Congo trip with Kidete

I think one of the exciting things about this is seeing a variety that typically is not harvested at full maturity being grown out the full length. There cant be too many people that have done that.

I hope you do a grow log for the Masisi!


Nope, I just completed my first three cobs, following the directions in the cobbing thread at IC.

Compress buds very tight, wrap in corn husk very tightly and then put in vacu bag for the fermentaion process.
These are just finished


@Upstate . If the entire world thought this way we would be living in paradise. :sun_with_face:


Yeah man, I just want to be sure Kidete is cool with it. I know a lot of companies don’t like people doing f2s, unless it’s like a one off thing. Mike said he made contacts, so to me that might mean he plans on getting more seeds to sell down the line… by then it might be a whole different thing though, so I don’t know. It’s just kinda like seed etiquette, you know? I’m trying to be respectful to whatever he wants. Seeing as he didn’t get enough for everybody with the Masisi, I think it should probably be fine to make some of those for everybody, but I don’t know if he’d want something like the Rutshuru distributed until he’s out. Especially seeing as his IG is out now, so OG’s kinda his big market place. If everyone’s getting them free, he’s not selling shit. I don’t know though.


The donors are each getting Rutshuru and Upstate is getting enough Masisi specifically to repro for the donors, this is all with Mikes blessing.


For sure there is a difference between fully opwn air curing and under a vacuum. Two biggest dofferences in the outcome wpuld come from full IMO interaction of anaerobic type (open air) or facultative anaerobic conditions with full exchange if buried. Where the vacuum will be facultatove anaerobic qith the added benefit of zero terpene/flavinoid volatility- no place to go but “back in the mix.”
I’ve used home grown maize leaf under vacuum as well, not enough pf them to say any difference other than a bit of a corn flavor :stuck_out_tongue:

The colors of the dofferent ferments are both strain dependant and will yield dofferent effects. The lighter green and gold holds more speedy, MDMA, racy, rocket fuel, laser beam effect. The darker it goes the trippier and stonier (for lack of a better word, nothing like the stone from a hybrid or indica in its special brand of narcotic) deeper effects come into play. Holds true for smoking and chewing

Nice start on the cobs @sayrum

Exciting to see that letter :green_heart: nice work y’all


Thanks! :pray:
I think I understand what people mean by “sativa stone”. It’s rather debilitating than narcotic.


Im guessing you meant to say aerobic type for the first situation. I could be mistaken, it happens.


I did - good catch and thanks for the correction :green_heart:

@LandraceJunkie exactly, debilitating is a good descriptor. More like short circuiting and being incapacitated than put to sleep, still a very active mind-state almost out of body. I’ve had many a moment of “witnessing myself” secondary observer type effects from a good cob.


Oh yeah, the donors already paid, so I got that, I was talking about doing a mass collective giveaway to the whole of OG. I don’t know if he’d be alright with something like that or not, just because, it really would discourage people from buying from him, if they knew they could get his catalogue for free with repros. … If he’s alright with it though, then no big deal, seeds for everybody it will be. Just don’t want to cut into his profit is all.


Hey I started a thread about the Angola red if you want to check it out Angola red vs Angola red vs Angola red


Of course! Its needs to be documented!


Well, i don’t want to discourage future participation with these trips, and if all someone has to do is sit back and wait for seed, participation could be discouraged. For that reason I was thinking to keep the seeds within the group and let you all pass them out as you see fit…but I’m open to group opinion.

For sure that bears consideration. I told him if he found enough seeds he should sell some at some point, but give all the donors pole position And a chance to take a look at the genetics before they were available to the public. This is what usually happens with patreon. People have a monthly subscription And when the guy goes hunting, everyone gets a piece of the pie and after seeds are in their hands for several or more months,they are made available to the general public. This gives people without a lot of money a chance to save some over the course of a couple months, to buy some more seeds if they’d like.
Any small batch finds go to the group, as with Masisi. In addition Mike has a further financial interest in finding lots of seeds😁rather than just a few. Everyone wins this way I think.



Some good news. I’ve began sending out the seeds to the donors. Thanks to everyone who sent me their address.

Incase you would like to purchase a pack of the Rutshuru seeds, I have some left. It will be easier for me to send you the seeds in addition to the three strains covered by the donation


Thanks for everything Mike :handshake:t5: