Copa Genetics

These hit overdrive this week. Bulking and stacking really hard.
4 of 5 have rooted :smiley:


These look fantastic! Frosty af.


I’m also a fellow western Ny the PM this year was horrible but Cease knocked that shit right out and it prevents Botrytis too no bud rot yet and I’m going to try and run them till Oct.The Turkish twist has buds that look just like those almost those.Cease does not harm the buds in anyway and will come right off in my outdoor bud wash.I just did a checkup on a buddy’s plant and he had bud rot so bad it looked like cotton balls were growing out of his buds it was terrible.Going to use cease from the start next outdoor grow with JADAM sulpher.


Thank you @holysmokes

@CapnCannabis what is cease? Is it a brand name? Do you have to wash it off? Thank you


I willl update my gad x p25 tomorrow with pictures . i have 7 girls outside. they have a range of how long they have been flowering. 2 or 3 of them look almost ready 10 days and the other look like maybe 3 more weeks at least . central NY 43 N


It’s made by Bioworks you can get it on Amazon in the US it’s 80$ a gallon but I’m telling you now it eats it right up.Turns PM into waterscale.30ml to a gallon of water 60 for a double dose.first week two sprays of 60ml to a gallon every day second week 30ml two sprays a day third week one spray 30 ml every three days last week of harvest no spray is how I’m doing it.It’ leaves no residue can use till day of harvest but can also be applied as a root drench so you can get the medicine in the roots and foliar same doses to get it in both ends of plant for bi effectI’m going to leave the last week to the plant just to be safe


whats the active ingredient ? i cant read it but i buy potasiium bicarbonate in pure crystaline form and spray that on for PM. Most of the gsd has been resistant compared to a few other strains i have outside. i have very little but better safe than sorry. my buddy just started straying baccilus d 747 for pm


It’s a Subtillus strain called QST 713 really strong shit eats up all kinds of nasty shit can be used in conjunction with almost anything including Milstop which is essentialy Potassium bicarbonate I believe I bought some from. Brewer store that they use for a ph buffer I think


Thank you I’ll check it out. Been using sulfur successfully for pm. The bud rot is something else though


Sulpher will knock it out in veg like a champ no bueno in flower unless you want buds that taste like farts.This Cease is working very well not messing with terps if anything they are stronger than ever you can smell this shit down a 65 ft driveway bugs won’t even go near it other than predators I will use until a week before harvest crawled all over this thing I can’t find one spot of bud rot or pm I’ve been all over this thing and with that last top dress I did two weeks ago of malted barley and ECW and a couple LABS drenches it’s already broken down and availability to the plant to eat ,the frost on these things is ungodly and I need latex gloves to adjust buds in scrog to avoid getting resin all over me people smell it in the store and give you this look .the Cease helps break down nutrients too and make it more available to the plant with treating the root zone with a PM fighting inoculation how could a logical person say no?


Sister Turk was kind of worrying me on the bud swell for a min then I come and check her out tonight on this lovely 70 degree night at 51 percent humidity.Perky and Golfball buds popped out everywhere overnight.



took the mature tops off my reeses cut x gsdf6 two days ago only found one small spot of bud rot. these buds are really dense & heavy so the buds will hold the moisture/morning dew in them. the mold spore float in the air so it is not abnormal to get bud rot when them spores land on the moist buds. some strains are just more prone to getting bud rot because of genetics and bud structure than others. i fight the cooler damp conditions also in the fall when outdoor growing. about 45 n lat where i am at same as you.


@CapnCannabis im gonna have to scope out that cease, I’ve been using dr. Zymes to great effect but it’s always good to have something else in the rotation

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Haven’t tried the Zymes yet but I have heard nothing but good things Cease is made to be used in conjunction with other IPM products .Still pm free and this week will be a test we are having rainstorms in between and the Humidity and temp swings will let us know if this shit really works.One spray every two days if it’s raining one spray every 5 days now if it’s been dry out.So far not a spot back on her and not a speck of Botrytis in sight anywhere


Can’t beat a review like that! I put up an enclosure this year out of schedule 40 and 4 mil plastic that seems to be getting it done, keeping things dry, we got basically a week of rain here too so it was time to do something or lose em to the PM/budrot 1-2 combo


Great save, would have lost them without it i bet


it just keeps getting fuller with buds, cant remember did you take cuts? or pollinate a branch or two?


I have a male I kept for curiosity but I didn’t keep any cuts off the females karma was just telling me to move on I have so many beans to pop and things to do with my Texada I just moved on I guess.Yeah I mean she is pretty bad ass but it’s killing me to pop the rest of my shit and I have so many crosses I want to do.will hang on to the male for a bit

Just to show you the cliff hanger I have going on.Huge rainstorm a day ago I’m taking hard downpour for hours and huge gusts.Busted a nice size branch of the sister Turk off had to harvest that branch early snapped clean off.My forcast looks like complete ass not to mention temps potential of getting under 55 degrees.Tricomes are at full milk 98% not a single amber to be seen on 4 different location checks.Main kolas are getting so fat they are leaning now after that storm.Not seeing any tricomes really missing so rain must have been warm.Really pushing it letting it go I’m playing with fire literally :fire: but man just one more week at least I keep telling my self.No PM though or bud rot knock on something.The Rainstorm shit with all these hurricanes around has me on the edge of my seat.