Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

I’m not inclined to believe anything coming from China. Read a story supposedly from one of their intelligence people saying Corona is fake and is a cover for a bio weapon they developed to calm protesters inducing mild retardation but it works too well and kills everyone melting their tissue. To far fetched to even bother to share

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Someone “special” (to me) told me? I AM a front line responder? And I got PISSED? (I RESPECT MY Miltary, EMT’S, local health care workers? (And YES, my local constabulary) That’s the medical field, the delivery drivers, those that are going to reach the vulnerable first? I’m the guy filling your shelves? I’m the one, that orders, on a priority basis? I really want to shake people, and tell them "We cant get T.P.!? Yet, we have your staples? A Food Provider? This is mentally drai g?

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Come on now the MSM would never report something that isn’t true or try to mislead people in anyway. You know it’s not like a credible news journalist working for a Mega MSM corp would stoop so low as to I don’t know stand in a ditch during a flood to report how bad flooding REALLY is… Anderson Cooper and a few others have but that is it…


Yep you can’t have a gathering of 50 or more people but Walmart Costco and other large retailers haven’t had to limit capacity to 50 people… Seems more than a little fucked


Or this :



I’m curious if anyone on here knows anyone who has caught the virus? I talked with a guy I know in Southern Italy, and he doesn’t know of anyone who has the virus. I’m not insinuating anything, I’m just curious. :v:


i understand. I run a business with my old man. two years ago he had throat cancer. he is in his 60s. I had to tell him he wasn’t coming in the shop and dealing with people and was just going to stay home and handle stuff in his office and id do the day to day stuff. he says ok and then I find out he is going to Walmart and out to get carry out food at restaurants. I cant make him see that he needs to just stay in and stay healthy. its very frustrating and worrysome.


I don’t, but around here they still aren’t really testing anyone. Or, they are just starting. Just reports of confirmed cases.

I had some sort of bug and was tested for influenza-a/b … which returned negative. This was after a secondary spiking fever. They just said, don’t know. Here’s some antibiotics just in case.


Or worse… In BC this happened : Health officials won’t confirm how B.C. dentist who attended conference with COVID-19 outbreak died |

The media suggested it was from Corona virus, but refuse to tell us what really killed him? It seems they like to spread fear…



Latest via Zerohedge (3/25):

  • Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus
  • House delays stimulus-bill vote until tomorrow
  • Singapore, Tokyo report largest daily jump in new cases
  • Lombardy cases report another decline
  • Italy reports broader decline in cases
  • Global total ~438k, 19,600 deaths
  • Spain deaths pass mainland China total
  • 1/3 of global population facing movement restriction
  • Spain asks NATO for assistance
  • Spanish deputy PM tests positive
  • France confirms another jump in cases, deaths as police issue 100,000 fines
  • Deal struck on $2 trillion US rescue bill
  • Thailand latest to announce lockdown
  • Germany, Japan scramble to pass their own rescue legislation
  • US case total ~55k, death toll ~750
  • Indian governor defies lockdown
  • Pakistan PM facing “increased pressure” to impose lockdown
  • Switzerland tightens borders
  • ECB says it’s in favor of activating OMT if necessary
  • Putin tells Russians to stay home
  • Bank of Spain warns about economic fallout
  • Maryland requests disaster declaration after Trump declares La. “major disaster”
  • Taiwan announces 19 new cases
  • WHO expresses concerns about US outbreak
  • 3 Navy sailors test positive
  • Britain’s NHS recruits more than 150k volunteers overnight
  • UK shuts Parliament Wednesday night
  • Mali becomes 44th African country to confirm COVID-19

Confirmed: 470,973 Deceased: 21,276


No one personally, but my work sends emails about the folks who tested positive from different bldgs on our site.
X/2 so far and we have a large site.


Same here, reports of buildings being shut down for cleaning after someone tests positive. Many buildings across many states.


Talked to my ex, she said punishable by up to 7 years in jail… But they have 600 cases and 1 death? :thinking:


WTF is wrong with people:


“Experience is a tough teacher, she tests first, teaches afterward.”
Not that it helps those Darwin Award winners but maybe some dumb kid somewhere will see this and spark some intelligent thought, maybe their first.
And I don’t see this stupidity preempting the vids of spring break hangouts.


That conference was linked to a dozen cases here in Alberta. Think 3 confirmed and a bunch of others symptomatic.

Then there was the curling bonspiel… There goes half the medical professionals around red deer…

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That’s laughable, most of the major media outlets are owned by those with ties to the left hence why you only hear bad things about Cheeto and not the good he’s done. CNN is notorious for bullshit stories


Ive been thinking this lately. Probably rather obvious. Do you guys think with social media, google, youtube etc. That there is a algorithm in place for lack of a better term keep the pulse of the country/world?

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The toilet licker is my fav :rofl::rofl::rofl:


CDC recommending hospital staff use bandanas when masks run out. Hospitals are asking the public to sew masks. Here is a physician responding:

Please don’t tell me that in the richest country in the world in the 21st century, I’m supposed to work in a fictionalized Soviet-era disaster zone and fashion my own face mask out of cloth because other Americans hoard supplies for personal use and so-called leaders sit around in meetings hearing themselves talk. I ran to a bedside the other day to intubate a crashing, likely COVID, patient. Two respiratory therapists and two nurses were already at the bedside. That’s 5 N95s masks, 5 gowns, 5 face shields and 10 gloves for one patient at one time. I saw probably 15-20 patients that shift, if we are going to start rationing supplies, what percentage should I wear precautions for?

Make no mistake, the CDC is loosening these guidelines because our country is not prepared. Loosening guidelines increases healthcare workers’ risk but the decision is done to allow us to keep working, not to keep us safe. It is done for the public benefit - so I can continue to work no matter the personal cost to me or my family (and my healthcare family). Sending healthcare workers to the front line asking them to cover their face with a bandana is akin to sending a soldier to the front line in a t-shirt and flip flops.

I don’t want talk. I don’t want assurances. I want action. I want boxes of N95s piling up, donated from the people who hoarded them. I want non-clinical administrators in the hospital lining up in the ER asking if they can stock shelves to make sure that when I need to rush into a room, the drawer of PPE equipment I open isn’t empty. I want them showing up in the ER asking “how can I help” instead of offering shallow “plans” conceived by someone who has spent far too long in an ivory tower and not long enough in the trenches. Maybe they should actually step foot in the trenches.

I want billion-dollar companies like 3M halting all production of any product that isn’t PPE to focus on PPE manufacturing. I want a company like Amazon, with its logistics mastery (it can drop a package to your door less than 24 hours after ordering it), halting its 2-day delivery of 12 reams of toilet paper to whoever is willing to pay the most in order to help get the available PPE supply distributed fast and efficiently in a manner that gets the necessary materials to my brothers and sisters in arms who need them.

I want Proctor and Gamble, and the makers of other soaps and detergents, stepping up too. We need detergent to clean scrubs, hospital linens and gowns. We need disinfecting wipes to clean desk and computer surfaces. What about plastics manufacturers? Plastic gowns aren’t some high-tech device, they are long shirts/smocks…made out of plastic. Get on it. Face shields are just clear plastic. Nitrile gloves? Yeah, they are pretty much just gloves…made from something that isn’t apparently Latex. Let’s go. Money talks in this country. Executive millionaires, why don’t you spend a few bucks to buy back some of these masks from the hoarders, and drop them off at the nearest hospital.

I love biotechnology and research but we need to divert viral culture media for COVID testing and research. We need biotechnology manufacturing ready and able to ramp up if and when treatments or vaccines are developed. Our Botox supply isn’t critical, but our antibiotic supply is. We need to be able to make more plastic ET tubes, not more silicon breast implants.

Let’s see all that. Then we can all talk about how we played our part in this fight. Netflix and chill is not enough while my family, friends and colleagues are out there fighting. Our country won two world wars because the entire country mobilized. We out-produced and we out-manufactured while our soldiers out-fought the enemy. We need to do that again because make no mistake, we are at war, healthcare workers are your soldiers, and the war has just begun.

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