Copa Genetics

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The GSD F6 frosting up on F31. Lowers on 2 of these hit with a little pollen a few days ago, we’ll see.

The BD IG pheno

The happy PS IG pheno

The significantly less happy PS IG pheno

The COPA family

The Icy Grapes are coming down soon.


I drool at the icy grape. Not sure why I’ve never got it . I think it was out .


Soma was visiting nyc and got a bag of sour. He found a seed, which he brought back to Amsterdam. He flowered it out and hit it with I believe a Hawaiian afghan male he was using at the time. I’m pretty sure I have that correct


You will have a blast very rewarding plant Wait till you see it shoot 4 ft colas overnight in stretch that fall over they get so fat invest in some Long bamboo stakes I wish I had that last time I Scrogged it outside and it worked amazing

I hope you have your shitting pants on


Did you get the 100 packof ancient or f3!!! If so that’s awesome. kudos that can fill some space and more outside this year.


I did not because I can only run 6 plants at a time inside. I have a 5 pack. Looks like noone picked it up!


I had to sit this one out due to lack of funds and an abundance of seeds, including Copa ones from a generous gift package or two I’ve gotten. Hope everyone enjoyed the discount and got a bunch of exciting stuff tho! I’m looking forward to seeing you all grow out these cool one-off releases and all the regular line stuff too. I have an Icy Grape right now that’s been pollinated with Black Domina BX (BD x PNWHP/NL) from AKBB thanks to @Radicle_Reefer that I need to check the seed development on, but if there’s enough from the two branches I did, I’ll be sure to have a giveaway contest here for some of them so you all can try this sorta Icy Grape BX to a different daddy!

@holysmokes I love your garden, jealous of you getting to grow and sample the two IG phenos together!


Word, thanks for setting it up and passing along the info. Props to Copa and Paul as well.

I picked up Persian Girl to eventually (next year?) run alongside Crazy B and see what the different dads do. Got a good feeling about Compost Momma for some reason (shrug).

Gonna run GSD and Project 25 f2 fems I picked up from Enjoi last month. The Zip Tape from last season has cured out into some heavy hitting indica goodness. (Pic below)

@Dirt_Wizard you mention being flush in copa seeds. Do you happen to have Cheat Code? (Iranian OG x Black Domina). I’ve been pining for that one since reading about it early in the thread.

Happy sprouting everyone, getting antsy here in the Champlain Valley, but gonna wait a few more weeks.


It’s that time of year… when outdoor NE growers have to resist just a little bit longer…

My plans are still a little up in the air. I have Project 25 and Maine Event down on my short list but things could change (definitely doing the P25, not 100% certain about TME).


True, the sunny afternoon in the 60s is just a tease. Patience, patience.

Side note, I see The Maine Event can now be purchased individually from GLG, whereas it was attached to GSD when it first came out. In case anyone wants that one in particular…


I don’t but I’ll DM you an interesting pack I found for cheap you’d probably like too


I saw that GLG had 'em for sale earlier today… makes me a little less reticent about popping some of the packs I have.


I have high hopes for that
(Skittilz x Black Domina) x ('95 Black DominaxPNWHPxNL1))
-Icy Grape x '95 Black Domina bx

Do we know more about the Black Domina used in the icy grape? I thought I saw it was from the 90’s?


It’s genetics from an original pack:

“The dad(s) I selected from an original 1996 Sensi Seeds pack. I open-pollinated back in 1998 and again in 2008-9. All 4 of them lean to the Afghani side of things with stem rubs ranging from dank and musty to sweaty locker room funk/skunk. All 4 will bring extremely tight/dense buds, two of the dads have dark green coloring and tight node spacing. The other two dads bring ultra-tight node spacing and an almost blue-black leathery leaf structure.”


Got some P25 seedlings poking thier heads up right now! We should compare notes being in the same area, I got plans to keep whatever males I get out of what I have popped and hit some lowers to make more seed, maybe a colab open pollination is in order?


I’m hoping to hold out another month before starting, but sounds cool to me.


crazy frost rails not even a month into flower… no GSC genetics to be found…


I’m excited. I bought a 320 plus foot roll of support netting I’m going to try this year with minimal stakes. I hope it works. As far as my shitten pants…I’ll be sure and pack an extra pair just in case