Corey's outdoor 2020/2021 seasons

The gg4 and ghost rose autos by @ReikoX, and @nefrella made it. The stalks on these plants are very impressive. Soaking up all them organic nutes. Last time I grew autos was 10 years ago with the original Lowryder. I really enjoyed it. I’m excited to see how these turn out…


Looking good and happy, @corey. Are you growing closer together this year? If these get as big as your big ones last year, it’ll look like one massively big plant!


Hey man! I’m just growing close with the auto plants. I really never gave them a good shot except for lowryder and that was 10 years ago, and they didn’t get very big, so I guess I’m experimenting. That’s a 6 x 6 organic plot full of about every organic amendment you can think of. So I’m excited to see how this little project works out.
My other regular plants have been topped. Some are reverting to veg stage and a couple are really taking off…


Is that one of the small bic lighters bro? I know you have by hands, but I was thinking, wow! :wink:

You’re gonna have some great plants. I’m especially excited to see how the ghost rose turns out. The ones be seen pictures of have been gorgeous.


Hey buddy! Yeah it’s a small bic. I’m excited too. Can’t wait to see what this soil has to offer

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Nice start looks like a great season ahead .


Thanks gramps! Your plants are looking great as well!


I was spreading this composted oak/hickory compost/mulch this morning and had to show you guys @Sebring revenge f4 fem. This plant is growing like an f1. I don’t know much about this plant except it’s high in cbd.
This bark compost is 10 years in the making. The only way I know how to get ahold of any is to find guys who sell firewood for a living. Drive by and look for large piles of it and ask if you can come collect after the pile is gone. Trust me the bark will fall to the bottom of the pile.
I know it’s very nutrient rich because my pile has some insane green growth on its side.


@Tinytuttle what do you think about this compost. I’m not kidding it took 10 years to break down. It took at least 30 to 40 cords of wood to make 2 truckloads… Do you think this is pure humus?


I think you have several truckloads of garden gold great looking plant .


Hello, very good reuse …
I have eucalyptus bark nearby.
You have to see the carbon / nitrogen ratio.
You know that, it’s been 10 years.
This season is going to be great !!!


Looks like some awesome stuff! Consider yourself lucky! Should be high in fungal also ,should help with phosphorus uptake easier also.


I do feel lucky. Every time I water I should be fertilizing the plants with it.


I put a couple plants out on a clay nob a while back. The first one is a supafreak. This was an experiment. I put the supafreak plant out early April directly into the clay and it made it. I can’t believe it. This plant went through multiple killer frosts, 2 weeks of 50 degree highs during the day and even got snowed on a couple times. Any other plant would not of survived that. This plant is tough!! The plant in the second pic is a mazar I sharif from @Eudaemon. And for the last one a pic of my potatoes I got in this morning.

Happy growing!


That potato row looks like nice loam ?


Hey gramps. It’s a clay loam with a little bit of silt. There’s no sand in it. . I was talking to my dad about that spot earlier and he said it was 50 years in the making. There were trees there 50 years ago and kept clean since. It was in a crp government program for 12 years. Just weeds growing and dieing. It was never worked until 10 years ago. Every year since I have been working it pretty hard. It requires a lot of ferts or it won’t grow anything. That’s pretty much the same stuff I’m trying to improve on in my organic spot


@anon93244739 did you see that supafreak I put out early April? We both know that these plants are extremely tough. For something with such a short flowering time with the ability to being able to plant early outside is a win win. We need to start creating outdoor plants with this strain as a parent plant.


Hot damn, I just did! It looks great. And thats amazing what it has weathered through


Hey peeps! Just a little update on the autos. There are 2 ghost rose x dark devil. One was topped and the one to the right of it is the grxdd. The close up is also a grxdd. By @ReikoX, and the remaing 3 are gg4 autos by @nefrella. The close up is a ghost rose x dark devil as well. @Greasy. And 3 little ones are ghost rose x cookie devil by @Mr.Sparkle.


I forgot to mention that Lowes has 64 quart potting soil for 11 bucks. It’s called Sta Green. I have been using it these past 6 weeks. I think it works just as good as anything iv ever tried from a home improvement store.