Copa Genetics

Pipeline HP 2 x High Voltage tester. This girl started to flower quickly and is beefing up those flowers quickly. she’s not the tallest but I under fertilized my soil by accident and veg wasn’t the best. But have been feeding them more regularly now. ( i usually add dry amendments to soil but didn’t this year by mistake ) She smells sweet and lovely. Latitude 42.5 N


Day 55F and the Amped Up is getting there. I think I’ll take her to 63 days and see how she looks then and if she looks ready then give her the ol’ choppa choppa. She has a brightness to her that reminds me of citrus.


Those buds are really interesting looking. It is like each bud is a perfect kush cola.


She must be a SSDD leaner and have some appy qualities to her with that Bubba Kush.

SsddBx1. showing some purple at the core and some hard to capture pinkish/ purple hued pistils.


Close up shots of developing flowers on the two testers I have going. I realized from @Kami’s post that I’ve been misnaming it… it’s Pipeline HP 2 x High Voltage… but mine aren’t nearly so far along, and I’m a tad further north. Still, they’re coming along pretty nice for early September.



I know I said I would wait another week but the testers I took a few days earlier told me she was DONE. She’s got this bright smell to her that reminds me of citrus with some sweeter elements to her. She didn’t have that uplifting energetic high that I was after, but she is STRONG. And I mean STRONG. I’ve been smoking 25+ years every single day and she put me on my ASS. Im still coming down from when I smoked this morning(9ish). I absolutely will grow her again.


Outdoor, New England, 44 Lat

Mike Drop showing lots of frost, pretty impressive. Hard to capture in a pic. Funky strong smells, some dank fruit in there.

Crazy B was slow to show pistils, but is filling in quick. Some odd lemon notes at the moment maybe?

Diesel Project will get hit with some GSD and Crazy B pollen, maybe a few others. Took her time getting into flower.


Here’s two of the Meigs Gold x High Voltage cross grown in Ohio at latitude 39. I also have 2 more sisters growing inside. All of them are fairly unique. Lots of anise terps and something kind of spicy too.




Looks awesome here scharm! I just picked up a few packs of that Meig’s cross (Gold School - Meig’s Gold x High Voltage). Hoping mine will look half as good as this when I get a chance to grow it! :v:


I like the looks of your last pic. Looks like it’ll fill out…


These are the two I went with. Also got the DLA #2 and Lavender freebie :grin:


What is Ancient Chocolate? I am hoping it Ancient OG x Skitty Chocolate Diesel.

Ancient Chocolate = Chocolope x Ancient OG f2

Info about a lot of freebies (certainly not all) can be found in post #2 of this thread. It is, admittedly, missing quite a bit at this point…


I loved those cheeba chews my Sous chef turned me on to them he was a war veteran and has ptsd so when he told me about them and gave me one. I instantly loved them the taste the effects and how long they would last instead of smoking at work I would buy a couple of them and the rest of the day was a piece of cake. When Washington state moved into 502 and they disappeared I was very sad. The edibles now don’t even compare.

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I received these as a freebie with an order of fem seeds.


Copa Tester Progress 2024 - Pipeline H.P. #2 x High Voltage (5/5)

Its high time i posted on my experience with the seeds I was gifted to test this year, so here it goes…

I started my testers on May 2nd inside, along with several other Copa strains i had for 2024:
started 5.2

Two weeks after (5/16) the starters were ready for outside dirt, and our weather in NYS was safe to bring them there.

About 3 weeks later (June 6) here is how our 5 testers looked…

Moving further along the growth cycle - July 25th, I started to observe the sex of the plants, so i have marked them below each. Sadly, only 1 of the 5 was a girl.

So i removed the boys, and left the one girl, here is how she looked this week (sept 9):

Digging into a bud i lanced off today (9/13), here is how it looks up close, and under the scope:

I’ll keep my eye on this one, as its very close to being ready for trimming and then harvest. The smell is delightful fruit like aroma. Compared to the other plants I started at the same time, this tester is finishing up sooner than many of the others I have around. This tester has a hefty amount of flower, and I’ll update once I process it and get a chance to quick cure some and share around to see what my pals think.

Thanks for allowing me to test again !


Thanks for sharing Bizzaro. I’m liking the early flower onset of these High Voltage crosses.

Update on Mike Drop. She’s progressed significantly in the past week, putting on lots of frost, lots, and just yesterday shifting into an almost aerosol hairspray smell with weird berries in the backend. Quite loud and these hairspray terps are new to me.

She’ll be done by the end of the month, for sure.

I’ll update Crazy B and Diesel Project later on.



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Lil update pchp x durban x lamb. I see a late October with this one.