Conserving clones in stasis ⏳

Mi5 autos care of @Senor_frijoles
Starting these in solos and will be vegging as per usual…in 2 weeks I will take half of the sprouts and place in the refrigerator. The other half will grow as normal, but the real question here is, will the lack of light and extremely low temps bugger the growth pattern of an already unstable biological timer.


My main worry is they will go into flower right after being removed and put under normal growth again.

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I am going to use the control plants as a reference…I’m hoping the 1 month cold and lightless environment puts a pause in the biological rhythm…once they come out of the fridge and hit the ground running, will they pickup where they left off or will they finish in the same timeframe…I’m hoping they pickup and finish the same size but a mi th later


You could be on to a potential game changer in the auto world!

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Possibly the closest thing to cloning is stalling…fingers crossed and ante up


21 days in soil after 30 days in the fridge…it was neglected, but clearly thriving now in soil and with eyes on it.
Edit: this is also only vegging (or trying too) under a 23 watt cfl 4000k…plant is in a medium slurpee cup…whatever the fluid ounces are…I dont know.



Orange goji is into a 1 gallon pot…will be vegged and transplanted to a 3.5 gallon pot from my neighbour. This will be the first soil vegged and flower plant larger than a 1 gallon in 11 years
1 gallon fabric pot inside the 3.5 hard gallon pot.

Also… @MBVapester @Senor_frijoles
Home depot has a 2 for $10 on doctor doom diatomaceous earth.


I perform a clone stasis but not in the fridge. The secret is to make sure the plant gets just enough light it’s at basically 0 growth or barely growing at all. Then only wash your nutrient measuring cups in the water the plants are in. Oh yah this is a rubbermaid culture. So basically hardly any light and traces of nutrient. I can keep it’s growth stunted like that for months, until the next planting season starts. I’m not sure if there is any danger of a clone dying from this form of stasis I call it “On Ice” as in “Those clones are On Ice for now”.


are you doing something like this ?


I have done the fridge thing with moderate success. I find that after two weeks in the fridge, the viability drops off a bit. After 3 weeks, maybe 50% of the cuts will survive, but viability continues to drop off even faster.
When the cuts are “awakened”, the survivors explode with roots after being put into rockwool cubes.

As a side note for those conscious of plant count. Normally a cut is not considered a plant until it has rooted. It should be considered just a plant part, but check your own laws.


Not here in New Mexico. I always laughed at that one, they consider an unrooted cutting a plant.


That’s unfortunate and hopefully all this plant count will become history one day soon.
a good. Unless that is specifically set forth; I bet an attorney would shred a case built around plant parts.

Nevada has loosened up a tad since rec went legal, but unfortunately the laws here are still convoluted and were created by those that knew Nada about Cannabis.

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They (NM Medical Cannabis) did get sued over plant counts. They were ordered to justify plant counts with data. They never did (partially due to COVID-19) so really they point is moot as far as I’m concerned.


Been following from the back row, great work Tappy, makes for lots of possibilities for breeder timing with JOT mothers or fathers…:metal::sunglasses:

Did the seeds start growing?

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Last yr, I even called the people responsible for issuing MMJ cards and asked for the current definitions of growing and related topics. They still had no idea and the info out there is a mixture of before and after the laws changed in 2017. The only reason for me to get a card is that I “supposedly” can grow 12 plants for my own use. Well, let’s see…grow 12 plants but can only have 2.5 ounces of flower in your possession! FK’ED UP
…That was before rec came in and things changed so that the dispensarys would have some “protection”.

LE has much bigger fish to fry now that the GLAMOUR of pot busts is gone. Since 2017, I have only heard of a couple of incidents in Northern Nevada and those were idiots blasting with butane and blowing shit up. Not a word about private grow busts these days


Just got back from a camping trip…have to check on these when lights on.

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So I am really going all in on this. I have a plant that is still finishing in the flower tent.

It. Won’t. Ripen.

Anyway, I have started flowering for sex in my small tent. All plants not sexing are in the fridge. I want to get some pollen from the boys and I am probably just going to fridge the females so I can just get the pollen bloomed and out of the way while I wait for this old gal to turn ripe so I can harvest.

All my sexing plants are in solo cups so I figure there is no reason to re-veg the males and let them get even bigger and the roots more pot-bound.

My only concern is the females put into flower, then chilled, then back in a veg cycle. I won’t be letting them flower long, basically just until they show sex. Spouse will be PISSED if I mess the second crop up…

Edit: Hope you had a great vacation!


Thanks for this I wanted to Keep one alive and well not have room in the tent for at least 2 months

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Here we are after 30 days in the fridge and 30 days in soil under a 23 watt cfl 24/0 light cycle.