my room brought out spider mites, which got out of control pretty quickly. So a double dose of bad luck destoyed any hopes of ganja smoking.
However, seeds are ripening, and my favorite plants, later flowering than the others, still have fresh stigmas in places, mostly at the tips. I’ll have to sacrifice my top colas to make seed, but can still do so. Tonight looks good if i get home early enough.

last photo is a purple hermie that was tossed.
2nd to Last photo is my keeper. I plan on working with its children. It smells of piss and dank funk. Nasty, just the way i like them😁
Forgive the shitty results…


That sucks!


I received a very secure package from Kenya yesterday thank you very much I’m going to assume a is Angola b is Sasha Maine??? Forgive the spelling. @Kidete


@Kidete have you ever heard of a pine Malawi? I just got done with a Malawi that seems dominated by the red stem pheno… and most plants had at least some sort of Pine/ mint smell.


@YoBigdaddy I asked the same thing lmfao. Yes Angola is a and b is Ethiopian shashamane


That’s good to know. You’re correct on the seed labels


I haven’t heard about it but I’ll ask around


Have you received the Angola seeds recently? Let me know and I’ll help you figure out the labels on each seed package


@Kidete Seeds arrived. :grinning: Thank you very much!