OG backer slapping down some bills and a four-leaf clover
I’m I can manage to pay by myself but if anyone wants to go halves let me know
I’m in if there are spots open.
Otherwise I’ll still be following along!
If I’m not already in, I’m saying it again. I’ll pay 300.
Yes . I am a go for round 2
Let me know when we’re ready for next steps.
I’ll do it , you take the seeds.
I am in!
I wasn’t able to throw in on the last trip and loved watching the videos! Thank you for going on the adventures @Kidete, have fun.
Just a question @Kidete it was my understanding you brought back Angola red from the last trip? Might there be a way to get those instead of the seeds offered initially? [malawi gold and forgot the other one]
The Angola seeds had a high demand. I have very few of them left
An interesting article about pygmys, their situation and weed
Finding that black magic will be quite a quest!
#6, @Orbitalnutria420 #7, @PlantShepherd #8, @PineTarBastard #9, @Chara #10, @sunra108 #11, @Tykal #12, @FourFour ,#13, @SF0 #14 for now. See how many are interested and maybe can do 2 slots, @Green_Light #15, @Jimdoors and @Hashpants #16, @Hemlock #17.
Thanks for all the support OG! You all rock! Let’s all hope for at least 11 more people. There are 13 slots left. Myself and @SF0 are willing to pay for 2 slots if needed, but for now I want to keep them open for someone else.
I think it’s ok to pay anytime now. Probably better that anyone that’s able to do so pay right away so the plane ticket can be booked at the cheapest rate. Shouldn’t be a problem getting another ten people involved. @Elchischas is #18.
Incredible. Really heartwarming to see this. Black African Magic trip looks like a go😁
@Upstate are we paying now then? I can do 1 spot now and I’ll get paid next Friday and I can throw down for another spot if need be
@HighTilliDie Yeah, if you’ve been given a number, it’s ok to pay. Please give Mike your OG name so he can keep track. I’d work overtime to cover the rest of the trip myself if we couldn’t come up with 30 people, lol. I’ve been after this one for years. Just one slot per person for now.
Confused, am I on the list or not?
@SaintAliasKnife There’s another trip being planned.
Same! I’ve called dibs but I know priority is going to members of the last sign-up group first…just let me know when I can setup paypal again and send the dosh, @Upstate
For the rest, I don’t understand the counting
@Upstate could we get a list with a 1-30 so people know if they are on the list? I’m gonna send @Kidete payment now. I’m willing to go half or buy another spot if need be but for now just paying for the 1 spot and sitting tight as requested. Figured id throw it out there tho. Edit* just saw you had a small list a few comments up was just hoping to see a style list the coop runs
For anyone making a payment just note there is a $4.99 fee for transfer or whatever so it will be like $155 total