Copa Genetics

i still have a few not quite there yet also. the cold spell in the mid to low 30’s at night has broken over here and only supposed to get down into the forties for the next week thank goodness. got a bit of breathing room for now. it might surprise you how fast the plants will finish after being in the cold / frost. my plants almost seemed to transform to finish in three days when i was still thinking a couple of weeks to go, but the plants knew it was time because of the cold and they rocketed into finish. it was amazing how fast they changed and it made for a very hectic harvest because they all came done at once. hope the weather holds up good till you finish them.


Your garden isn’t too shabby itself and it came together very nicely I’m loving that darker purple one Wide and not too tall just the right morphology to hide behind a fence lol If you could save me a couple of those F2s I’d be most greatful.I’m trying to see what runs the best here with The PM .

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thank you. I will need to invest in a better camera next year. Also will be trying a few different growing techniques as well. I look to your growing and pictures for inspiration. it was fun to see everyones plants grow. with back surgery i was less involved than i should of been but tried my best to keep up. these were in 5 gallon fabric pots with some irrigation on top of heavy compost % soil. i had plans to cut the bottom of the 5 and put in a 30 but that never happened. Next year im going for 10 footers !!! Thanks for the compliment i appreciate it.


These are both Reeses cut(PbbxOreoz) x Gsd F6) , the skinny taller 1 is the second pheno, the squatter one is believe it or not, the same cut as the one outdoors right now. Both on week 4 the shorter one was flipped 5 days sooner but way further ahead in its own tent. More pics on ig and videos on YouTube. Getting crazy smells from the 1st pheno, as I can tell how she will smell with the outdoor going. Insane deep skunky almost roadkill with hints of catpiss, sprite soda but sweet smell and a “cool” flavor that’s hard to pin point. Not minty not eucalyptus, but a cool spicy flavor that I associate with just very potent bud… I have a few samples of the outdoor stuff hanging now gonna chop some of the others down this weekend and hopefully the Reeses cut xgsd f6 the weekend after that!![20221005_103538|224x500] (upload://te1FE1MNVHFI0Xs82X7ObEFKKIx.jpeg)


That cool spicey flavor essence your talking about is in the Turkish twist it hangs in the fuel I couldn’t put my finger on it the only thing I could describe it at the as menthol at best but a wierd menthol like peppermint one but not quite


Exactly! It’s there in the acrid skunk fuel backfinsh I feel this is the flavor that coats the mouth after a nice exhale after all other flavors are gone. I can’t wait to smoke it!


The dryer they get the more Pine Fuel comes out it bypasses the dried grass smell from the fresh pot.I rolled up a joint out of some sticky leaf and not even the leaf close to buds just some that has sprinkles of tricomes on it.They we’re bone dry like oregano but we’re sticky enough to jam up my Raw rolling machine.Let’s just say being as half processed as it was not cured but just dried out and smoked it was the smoothest smoke I’ve tasted all year and I got so blasted I had to go inside I almost couldn’t look my wife in the eye type of high but everything was fucking hilarious and had a blast for hours.I will be smoking this batch down to the stem every scrap.Excellent head stash weed


When the leaf, not even sugar leaf, is good enough to smoke, you know the bud u got is some excellent smoke! That turkish twist is tickling me the right way! I really want to try it next year outdoors. Cheers dude! Enjoy that harvest for many weeks/months to come!

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Oh and yes btw if you want some of the F2’s there are PLENTY! Way more than I’ll ever grow in my life… That goes for anyone on this thread and are involved with the testings. I bet @Enjoi802 and I could work something out for free f2’s.
Also @Enjoi802 I would love to get on the next round of testers if thats still open. There are so many great things to test!!


The list of testers is open. And I’d recommend jumping on it. It’s post 980 something for the list to sign up for testers. Also have some other goodies cooking up also. So jump on that list folks!!! Get yourself some :fire: growing in your spot.


Awesome man and @Enjoi802 Thanks again for doing this for Copa and the community! This is an awesome place with many talented people with big hearts!

Yea im dying to test one appy cross and 1 posion potion cross I’m thinking
Either the frostitute or amp cut or trop cherries or mom gooey X Appy f4 lol whatever he wants tested right away. lot of “or’s” :joy: but that frostitute x appy f4 does sound amazing would be my first pick

Then I was drooling over The Work x posion potion f2… but would be open to trying that (purple sprite x GCC) x PP,) or (the frostitute x gsd) x PP)…
Or even ICC x PP or The (frostitute xgsd)or genius Thai x PP… lol they all sound so good! It’s so hard I can’t make a choice! Haha but in all seriousness whatever he would want tested first is cool with me!! Hope all is good in the hood and stay blessed kind sir!


There’s two things that will be a part of a benefit that is being had. Until everything is in place I will say that the frostitue and the 100 amp cut testers are probably only going to be able to be had through donating to this benefit. Which is for a absolutely amazing cause.


i will be glad to donate because the frostitude x appy is #1 on my list. and looking forward to the posion postion crosses too. i have 1 picked out that peaks my intrest. I really like to come on OG now just to chat with you guys mosty, The NorthEast Copa Club.


Well some off setting news. All the Copa testers I had had got lumped together with a bunch of other plants. So the only bud I had was the one I pictured before.
They were done at this point. We had a night or two of 30 degrees. It damaged the tissue at this point.
They were mold and mildew and cold tolerant.
I do have clones of all 5 plants so I’ll run them inside and get flower sample from that.


I wasn’t involved in the testing but I’ve been following this thread does that count? Lol


Absolutely dude I completely understand! Yea anything that he wants tested first I’m happy to do so. I’m not too picky about it just happy to help out! I have never grown any of the jelly roll 77, AOG, sd95, trop cherries or ICC ever before if any of those need to be tested. Regardless everything of Copa’s I pop exceeds my expectations in terms of finished quality and overall health while growing and know whatever I test will be great. I am just looking for something that will be potent in terms of effects and medicinal as well for my patients. Honestly I am just happy and grateful to be able to help out with the testing here at all!! Btw! Very exciting stuff, if the benefit donation is for what I think it is!! I don’t want to drop any spoilers here but that’s gonna be an amazing thing!
Also @ShiskaberrySavior Yes dude I got you basically anyone who wants them can have some. As I said; I will have way too many to know what to do with, and I asked Copa and he said, “Please pass it around.” so yes… You’ll get a few packs!! And the dude with an eye patch gets a pack!! and that guy over the get’s one too!! ect… Lol
Hope everyone is having a good week! I will try to have the (Reese’s cut x Gsd) F2’s sent out around the same time as testers. Peace out! Stay good and be blessed y’all!!


Sounds good let me know when you need a address.

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For a quick weight out I’m up to 16 ounces so far on the Turkish twist (I still have half a tent to trim up around the same size as what I just did)Sister Turk has put out at almost 13 ounces just under 334 grams.So right at a little shy of 2 lbs will finish trim tomorrow and post final weight but it’s looking like 3 oz shy of one pound for sister Turk and hopefully 2 lbs when finished at almost 3 lbs for two Copa plants.I also have over 600 grams of trim and popcorn buds in 3 shopping bags but we won’t count that yet I’m going to make some bubble hash out of that going to put it up and let it cure till after Christmas but I have enough Medicine for myself and a little extra to give away when ever I want.I smoked some of the good sticky bud tonight and the buzz is fantastic clear headed but very heady and energetic up and go high,You will hit the joint and burn half of it and get so baked you will get started on something and look and realize three hours later you still have half a joint in the ashtray.Finishes out with little to no ceiling you can blaze this shit like you were trying to win a prize and also put your ass in a nap as well so day and night smoke I’m all in…


Got almost another box full trimmed up and 2 rows to go and I can sit back a little.This trim smoked my ass.


Your pulling some big numbers off those plants should be plenty to get you though to the next round.