Copa genetics jelly roll

has anyone grown the jelly roll by copa genetics? on the pouch it says jr-77 x GSDf5 im about 5 weeks in. got antsy so flipped old girl. hasnt shown anything yet…


I am unfamiliar with Jelly Roll, but I was one of the folks who tested his GSDF5 for him last year or so, maybe two now? Either way, that plant was super duper solid, I fucked up pH’ing it for the first month of its life and it almost died and then bounced back and into flower no problem. I also do not know the mom on this plant, but knowing the dad and Copa, I’d say its likely worth a shot.


hell yeah, Thanks man. cant wait to see some nuggies. this is my first grow in over a decade so im nervous as f haha. i havent even done any phi’ng but now that you mention it ill swing past petsmart and grab some strips and up/down. what ph did you keep the gsd during veg/bloom? thanks againg brother.


Good luck man!

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Plants look healthy, good luck!

What bulbs do you have in those clamp lamps?

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Thanks guys, I have two 30w Feit Electric LED bulbs from Home Depot lol. I have them on a red setting currently. The Jelly Roll in the tent vegged on a single 30w, i just turned on the second when i switched to 12/12. The plant stretched, I’d say maybe 2 1/2 times its size in ten days, which is how long it’;s been on 12/12 cycle.


Any chance you could get some more light on that baddie?

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I have a 17w LED hanging on the rear but i haven’t used it yet do to I need to pick up an extension cord. She’s been getting pretty beefy though. I’ve seen a Philizon LED 125w on ebay for around 50 dollhairs. Thinking about picking it up.


sorry if I missed it up above, is that a 2x2 you’re in? Then yeah that lil guy youre talking about should be a nice upgrade from what you’ve got now. Check HLG’s website out too, they run sales frequently, and their refurbished stuff is awesome as well, or at least it has been for me. Its a bit pricier but it will be one you use again and again and again.

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hell yeah thanks, i’ll check out HLG for sure. its a 32" x 32" x 60" i believe. i threw a green pepper plant in with her but besides that im going to keep her all by herself.,


Welcome, Tommy! I tested that GSD hybrid round too, not the jelly roll but another and it was good!

If you want a light for under a hundred, I can recommend these, I have had good luck with them so far for veg, haven’t flowered yet but I expect them to work well, under $75 shipped at the moment for 150w

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Thanks Brother! Thats a great price for a quality light! I was actually looking into these as well. Im going to totally pick it up now, Thanks for all the info and the coupon. I’ll start a Jelly Roll Grow Thread under the grow diaries next time I take some pics.

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