Copa Genetics

More than enough my friend and I will have enough to spread around to some people that really need it.This was the biggest harvest I’ve ever had in my entire life.Amazing genetics.Even the leaf trim is amazing smoke there is so much kief on this thing what ever the Turkish Landrace Copa used and it’s killing me to know what is a hash makers dream.I can’t wait to come on here after Christmas and post what I get out of the trim on this stuff with my hash machine.It fills grinders with kief.Very very happy up smoke no burnout to smoke all day and go to bed with.


Got quite a bit from the late planted 5 Ban/ham X P25 plants.


My trim was bad enough, your stems look twice as long haha.


From your Jars bro you did fantastic! I had my whole 4x4 tent full 2 rows up the trim broke my ass off but it was worth it and ill do it all over again and better next time.loving that huge one, nothing better than seeing a pile of full jars of medicine them buds look damn good brother that smoke is going to be fire for sure.The yield on everyone’s is nothing short of amazing.I love it when the good guys win for once.Live free- smoke :dash: hard :facepunch:t3:


Trimming is a pain. I had a trim party. Got some beers and sat in the living room with a couple other people. They loved it.


I had to go into the jungle commando style solo with a serrated SOG knife clenched in my teeth .Next time I may consider your strategy lol.Thank god I used goat hoof trimmers.Those things eat threw anything and fine tune at the same time.These ones are the shit easy to scrape hash off of watch your fingers sharp as a samurai sword.Easy to take apart and sharpen


Those things are next level. I’d cut myself for sure haha.


Every thing is finally trimmed up Box is filled to the top and I have an almost full tupper ware tote full of popcorn buds and leaf trim.will do a final weigh out later with the other packages


Was able to squeeze out 16 more ounces sealed up and some shake I didn’t even bother to weigh I tossed it in with the trim.Weighed the trim for shits and giggles 19 and one half ounces.My freezer is completely packed now


Getting put up that’s a wrap For now


Nice box of bud . I used to use jars they just take up so much room switched to vacuum sealed bags definitely like them better.


I’m trying an experiment to see which holds flavor and cure better so I could do a side by side comparison.First time vac sealing anything and I wanted the security of a cure in a jar in case I wrecked my shit I’m a wierdo sometimes.The first couple I squished like a pancake and it turned the weed into one flat resin encrusted awesome smelling bud the other ones I got the hang of stoping it right before it squished then seal.Got some put up in freezer some put up in the attic I’m a nice stash spot no one would ever find that stays cool and dry all winter long.I’ve learned to never store all my eggs in one Easter basket.Having one pound of weed after getting jacked for one pound of weed is far more superior than having no weed after getting hit for 2 pounds of weed.


I’ve been sampling some P25, I’m a little concerned I dried some of it a little too quickly, but we’ll see, it’s all on medium sized pieces of stem in an attempt to slow down drying, so maybe there’s hope. I’m second guessing myself over when I harvested some of them as well… but I do have to say they don’t seem to lack for potency.

I was really hoping to take all of the 9D4/P25s down before we get an inch+ of rain on Thursday but wouldn’t you know it some of the f-ers are popping out white stigma again. Why can’t these plants operating on our schedules???


If you put the weed in a large ziplock then into the vacuum bag leaving a small cushion of air works well too . You still have to watch it doesn’t compress to a brick but I find it improves the cure also .

I’m pretty sure you’ll be saying good bye to your back up jars.


Ancient OG F3, freebies from copa. Fire stuff with a very earthy smell, slight sweetness somewhere in the back. The banham OGs from him I grew must’ve been very ancient OG dominant because the look smell and smoke is VERY similar just some more kushy shaped nuggets on this one, dense buds with some of the frostiest trim just like the banham, it’s treasure like trim.


that looks so good. Kudos !! I’m tempted to go down the ancient og route as well. I love earthy notes on good green weed. All my new seeds starts are on hold until I acquire more Copa genetics. They are all getting fasttracked to the top of the list. I was beyond happy how these grew. Im trimmimg (gsd p25)my first plant i took down almost 2 weeks ago. 1 small joint got me and my buddy ( @MyLittleGrundle ) ripped. The buzz was great we were laughing got a little confused and silly and had a great time. Ill be in trim jail for a while


That’s awesome I’ve been interested in those p25 crosses because of how fast they can finish outside. The two strains I’ve grown of his have great highs! As soon as I didn’t have anymore banham OG everyone was asking for it, didn’t realize that was such a favorite but the ancient OG is fairly similar but a bit heavier high so they should be happy now! His gear has been awesome and I definitely want to try something of his outside next year because of the care he has for outdoor as well.


And thanks for the compliment! :green_heart: :v:


I have a bag set aside I’m going to peek at it in two weeks I keep hearing that smoke cures amazing in the vac seal bags I’m going to do a side by side.I hope the vac seal is better because your definitely right in the space department on those jars.Way too bulky


I was high school wrecked! Been a minute since I’ve been that giggly. Great job @Kami and wonderful work by Copa.