Copa Genetics

I have that same setup. How did you go about filling it?


I just harvested the two frostitute x appalachia. Around day 67F. I was pushing the lil one beyond its limit and i noticed a nanner today so i chopped(tried to get a good picture of it in main cola of lil one). Not COPA fault at all. I shouldve chopped her a week ago. I was hoping it would last until the tall one was done but it was mostly done so I did the duty. Now this has nothing to do with instability this is just the plant trying to preserve itself. It happens with chem(d) in late flower and I also have been really really stress testing them. I give it an A+ because you have to do a lot of stuff to get them to do anything bad. I hope to dry as long as possible. Smells of berries and minty incense soup. Definitely sweet and not as funky. Big yielder for only 200W LED. A range of amazing smells and very stable for what it is. The root balls were nice. Insane resin coverage if you zoom in. The plant is very intelligent and will tell you what it needs at any and all times. That’s the appalachia. Beautiful fades and purples.
Insane frost coverage.


I filled it with Build a Soils Take n Bake kit. And then after every round I’ll throw 4-6 cups of Craft blend in the top and work it in. That’s mostly it.


your looks amazing .
my 3 girls got culled to 2 after i noticed some nanners 4 weeks into flower. it got the chop. the small odd one was the herm and figure it was just the 1 /1000th chance with chem or diesiel strains.
the other 2 look very similar and smelling the buds the other day i did notice a nice mixed berry smell with some other smells lingering at the end very similar to your description. looking to see these finish , your smoke report should be ready when im cutting down. i do have 1 clone f each of the 2 moms .


Anybody here who’s grown the P25 have any advice? I feel like I can’t dial in thier watering, they’ve been wet, dry, and everything in between and they’ve been bummed out the whole way


glad you have a “watch” dog – watch cats - stay away from - they eat leaves - only use them (cats) for defoliation !!!

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Probably why he labeled them “testers.”


I asked the dude and he said:

“They eat and drink a bit less than the average plant. The lime green and variegation is normal.”


Thanks dirt! I think these may be overfed then, they are DARK green right now, they got transplanted into fresh COM stonington blend so I’m wondering if it’s a little hotter than they’d like


I wonder if this partially explains why, in my two journeys into P25, I haven’t had the best germination rates. Still waiting on a bunch to germinate now… maybe the papertowel is too wet. Maine Event popped just fine.

Imma go fix that.


Just popped 4 of the p25 fems. Will update soon as they just broke the surface


Is this for outdoor?


yes they were put in 1 gallon pots outside after the tails emerged in papertowel. they have endured some cold nights already


Been waiting for somebody to do the Persian Panther. Got it as a freebie and very curious


Small update, the P25s have turned themselves around surprisingly. I decided to go gladiator school on the and just put them outside to either figure themselves out or die and damned if after a few days they didn’t straighten right out. After hearing what COPA told @Dirt_Wizard im thinking that the COM might’ve been too hot for them initially, it’s either that or they really didn’t like the environment in the veg tent, either way they’re all looking stronger after about a week or so dealing with our outdoor temp swings, so I’m excited to see what they turn into, will probably start updating my outdoor log for anyone who’s interested :heart::v:t2:


sounds like maine to me. mother nature will smack you around so you can get it goin on. the p25 are good in this neck of the woods. glad you gave them the gladiator treatment. woke em right up for you! had to bring mine in tonight. gonna freeze 20’s next two nights plus wind. i saw @Jinglepot wind beaten plants. gonna get 30 mph winds too. will be tagging along.


Yeah we had sustained 50mph winds… it didn’t even phase the Copa “The Maine Events” but my Franky fems, Quick Skunks and LPC were a different story :laughing: what doesn’t kill them woll only make them stronger, haha :metal:


Yea when I learned COPA was in Maine and breeding for outdoors I was in. we’re spitting distance from there and get similar weather, I’m hoping to just line work the P25 if I dig the smoke in the end and keep growing it from seed year over year like those old timers used to :call_me_hand:t2:


Still having a hard time getting some of my P25 to germinate… dropped 20 in water on the 13th, then on to papertowels. As of this morning 10/20 have popped. I tried to gently move them along with a little squeezing, but they seem like really thickass shells. I’m gonna keep trying but not going that great. I should have marked where I got each pack (bought some from GLG and some from DCSE).

ETA: Of the seeds I dropped at the same time, I had 100% germination on all but one pack (the Gorilla Ghani I got from Nef, 10/14 on that pack).


are these the p25 f2 or the p25 bx1 ?