Copa Genetics

thanks capn.


I have 2 packs of ancient lights in my collection. Seems to be an interesting cross


Some update shots of gsd • p25


lookin good and healthy. nice work.


That’s the genetics for sure! They’re all between 5-6 feet tall and around 3-4 feet in diameter.
Hollow stems, I’ll let everyone know how they clone.
I can only imagine what they would be like with more space. I definitely got them to close together.
Thank you for the compliment!


@Emeraldgreen, they are looking very nice. I’ve been making space in the garden to run some gsd.


I took more macroshots of the short fast P25 the other day and saw a fair amount of amber, and I knew we were due for a soaker of a rainstorm, so I chopped 2 days ago. Got to try a sample this morning… haven’t had fresh bud since last fall so it was a treat.

I’m hoping this one continues to do okay for another week or two.


good deal! way to watch for the rain. i have had the rain pound the trics off a day or two before i planed to harvest them. enjoy your work and the harvest. looks nice.


I can’t get over where these are at for this time of year, so cool. I thought about throwing up some plastic these past couple days here cause of the rain too @yardgrazer


The new freebies that DC seed exchange has.


@Enjoi802 question for you
Is there any info that Copa would like to see that we aren’t posting?


Main kolas are turning into Kolas with more main Kolas growing off of them.Must say with the bud formation I was a little worried this would have turned into feral bush weed but now I must say it’s part of the character and charm of her and I wouldn’t ask for anything else.The pine smell is intoxicating on its own I find myself just standing next to her breathing it all in makes me happy ,mixing with something else I want to say an earthy citrus with a skunky weed funk that makes you go wow. The Ancient OG is really shining through this one glad I got that male with the raging purple stripes going down the stalk.He absolutely reeks.Temps are around 63 to 65 now at night and the Bud swell is going to have me putting up more netting this weekend.Some of the buds put one so much weight so fast the branches didn’t break but just kind of flipped there.I noticed the main line stems I popped and propped that have support are Turning into absolutely fat very sticky greasy Slobs.No PM whatsoever not even a speck of that shit.Cease saves your buds in flower Every thing is clean and healthy


ancient berries sounds delicious


I was leaning towards the chocolate one myself!

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Yes it does I wonder what the akbb#22 is though?


Looking awesome man! Just wondering is that reeses cut the one that is starting to fade? Regardless it all looks amazing so far!!

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I think that’s Alaskan Blackberry pheno 22


yes reeses cut x gsdf6 getting ripe for sure. the cool nights made em fade,right now they are actually starting to grow bulk some more. got warm again? its an adventure for sure. nice looking buds will up date photos soon.


Alright, More feedback on the Reeses Cut x gsd6. I took one down today seeing the weather forecast ahead and I am glad i did since we have rain coming the next few days.

Great results for this plant, frosty good looking flowers that dry nicely (i tested a 1 or two over the last week):

These are my favorite smelling buds out of the 6 or so different varieties I have flowering at this point. A nice fruity terp aroma. I gave one of the bud’s i trimmed from this plant earlier this past Friday night, and enjoyed the full body buzz alot.

I am still learning how to effectively grow outside and maximize the quality, health of the plant, and yield. On this particular plant, i did separate a few buds from the rest as i trimmed noticing what appears to possibly be a little bud rot.

Using the scope, i think i see a little evil there:

With that being said, I think a little rot for an outdoor grow may be normal depending on our climate. In western NY where i am, we had a dry summer, and our fall is starting to get wetter. I will of course be watching all my flowering plants like a hawk for any signs of rot, and acting right away.

Another reason i took this plant was the condition of the leaf canopy. As you can see from the trimmings, it had been attacked by something out there, and it was showing signs of distress.

This plant flowered earlier that the other two, who are still flowering and have a little ways to go:

As you can see, whatever effected today’s plant, also has had its way to some extent with the other 2:

I did browse around and did not notice this issue on the other plants as noticeable. Even with all that stress, the plant delivered great flowers, and it finished first out of all the other photo period plants here.


Update on Gsd • p25