Copa Genetics

Gonna have to keep an eye out on both of these. I managed to get a pack of the Mike Drop with my GLG order, but don’t know too much about it.


Ended up with 6/10 applachia f5s.
After 3 were ok i figured i send rest three seedlings outside and in mostly shade they fine with 115f. Used coco lightly amended
Side note: none of the less stressed babies have any purpling stems at all. Makes sense given all the studies and science behind it.

Stupid phone temp high error lol stems later


Hey Everyone. Figured I’d show you my babies. I’ve been growing Copa genetics for 3 years now. Really impressed, he puts the work in. I grow 100% organic and raise rabbits for food and fertilizer. I did buy a bucket of Build a Soil Craft Blend and used it on these, plus my homemade compost, aged Sheep manure and mulched them in with what I cleaned out under the rabbit cages, it was a combination of manure, alfalfa hay and spilt feed pellets. I put them all in the ground on May 20that about a foot tall

This is my Ancient Diesel. It is the first to start flowering. I grew this strain last year and was really happy with it

This is an Ancient OG. I broke 3 big branches off of this plant training it in the net, otherwise it would by far be the biggest…I think it is anyway

Turkish Twist

Nun Num. This is a pretty vigorous growing plant also. It had great structure before I started training it. Would have loved to let it grow naturally but for security reasons I can’t do that

Vale Tudo rnd 2. Real simular to rnd 1

Vale Tudo rnd 1. Grew the same strain in this hole last year. It’s a really high yielding strain outdoor.

The next 8 -10 weeks is my favorite time of the year. This is my 40th year growing and I still get just as excited watching those flowers Build. Love this plant and all it has done for me in my life


@Dirtfarmer absolutely beautiful outdoor grow. That rabbit shit is some goooood stuff.


Beautiful plants! I use guinea pig bedding, those little fuckers can eat and shit like nobody’s business. My favorite time of year too. Love the summer, but big fat buds on my outdoor bushes with a hot beverage in hand in October is so picturesque


Those look fantastic. I nearly bought Num Num, glad to see one being grown out. Curious what Latitude you are at to already be flowering? I’m 44 Lat with no signs yet. :beers:


I am at the 39° in the middle of the country, approximately 200 miles south of Chicago


Right on, thanks. Looks like my days are still about 20-25 mins longer than yours. Soon, soon. Patience. I too, love this time of year.


I’ve heard that about the guinea pigs…and the don’t require a lot of room which would be great for people without the space for anything bigger. I love my September mornings with a cup of great coffee in my hand, checking my yard plants. Life is good


Yes it is Brother. The aged Sheep manure I’m getting is also some great shit…lol


right on @Dirtfarmer ! you are killing them copa plants everything looks great!


One of the Pipeline x 100A testers is showing female… kinda looks to me like two others might be male but I’ll give them a little time. Photos are of the female. Only been in the Rain Science bags for a few weeks but so far so good.


So did anyone flower their appy f5 yet and take pics?

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Beautiful plants man. Great work with those Copa genetics.


Indoor pchp x Durban x lamsbreath, this is the main top before and after. There tray is all of it. The buds are rock hard and sticky. I don’t have any sense of smell so I asked the kids what they think, both were sure it smells like pine or as my daughter said, a Christmas tree. I’ll probably get to try it in a week.:peace_symbol:


I chat with the breeder on IG and he states that Mike Drop is a cross of the two best plants he has ever seen. I got a pack also and waiting grow it on the new year so I can enjoy it by 420.


That is encouraging, if not a bit grandiose :smiley:
The one I have going certainly is vigorous and happy.
Looking forward to it.

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I have some testers running for him right now and they’re growing well. That makes me excited to eventually pop them and see how good they are.


Thank you much Brother


Two top buds
PCHP x Durban x Lamb