Corey's outdoor 2020/2021 seasons

I was just reminded of some goals I had from last season. I think I should have started vegging a month ago :joy:


You might want to try a humic acid source of some kind I used it in my 1/2 gallon pots and felt that it had a major contribution to them doing rather well IMO

This is what Iv used last round more of a powder then a granular Imo but may be due to packaging and crumbling of product stuff is like crushed coal.


How water soluble is that? I’ve been trying to find some powdered, water soluble humic acid, and it has been tough.


Be careful with certain type of trees that are used … for instance walnut has a natural product in it called jugulone in it that can have a negative impact on plant growth


Haven’t done a so called water test with it yet in my current thread I showed a handful that was mostly powder Will experiment and see the results I’m expecting the color to be like an “ Irish stout” will mix and dissolve and filter to see what’s left over .


General hydro sells a liquid organic flora blend that seems to work well .


I watched a video the other day where the gentleman was saying that the best benefit is from water soluble powder. He may not be 100% correct, but he seemed to know what he was talking about. That is why I’ve been looking for the powder. Hr also said to use below 63% concentration, from a Canadian source.

Thanks for the heads up shisk, but I don’t buy gh. I also won’t Amazon anymore, so it does get tough to find certain things readily available. It certainly isnt convenient being a man that sticks to your principles. :confused:


I hear you I quit that line a while back using plant prod salts with far better results and a third the cost .

Just happened to have a 3 gal jug left to use up .


A little snip from an internet source

Top 10 benefits of adding humic acid to your lawn

The benefit of adding humic acids to your lawn, can’t be overstated. Still, I’ll be listing out the 10 most useful benefits.

  1. Improves your soil condition, so it retains more nutrient and water
  2. Humic acid stimulates root growth and promotes plant cell division
  3. It increases healthy carbon production to correct plant growth
  4. It helps to aerate the soil and improve bioactivity
  5. Humic acid also helps to physical and mechanical properties of the soil in structure, color, and consistency
  6. Improves germination rates of seed during over-seeding
  7. It’s also perfect in stabilizing soil PH level
  8. It increases photosynthesis and chlorophyll concentrations
  9. It helps in scavenge toxic pollutants or instead, to detoxifies the soil
  10. It improves the growth of beneficial micro-organisms

@Tinytuttle, @Badger, @ShiskaberrySavior thanks for the information guys! Some good stuff there. For 10 bucks a bag I will try it. I’m sure it will be enough for 2 plants. Good info on the bark too. Thankfully I don’t have any walnut bark


I have gallons of liquid humic acid that the local cartel left I may try a little .


Looks like I’m gonna be chopping some walnut trees…


Got me a second box of bio live today. It’s there original formula. I’m super stoked peeps. I still plan on putting in gg4 and royal goo in the 2 organic spots.
I also did some research on cinnamon and how it prevents damping off and can be used as a pesticide. I’ll include the link for the recipe. It’s super simple. Definitely worth a read!


Great read through, loved watching this monsters grow up. Thanks for sharing. :+1::+1:

What ya got planed for this years outdoor?


Nice bro. I’m ready to try the stuff out, but heck I’ve already bought 2 boxes and a 50 lb bag. I used a bunch outside for a top dress and have mixed several batches of living soil with it that is cooking.


Wood ash, bio char, and a little fresh compost.


You should have some monsters this year bro.

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I just can’t see why a product like that wouldn’t work. Unless it’s passed it’s do date. Everything I have received from DTE is fresh. Yeah I noticed you started using it too. We will soon find out my friend

Hey man! Same old stuff just upgrated and more amendments, and more composts

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