Copa Genetics

Weather isn’t looking so hot here in Southern VT… but to be expected at this time of year I suppose. I need to find a dry moment to scope this P25 but it’s looking pretty damn close from a naked eye perspective…


i also had the day long down pour over here and also had a couple broken branches too. got em patched & tied up. nights are getting cool / cold quick too. the reeses x gsdf6 are finishing up soon than the restof the plants that are still 2-3 weeks out. hope the temps hold up till then for all of us.


Was up until 1230 past midnight last night trimming buds.unknown bagseed female had some amber like maybe 4% of the tricomes to milky I had to pull her.Wet trim had a lot of little leaves but The dens mess of the weed was amazing like rocks drop in temps is going to have things moving and this was just overnight I littlerly checked them yesterday morning they change quick on some of these .


My favorite time of year. Y’all are doing an amazing job :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:


Just thought I’d let you know 100% germ rate on a pack of your gdp mix .


PXP x gsd f5 getting close, watching out for bud rot. The weather here has been crap. These look frosty af.

Won’t be long.


A brief 9D4 x P25 update… still trucking along, I’ve already taken down a few regular P25s and plan to do two more of those in the next few days. Scoped some of the 9D4s earlier and they don’t look ready yet. Wish I could say the 9D4s looked better, I don’t know if I’ve been massively under feeding them but the 9D4s have looked pretty ragged for awhile now, thankfully the flowers look just fine. I skipped one 9D4 because it blended in a bit too much with the plants behind it and looked like most of the others (besides the one outlier shorty plant).


It was a hell of a run but I’m going to chop her tomorrow forcast is calling for 3 days of heavy rain and tomorrow and Sunday clear sky’s.I’m going to pull her everything is at full milk would have liked a little amber in there but with the rain and the cold I’m going to call it a blessing and just take her now the Buds are so fat the all flipped sideways and I’ve had to stake them all twice The cold brought out so much frost it’s hard to see the red pistils they are completely covered in tricomes and sticky oil.Trim is going to be a crucible.Three days going strong on the chop game leave no plant behind program CapnCannabis style.


Good luck, look nice.

My Zip Tape is doing great outside, really plumping up, getting thick and frosty. Generic, dank cannabis smell(not the best with smell descriptors).
Took some fan leaves off this past week to open up airflow—we had lots of rain recently. Doing great re: pm and rot. I use regalia weekly as a soil drench.

I’m still weeks out, for sure though.


You are smart to use that Regaila good stuff keep Pm away don’t be a knuckle head like me and wait to get it then treat it Cease did an amazing job no pm no bud rot .I believe the active component in Regaila is Knot weed extract.


Yeah, knot weed extract, pretty neat.
The stuff is terribly invasive and will quickly take over any other vegetation in its area. Seeing it ‘in action’ is a depressing sight.


Really hoping I can take these two P25s down tomorrow… gonna have to scope again.


I started seeing some bud rot so this morning chop, just finished trimming the good.
PXP x gsd f5

The bad and the ugly


Have you guys been getting all this rain this past week? Looks like those P25s are handling it now sweat if so


For sure, it rained and rained and rained, and then torrential poured, and drizzled, and…

I’ve definitely had to take out individual buds here and there that had rot going, but it’s always localized and no doubt caterpillar poop related. Unsurprisingly the dense cola plants didn’t do as well with the rain, the skinny cola plants have handled it better.


Got the same thing going with my outdoor right now, about three buds between two plants had to go today, definitely had it worse in the past


I don’t remember if I posted on this Copa thread yet but yes very rainy season especially during flower and no mold or rot. Only damage I had was a bunch of caterpillars.
Ban/Ham P25 just chopped 4 days ago.


Bagged up my Black Lime Reserve x GSD F5 testers tonight after a three week hang working down to 59% RH at 75 degrees, after which they were trimmed and bagged in 1lb Grove bags with 58% Bovedas to stabilize for six weeks, then I packed them out into smaller Grove bags and heat seal for long term curing. First impressions are that I like one and the other is unremarkable smelling.

Pheno #1 was tall and yielded well, 160g of tops and mid buds out of 7g soil. Pheno #2 stayed much shorter and yielded just 75g. Smells on #1 are much stronger, and intriguing. Opening a bag and sticking my face in, this is LOUD. It’s heavy fuel, not gas, more diesel and oil/grease/solvent. It smells like a dirty truck garage with some chem and lime and “Afghani” under that, the lime is the smell of rind and pith, not juicy at all. Skunk from somewhere but not much, or at least it’s hard to separate from the solvent elements in the fuelly smell (benzene? mineral spirits?)There’s something buttery in the petroleum smell that must be the SSDD. Smoked in a joint, it’s pretty smooth, slightly minty and “silver” tasting, some coughing if I let it expand in my lungs. The buttery fuel lime smell doesn’t come through too much yet in the flavor, but I think it will in a few more months. Slightly eye watering, tongue and mouth coating smoke, with the effect coming on immediately in a head nodding, “oh yeah” sort of way. Some acrid chocolate tastes towards the end of the joint, burnt wood like Palo Santo.

Definitely an indica, very much the most Diesel thing I’ve tried in a minute. I think this one was a winner as a cross, I’ve still got to take a good look at the #2 pheno, hopefully it’s good and develops some scent in the cure, but even if so, the yield wasn’t great. That was something I could have addressed pretty easily by culling that plant, it had been one of the smaller ones since the beginning, so I wouldn’t say that’s a problem. Pheno #1 seems like it’s going to cure up into some pretty gorgeous, diesel and skunk bud in a few months, and I look forward to smoking on more of the leftover unsealed stuff in the meantime. I’ll post some photos later tonight if I get a chance.

To put things in context, I rarely have anything good to say about most weed before a few months of cure, I don’t really like smoking anything less than three to six months old if I can avoid it. The aged taste and texture of smoke is just so much more complex and less like a fresh dry herb. This one’s got a lot of promise, it’s one that I’m excited to see it develop.

So in summary for BLRxGSD pheno #1: smells like walking into a truck stop with a dead skunk rotting somewhere on the property and a dirty old popcorn machine inside, while some guy is drinking G&Ts with a twist out front.


I love your grow/smoke reports, you seriously break it down so well and really explain everything in detail. I gotta learn a thing or two from you for my future posts. Great work this season dude! Stay well and be blessed good sir!


Thanks man, I feel like I’m terrible at actually picking out the individual smells in a bud, but there’s something about how my sense memory works where most loud strains remind me of a place and time with those smells. This one makes me think of riding around in my dad’s 24’ diesel box truck as a kid, and about blocks in Queens and Brooklyn full of auto garages and junkyards on a hot windless day, with a taco truck nearby smelling like lime and meat, and some garbage juice on the sidewalks.

I didn’t document the grow as much as I probably should have for testing, but I did find this strain easy to grow and relatively carefree, nothing weird to report, no bananas. The end product from pheno #1 is great looking, and should cure up into something connoisseur grade for sure, I think #2 will be solid mids or better, and could end up being plenty powerful and just subdued.