Corey's outdoor 2020/2021 seasons

You have the press? What kinda paper or wrapper did you use?

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Hey bud I never made one before

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Awww. I read it too fast lol

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Lol its all good

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Awesome just read through

hows the freakshow grow going?

When using mollasses watch for salt build up use lime and flush. Leeching last week just straight watering

Also when leeching 1000ppm max run off anything more will lockout.

Also watch ph fluctuations stay right below the sweet spot.

My main colas are 4oz + wet a couple side branches were half oz solid.

I did lockout twice before found the sweet spots for using mollasses.

1-2 taps per gallon


Hey @anon11359186 thanks for stopping by. I will do that. I do admit that I used to much molasses last season. It takes just a small amount or you will defeat the purpose. Supafreak plants are doing fine. I’m getting ready to up pot them in a day or two. They are really unique plants. There are 2 different phenos. You’ll see when I update the thread. One pheno has smooth leaves and the other looks like a crumpled up piece of paper


I’d bet if your following along on my thread recently with refractometry that your plants are high brix @corey aiding in the frost protection factors, 20$ tool worth the investment IMO my friend, can wait to see your up and coming grow Nothing but the highest grade cannabis reaching its fullest potential!


Thanks @Tinytuttle. I will do that. Yeah I never seen plants survive hours of 27 degree weather. Blew my mind!
Would 30 pounds of manure be enough for one plant?


It probably takes a lot less then ya realize let’s say your one plant will easily take up a 4x4 or 5x5 area take a five gallon bucket and see what it takes bucket wise to spread maybe an inch deep across the area … extra stockpiled away from the grow Inoculated with red wigglers is what I’d do! make a side hustle by selling the worms mid summer high producers Or sell there casts off for like 2-3$ pound ? Time to get the wheels turning ! Let’s have fun with this literally taking shit and turning it into money!


With readings of 15 points Brix or better I’ll put money on it that pest pressure will be minimal or will not hardly exist! Worth it? I think so no need to keep pesticides around ! JWA is my only weapon now effective , cheap to make and multipurpose as well … use it in the dishwasher , hand soap foamer at every facet in the house Hell I can probably do my laundry with it as well !


Ask @Badger how Easy it is to make! He went bulk big time in the KOH!

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Will do brother! I’m gonna do 50 pounds of manure per plant. If I need more I can always go back. I will be definitely be using the jwa this year. I’ll try in the house too. So the plan is a layer of bio live and amendments then a thin layer of underbrush from the woods then a mix of compost and peat. I also have a bunch of fresh composted hardwood bark I can throw in along with some wood ash for potassium. @Badger did send me the ingredient for the safer soap. Is that the same as jwa?


Ya basically a Castile type soap is what your making a plant based oil soap 1-2 pounds If KOH will last you for years!


If you have an outdoor area compost and access to animal manure turn it for 2-3 yrs. I hear about 10% hot is ideal time gives the nitrogen to an ammonia changing form and science stuff.

Started a no till with autos in veg tent but hybrid still running chemicals over time I will adjust it like every grow tweaking or changing just got bigger space so realized I can run diffrent grow methods to not get bored and continue getting better.

Very impressed my last run very smooth berry undertone earthy other was straight pine, another straight grape with no cure just dry smooth not harsh nice burn but as cures gets better. Literally got each plant to max out its pheno each one is diffrent so one strain still got me multiple differences in each jar.


It’s sheep manure so it won’t be high in nitrogen, but is loaded with phosphorus and potassium. I do have access to aged sheep poo too. So it’ll be a mix with peat.
Yeah man you can’t beat organic smoke. I didn’t believe it until I grew some myself last season


Yes sir. I have a thread on it here somewhere.

3 Likes,product%20produced%20from%20industrial%20chemicals.
Compost vs. Peat Moss: When Do You Use Each One? - Gardening Channel.


I was going through one of @Tinytuttle threads on bio char and had to do a little research on my own and found this. It’s a must read for all you organic growers out there!

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Great article @corey the second video in the link “ living web farms “ has additional YouTube vids as well that I highly encourage ya to take a peek at it was one of the first vids I started watching when I got interested in the whole process @DavesNotHere also has some good stuff in his threads in making a “biotin Charlie “ a homemade retort so to say Iv made one just using a # 10 tin can sealed with heavy aluminum foil and a couple holes punched in the can to let wood gasses escape all performed on a rocket stove … thanks for sharing buddy!

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This last grow of mine which is in the final stages Of flower has biochar( commercially available) in the soil mix and I think it’s made a huge difference in my outcomes or at least it’s a major player with what’s going on in the current grow!

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