For some time now, I have been searching for some sort of standardized grading system for cannabis breeding.
A score card if you will, something simple but no luck.
I’m trying to piece together my own version and kept finding things such as this:.
Growth structure: The plant’s height, weight, build, density, and root strength
Hardiness: The plant’s reaction to temperatures, dependence on water, resistance to mold and pests, and overall strength
Terpene profile: The aroma coming from each flower
Appearance: The buds’ color and structure
Trichomes: Either lanky with small heads or short-stalked with fat heads
Peak maturity: How early the plant is ready for harvest
OK, as far as it goes, but lacking.
As I see it, the first thing that needs to be qualified is the growing environment. I’m thinking a few bullet points covering: in-door vs outdoors, growing medium, nutriments, etc.
Looking farther I discovered:
Marijuana Botany by Robert Clarke
After studying the text I descovered that in here, was a great set of metrics with lengthy descriptions. Some sections were related to hemp, others covered oil seed etc.
I’m sorry to report, in a frenzy of wild debauchery (and other rude things involving a bad sativa, sorry Bob) I redefined and repurposed the list and definitions…
I present you with my plant grading score card V1.0
1. General Traits
a) Size and Yield – {small, medium or large [1 to 5]}
b) Vigor – {slow, Ok or WOW [1 to 5]}
c ) Hardiness – {weak, OK or Hulk [1 to 5]}
d ) Disease and Pest Resistance – {DOA, wounded, Good to Go [1 to 5]}
e ) Maturation – {flowering time [weeks or days]}
f ) Branching – {pencil, tree or bush [1 to 5]}
g ) Sex – {Nanners? [Y/N]}
2. Leaf Traits {narrow, mix or wide? [1 to 5}}
{any weird shit? Desc.}
3. Fiber Traits {hollow stem? [Y/N]}
4. Floral Traits
a) Shape – {Pearls to donkey dicks [1 to 5]}
b) Form - {calyx-to-leaf ratio of 1-to-4 }
c) Calyx Size – {small, medium or Mega [1 to 5]}
d) Color – {Describe}
e ) Taste and Aroma – {Smoke Report [50% of final mark]}
f ) Trichome Type – {Frosty [1 to 5]}
g ) Resin Quantity and Quality – {Dry to Dripping tar [1 to 5]}
h ) Ease of Manicuring - {1 to 5}
i ) Seed Characteristics – {small to large [1 to 5]}
j ) Maturation – {Weeks to flower}
5. Gross Phenotypes of Cannabis Strains {phenos? Desc.}
I’m sure I’m reinventing the wheel but have a look and…
PLEASE feel free to make comments (constructive or otherwise)