Congo trip with kidete


Hey everyone,

I was lucky to come across two amazing landrace sativa from areas within the DRC :congo_kinshasa: that have a long history of cultivating weed.

Here’s what I found;

Masisi sativa - 130 seeds

Rutshuru sativa - enough for each donor to receive 15 each as promised.


Yes, I have extra seeds for sale


To @Kidete and everyone else.
:v::grin::+1: Great job !


@Kidete thanks again for being one of the many people to make these trips happen! Thanks to @Upstate as well and all the other donors. I love this kinda stuff and ill continue to sign up for everyone i catch in time


@Kidete Glad that you are home safe. :grinning:


Congratulations @kidete on the safe return and seed hunt. Way to go!


Thanks for taking the time and locating some grwat genetics, nice job . Glad you made it home ok. On to the next adventure…


Thanks for the hard work, looking forward to trying both of those!


Incase you would like to make an order for the Rutshuru, the price is $80 for 10 seeds.

I stated that the seeds from the Goma trip will only be available for sale to the donors for a few months.

The price will go up after each donor receives their strains.

As for the Masisi, I only have 130 seeds and I promised that I would deliver 15 seeds from what I’ll get from the Goma strain hunt.

I have enough Rutshuru seeds for each donor to receive 15 seeds. However, I can’t do the same for the Masisi sativa.

So, I’ve decided I’d rather sell them on a first come first served basis. A pack of 10 Masisi sativa seeds is $90.


Howdy @Kidete, nice to hear you are back safely from your travels and seed expedition hunt. It’s great news to hear that you found some seeds to bring back and share.

Since the Masisi would only have been enough for a few each member, would it be possible for us to pool our respective shares so that a chosen or volunteered member can reproduce the Masisi on behalf of the group instead of needing more funds to acquire them? The $150 was a bit of a stretch for me as it were, and it would feel like missing out not being able to purchase some when the goal of this trip seemed to be finding seeds for the group. I’m fine however you wish to proceed but think that would also be a nice option to consider. Many blessings and much love


Yeah i am a little confused at this point.

So was the 150 funding the trip and reserving the right to buy seeds? Or do the donors each receive seeds from the trip at no additional cost?

There was also the choice of Malawi or Kilimanjaro, was that part of the donation or just a consolation if no seed was found?

This is purely for clarification.

I do understand the situation with the Masisi because 130 seeds isnt enough for 30 people.

Thank you @Kidete for your work and spirit for going on this adventure!


Really appreciate your efforts. I am also confused. I thought the seeds would be split equally among the donors from both strains, i.e., 15 Rutshuru + 4 Masisi seeds each, which I think would naturally lead OGers to a collaboration on reproing the latter. (15 was the stated minimum.)

If that’s not the case, I’ll split a pack of the Masisi with anyone interested.

Also, just making sure the breeder pack of 50 per donor of Kilimanjaro or Malawi is still included?


I will split a pack of Masisi with you!


Awesome, thanks!

And to whomever wants to repro, you can have my half of the pack.


I think it is very important to clarify your last post. Your trip was funded by our donations to be a seed expedition and now you are saying we can buy what we have already paid for!?! If that was the case, then that should have been communicated clearly before funds were sent. Changing the rules after the fact is not good business practice.


Hoping to get clarification on this too. Sent @Kidete a pm right after he posted. Would also like to get @Upstate take on this

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The last trip we paid $200 for a spot and got 10 seeds plus 10 more from East Africa’s collection. Even if we get 15 seeds for $150 that’s still better than last time. He found another strain but only has a few seeds. I think he was saying they didn’t look very good in the video. I don’t think it’s worth worrying about not getting 3 or 4 seeds. Maybe one of us can do a repro and share them with the group?


Let me clarify my previous suggestion

  • Each donor will receive the 15 Rutshuru seeds plus a pack of either Kilimanjaro sativa or Malawi Gold without paying extra.

  • As for the Masisi sativa seeds, I only found 130 seeds yet each donor expects at least 15 seeds.

  • Can we discuss the best way forward? One of the donors has suggested that I send them part of the Masisi seeds then reproduce them for the rest of the donors.

  • If this isn’t possible, then we can discuss another solution.


Great, got a little confused too. Thank for clearifying

Well I think it should be a group vote for whoever might reproduce them.

However if we stay with first come first served I would take one pack of the masisi too for 80$.

Hey @Kidete and all

Am glad you got back safe and could bring back two varieties of seeds!

Would love to hear more of your adventures there.

Thank you for clearing up the confusion from yesterday.

Am good with a repro of the Masisi seeds by someone with the necessary space and experience.

If that doesn’t pan out I would feel it fair to just include 4(?) Masisi seeds with the Rutshuru that go out to every doner.