Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

70-80% will get it. This isn’t something we’re going to eradicate by staying home for a few months… The stay home orders are just to allow hospital’s to manage the influx. If the vaccines in development right now work - we’re still a year+ away from mass immunization. Meanwhile the virus is mutating as it passes around between millions of hosts, no guarantee it will be effective when it does start being given.


Kind of looks close to the Jet stream the way it peaks and troughs, but its coming against the flow if its using the jet stream to spread.


Start taking vitamin c in high dosage every 4 hours. Don’t take ibuprofen, Advil or NSAIDS. Use alcohol wipes to feel cooler sponge bath or shower. Let the fever burn your pathogens. Stay hydrated. Citrus, carrot juice, melons, lemonade pineapple etc.


Thank You, been down OJ everyday and taking Vit C heavy doses already.
No chills last night, but do have a headache now, temp is back to 97 (normal for me)
Maybe it is passing me by.

I have a good appetite Im always Hungry. LOL


Vaccine? I wouldnt count on it. Sars still has no vaccine. ADE will prevent an easy vaccine. I think a therapeutic combo of meds is our best bet. Well it is anytime soon. Not saying its impossible for a vaccine but it’s going to be very hard.


This is why people aren’t taking it seriously. Why report fake deaths other than to keep the fear machine fueled.
Older HIV drugs are showing great promise in Australia as well as a malaria drug. The malaria drug in combo with a couple others has had 100% success in NY


That agrees with the PDF you posted earlier from JP Morgan research.

Where are you seeing that? That would be huge huge news - if it was true. Everyone would be reporting it - including the president. NY would be demanding more of those drugs - instead of ventilators and masks and gloves and more hospital beds.

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Been reading common resources used by survivors in different areas. This is link to one source. Treating the symptoms is key and certain drugs like ibuprofen should be avoided. Seems that NSAIDs are precursor to pneumonia.

Get well soon and crush vitamin c :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m a big fan of oregano oil and thyme oil. Even been taking some ginger. Lots of vitamin c, apple cider vinegar, etc. Anything to keep the gut and immune system happy.


Crazy, last time I went to the store that’s the only kind that was left. I’m making some LABS right now.


I’ll look for the article, they are doing trials in Australia right now with the same drug plus an older HIV drug that has been superceded by newer ones

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Trials are one thing. Claiming 100% success is a very different thing, and very dangerous.

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Granted it was a 6 person trial all recovered within 5 days. There have been French studies that have shown the same outcome. I can’t find the exact article now for some reason. I have the Australian study on my FB page. Give me a min and I’ll get the link for you

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I would love to grow oregano and thyme… excellent herbs for health and cooking.


That’s fuckin’ stupid. People still need to get out for fresh air and sunshine, as long as they stay away from others (and if they have already had extensive exposure to someone, it is up to them to determine their own risk).

Common sense, not this nanny state bullshit.


Has anyone else seen this? Haven’t had the chance to fact check it


This screenshot was from CTV or CBC yesterday.

From what I’ve read the Malaria drug plus antibiotic combo had great results but limited test subjects it was reported in France 100 percent success but was limited to 6 people. I’ve read a NY doctor had used in on 250 patients with excellent results and one man in Florida has had the treatment also.

Many MSM “experts” claim it won’t work and not safe to use, using terms like “Experimental” and dangerous while drumming up potential side effects. All of them forget to mention it is a Malaria drug, developed and used since the 1940s.


That’s the media doing what they do best. Pushing fear and gloom and soon. Like The pics floating around showing the reporter in full hazmat gear and the camera man in shorts


The Chinese reported it the other way around 80 percent false negative results with their testing kits.

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