Romulan Genetics Communion s1

I’ve been eyeballin this shit for years. Every time i see pictures of it, i start drooling, so i figured i should try growing it. Have 3 beans soaking in a paper towel that was soaked in a mild solution of Rhizotonic.
Seeds started 2-20-24
Will be growing in coco loco with Canna nutes d2w style and 1.5 gallon airpots.


Out of likes but I’ll follow along.

:crossed_fingers:you find the one!


Following! I wasn’t familiar with that strain, but after looking it up I can’t wait to see you flower it!

Just quickly browsing Romulo genetics website they sure have some nice looking photos of their cultivars. Makes me want to order something from them! lol They might be one of my next seed orders actually.


Jake was on a live just a couple weeks ago saying Communion and Romscotti were his favorite creations to date. So I’m sure you’re gonna enjoy the hell outta that pack. Also mentioned the communion was a more of a sativa leaner. I’m sure that’s gonna be some damn good smoke!

Good luck and I can’t wait to see the outcome… it’s making me want to pop my Holyfield’s!


I almost bought that communion strain last year. It does look amazing. Are you gonna make some seeds or grow for show? Following ya either way.


Following along for the ride! I’ve heard many good things about romulan genetics. I’m very tempted by their Grapeful strain as the description and terps intrigue me. This one has piqued my interest!

Following along for the ride, my friend :grin::+1:


Id wait till their pure krush comes back in stock. Theres been a ton of hype around that stuff and it sold out immediately twice.


Im splitting this pack with a buddy. No plans on seeds, but hopefully we find something worth keeping for a few rounds.


I’m very interested, best of luck, I’ll be watching :green_heart:


Thanks for the tip! I signed up for email alerts. Their website says it won’t be back in stock until 2024/25, whatever that means… I’ll have to keep my eyes open for it. Sounds interesting.

I also like the sounds of Grapeful, Romscotti, Texaco slushy, mellow kitty and black lung. Oh, and Romulon. Grew that many years ago (don’t remember what breeder) and liked it.

Do you know if they ever do any type of sales?

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I smoked romulan years ago and remember enjoying the buzz. I remember it being real spacy and upbeat.

I tried to snag that one so bad. North Atlantic got a small secondary shipment in last week they released at midnight. Stayed up a bit past 12 and they werent on the site yet. Woke up again at 1:30am and they were sold out lol

The banks that Jake sends to do occasionally. Sometimes you’ll see packs come down in price. Well grown seeds had 30% off I believe a few months back. Just have to watch for their emails too… lol


I know what you mean. I remember when Jake posted a picture on here some time ago. I was impressed.


@TeddyNuggets @douggyfresh420

BrothersGrimm has those and others. Scratch that idea, I see you all were looking for Romulon.

Check them out:


Oh I love this one! We ran this a while back and I have my last one from the pack going now. you’re in for a real treat. The smells and taste on this strain are super unique. We’ve done the fermented too that one was phenomenal as well. All the plants for the communion are super different from what we’ve seen but they’re all special in their own way. Be interesting to see what you get


Nice! Been a fan and a friend of Jake’s for years! Great guy, humble, honest, generous and kind. Have a few of his offerings in the stash. This is a great strain! Nice choice


Love your style btw! Canna nutes and rhizo in the pt! I honestly thought I was alone in that! Very cool

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Rhizo is hella expensive, but miraculous!!! Its like franks red hot. I put that shit in everything!!!


I agree with every single word! Rhizo and boost are nuts but imho worth every penny .

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