Corey's outdoor 2020/2021 seasons

Hey @Panamajock, and @FattyRoots thanks for stopping by. I never thought of using unrefined sugar. I’ll definitely be looking into it. I’ll make sure not to offend anyone lol


Good luck bro. Not happening. We’re too much alike. :joy:


Thanks for the luck. Lol


Big mouth + big foot = still doesn’t taste good :joy:

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Panocha is the Spanish version. Also sugar and sweet spots.


I did try to get a hold of Sandra’s Rapadura, when she played here. Lol

That’s her waving to me, after I gave her the Scottish saltire… Happy days


Got two of these. One for each plant. Totally organic. 5 lbs a piece. @Tinytuttle do I need anymore? What else is there besides the bio char and that?

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Looks good I’d wouldn’t dump it all on at once

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Mulch on top bro.

I can’t wait to see what you do this summer.


Ok I’ll do a little at a time throughout the year. I was just gonna put it all down lol. @Badger I have 2 truck loads of some of the best looking, partly composted mulch you can think of. It’s half decayed and half bark all come of oak and hickory trees.
I’m gonna put it down after the plants go in the ground.


Nice. You come up with the good stuff. It’s great having connections.

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I never thought in a million years I would of found two truck loads of that. It’s gotta be filled with all sorts of fungus and goodies


Exact thing I was thinking. Up until the last couple years getting a fungus was a bad thing. :joy:

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Lol! Everything slow down at the homefront?

No. Wife is going to the dealership to get the part for her truck in a bit. To get the cam shaft position sensor, you have to buy the whole distributor. That creates a whole other headache, but getting the part is step 1.


Yes sir! one step at a time brother

Corey you asked about topping I don’t top I just spread the branches . I use ag netting in layers a couple of feet apart helps to hold the weight . After the buds are well formed I trim the fans to let the sun in works for me .

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Cool! I’m gonna do that then. I noticed you use multiple layers and the colas on your plants are nice and uniform, and stacked nicely. Pruning the fanners after bud formation is a great idea as well. Thanks gramps

I cage with net also like this last season