Copa Genetics

Is there a pole involved with your stripping? Lol

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Persian Girl.( 7 gallon pots first transplanted from 1 gal unsexed. 3 girls in center. 1 boy on right 1 purple boy behind camera)

2 northern purple OG in 15 gal late to show waited to transplant tonic i mixed up ( jlf, recharge , fish emulsion)but taking off now after some rain. I have 1 more confirmed girl that need to be transplanted as well

3 project GSD. The one in the 7 gallon was the first to show a pistil hair and shes doing well (last photo)the other girls are in 15gal and I have 2 boys one about to throw pollen and one just showing sex.

I will be Taking a few clones this year unlike last year. I think i have some idea of a few crosses i would like to persue. Persian Girl x project GSD reversed. ??


Skunk #1 is blowing up after Axiom treatment #1.These respond very well and vigorously.Leaves are some of the most beautiful I’ve ever had the privilege To grow.Frosts Windstorms and pounding rains these things are damn near bulletproof.The smell on these things in the hot sun could stop bird shit in mid air holy crap are these strong IDon’t know what’s worse the Frankenstein ,Mr Toads Corpse Plants or This one the neighbors are definitely going to be dying on the opposite side of the fence.have been at permanent 45s since Spray.You guys should check out that Product it’s worth a gander it definitely works.


Just another example of that Axiom I misted every one but that last bottom right all have same feed and light and water in the same bed top left two are from the same bunch of lettuce.Everything is almost two times the size of non misted.


i was just reading about this … hairpin protiens ?? is this consider a pgr (plant growth regulator?)


Well, It seems a few of my discarded plants from last year had a few seeds left on them and have decided to wild grow. I didn’t notice them until yesterday, as they are larger than anything i have grown elsewhere. This location also happens to be where i sometimes discard the wood shavings from the Chicken coop.

They have massive leaves, and I am pretty certain they are Copa strains. Guess we will have to wait n see what happens with these monsters.


Save a sample of it in the freezer so you can get the cannabinoid profile tested. That particular specimen may contain an otherwise uncommon cannabinoid, one that hits you (and at least a few others, presumably) especially hard. Did you get any seeds from it?

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Don’t know about growth regulation with Axiom it is a Harpin Protein,but it is a growth and terpene booster .It utilizes a systemic trigger response to the Axiom being a derivative of a Trigger mechanism in fireblight puts the plants immune system on full vigilance bugs don’t even like munching on these plants .They isolated it and put it in the powder you mix No fireblight but the response is what we’re looking for.The plant thinks it’s got fireblight and puts itself into overdrive for producing flower and Terpenes to try and beat it.Size ,Smell and vigor go up the branches and stalks bulk up in anticipation for a heavy payload.I’d like to use it with BBP one of these days to see what it would do.


I think I’m starting to notice somethings pulling through from one line of the skunk 1, and that’s pretty cool. Party time comes in a little while, for now I hope she gets big and chunky so that way she throws down for ya.


Tends to do very well with the bugs.Had some munch spots and did a saponin spray will do regular weekly as an IPM whatever took a bite spit it right back out and never went back been spotless.Couple aphids on the others not a single one on this lady.It’s actually started to pace The Boneyard Seed Co Backpacks despite being transplanted weeks after the others.The Frankenstein ended up being the tall one I use that one as my yard stick and She is catching up after being put in late for the race.Very fine work my good Sir

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I was at my moms and found an old bag of seeds. I know they are old. I had some a few years ago. They do eventually pop. Up to 16 weeks. That’s a long time. But I seen it happen. I did keep anything. Old brick weed seeds. In the heat way too long.


What Copa outdoor seeds would you plant in the desert heat?
Vale tudo, Northern purple or Goji og


Orange turpentine x appy the 26th will be 8 weeks
Not much orange smell mainly skunky dank smell and really dense.


They look sweet.


Nice chunky buds.


So I have a pack of P25 for the next person who can pop them and see if they will finish in time. Who’s game.


@LegsMahoney ? Maybe @Tracker @50State @ramblinrose ?



This P25 is a Freezeland x Trainwreck x Cambodian worked line


Should I say also I’d like to see them run outdoors lol. Insides fine too. But I like a outdoor challenge, COPA stopped down a week or so ago, so maybe a slip of zookies in the package if local enough lol.


Dam someone should jump on that if I wasn’t shut down for summer .


Thanks for the tag, but I can’t take on anything else right now, and I certainly couldn’t run them outdoors. Maybe someday…