Covid and a failed first grow that won’t get me down!

sorry to hear of your troubles. I too have had some health problems that lead to the premature demise of several of my plants when I came down with a couple of illnesses (double pneumonia with a side of the flu) around the same time as you did, when I returned home from the hospital after a week they where in rough shape. it toke me a month or more to get the plants to revive to a point to tell which ones where worth saving. all but one of my clones bit the dust but I was able to continue on, it just takes sitting down smoking a bowl or three and determining which option to take: one or a or up or left. maybe it’s: two or b or down or right, I never know which option to take, and when I do, I’ve had a bowl or three, so I will not recall at all usually. good luck with all future projects.



Thank you Mike, I’ve been on the double pneumonia train before! It derailed my entire junior season of highschool football but who cares about that I’m growing pot now. I’m happy to hear you made it through and that we’ve both come to terms with what our illness led too. I wish you nothing but success in the future even knowing that success in growing isn’t always easy. I’m gonna actually sit down to a bowl and some soup right now because it’s been a long day.


The lone survivor of this Covid grow has crossed the finish line, it’s pretty airy and kind of ugly but she smells great.


Looks good to me man.

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Mahalo man guess I’m just self conscious

It’s so easy to be critical of your own stuff. To my eye she looks good and if she smokes nice you’ve got a win :love_you_gesture:

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I’m hoping she smokes good too! I got some seeds from her too, I’m thinking she got pollinated by a Kona Duckfoot male that I kept around for a little too long


Seeds of known provenance are a double win. That’s awesome.

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Congratulations on your harvest, flowers look great! Nothing like smoking buds you’ve worked to grow. Time to see what her offspring have for you.

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yeah so if I’m right and she got preggo from the Kona Duckfoot these seeds should be a (Durban Poison x Orange crush) x Kona Duckfoot IBL

I’m thinking they’re gonna go into some soil ASAP!! I wanna get to know them and get another seed yield if they’re good enough

Not sure about the IBL part but I’d get in line for a poison duck foot :+1:

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None of that Duckfoots sisters made it through so sadly I also don’t know about it but it’s stable so im hoping it works out

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I find it rewarding growing something I had a hand in bringing it into existence, especially when they turn out great. I’ll keep my eyes out for your next grow.


I’m gonna try my best to keep better account of the progress

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It’s a good idea, even just for your own benefit.


I will say he’s been smoking it and he likes it! I’m just a lil sus

A friend gifted me this gush mints :slight_smile: all I have to do is get it through flower

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