Angola red vs Angola red vs Angola red

Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to another grow log. And that’s just what this is, a lot of us pitched in $ to get some authentic Angola red seeds from Africa. This is not an attempt to bash anyone. Let’s keep this a friendly place to share our experiences with different cultivars, seed companies, and ascensions.
So with that being said here’s what’s going on I received 10 seeds from kidete “East African genetics” direct from the source. The packaging was way overdone in my opinion and I still ended up with three nonviable seeds two already cracked and dried out and one was just a half shell. I dunked all seven in a spring water peroxide mix for 24 hours then paper towel and a baggy method on July 21st. On July 25th I planted five seedlings with tails in pro mix. So germination rate was 5/7. Next up to bat- I received seven seeds from the same source through @Tykal same methods as above had three of the seven germinate. These were dropped on August 8th and placed in pro mix on August 10th. All seeds look very similar. So we have a total of eight from East African genetics. VS exotic alchemy also donated by @Tykal these seeds were very light colored and smaller than the ones from EAG. Same germination technique as above dropped in the water on August 8th placed 7 in the dirt August 10th. 7/10 germination rate VS snow highs Angola red
repo done by @Guitarzan in 2022. Drop 15 in water on August 16th, place 12 in dirt on 8/20.


These pictures were all taken on August 24 and sept.12th the pink trays hold East African genetics the purple tray holds the exotic alchemy and the green tray holds snow highs. And the five in the clear tray were the original East African genetics you can tell there’s definitely some long tall lanky phenos and some short bushy ones.


This is what primetime entertainment is all about. Bong, water n popcorn


Got my chair and popcorn…
Can’t wait to see how this turns out for you…
Hope you find some gems.


A couple of the snow high had some variegation and mutant leaves I hate to cull them but I’ll probably remove them from this little experiment of mine.


Okay so September 25th we put them all in one gallon pots with a brand new batch of living soil. I also gave them numbers from tallest to smallest which I’m sure will change as we go. So round one we’ve got 8 from East African genetics. #1-22" 9 - nodes.#2-20" 10 -nodes.#3-18" 8 -nodes, #4-17" 10-nodes,#5-14" 9-nodes, 62 days veg. All very similar lot of activity / growth down low should make plenty of clones stalks and stems very red.
Up next is the three from @Tykal via East African genetics, #1-20" 5-nodes, #2-17" 5-nodes, #3-15" 7-nodes, 46 days veg.
Very tall top heavy plants it will definitely need support.
Next we have the seven from exotic alchemy
#1-25" 6-nodes, #2-17" 5-nodes,#3-17" 7-nodes, #4-15" 5-nodes, #5-13" 5-nodes, #6-13" 5-nodes, #7-13" 6-nodes, 46 days of veg. Very uniform looks like this has been worked with.
Up next we have snow high at 36 Days veg and apparently I didn’t take any notes. I think I’m going to end up culling two of them. They look very similar as well.


Pictures taken October 11th exotic alchemy numbers 1 through 7!
63 days veg. IMG_20241011_103305|375x500


Pictures taken October 11th East African genetics via @Tykal 63 days veg.


Pictures taken October 11th East African genetics 79 days veg.


Pictures taken October 11th snowhighs Angola red via @Guitarzan 53 days veg.


Okay on September 12th I FIMed 8 of the tallest plants two from each group. I will start the process of putting them in flower this week one group at a time until they’ve all had the exact same amount of veg time.


I hope you have a tall tent, some of those look like they could poke an eye out.


Provided we have the right males I plan to do an open pollination with everything from East African genetics only. And then I will do an open pollination with pollen from every mail I can cross to the east African clones. After they’ve been sexed and cloned I will place two from each group in 10 gallon pots, and the rest will go in 3 gallon pots in the living super soil (my recipe) no bottled nutes, water only, and they will receive compost tea / earthworm castings once every two weeks. And yes a couple of them clones will be kept seedless for the after party.


Thanks for stopping by @Bayarealivingsoil don’t forget puff puff pass.
@Skyf oh I’m sure with this many plants going we’ll find some gems in there thanks for stopping by.
@gedLang oh we got plenty of wire, we’ll tie them monsters down all over 9 ft ceiling should do the trick


Very cool side by side @YoBigdaddy
I’m pullin up a chair.


Love it, love it, love it !!!

Since Snowhigh’s came from LMN stock ; i’m very interested to see how the other varieties compare.

Sending you red african vibes for a successful run.


Glad to see this kick off.
Will be very interesting to see how all of the sources compare.
Best of luck YBD!


Lmn stock ?? @royal I know as soon as you say what it is I’m going to be like damn I knew that


This will be great, thanks for documenting.


This would be the very first run of East Africa Genes Angola Red, right?
I have no idea what exotic alchemy’s story is. I think I tried to contact him on IG once, asking him about his genetics but never responded.