Crafting Complex Cookies - What modern cookies crosses are worth growing?

It’s too bad GP lost the CNC mom. Fire it was.
I still have a few beans. Originally I popped 4 got one female chucked the boys. Dumass.
What a ripper. I had to pop more to find a male.
I lost the cut but have lots of F2 to go through.
I think I used 4 males to knock her up.
What a beaut. This was in a dep greenhouse. Her bubble would turn liquid. And the smell. Rose perfume cookies hash skunk.

Oddly this was bubble. It started running out of the parchment it was folded in. It literally gravity ran into that cup over time at room temp.


GMO aka Garlic Cookies

Also an absolute f-cking banger :metal: the kind of weed that’ll get you caught for sure :rofl::fire::fire::fire:

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I ran GMO last round, agree great bud !


I’m finding that some Cookie strains really don’t do it for me in the high category either

It makes enjoying herb somehow less than it could be. I need it to have that magic

I don’t think all Cooks crosses are weak or bad, but…variety is the spice of life

I’d grow Gelato, Cereal Milk & Runtz, and def thought Wedding Cake had some punch

That said, nowadays maybe more people just breed bammer. Like Purple Punch

And maybe if all someone had was bag appeal, all they can do is push their line

P-61 x Fortune Cooks x (Phantom S1 x “Phantom S1” x Space Kadet Bx1:)

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@Sodapop Pistachios already in the dirt!

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I’m not speaking the lingo brother! I hope that’s a good thing!

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I was gonna grow out these 2 beans of pistachios (p-61 x Fortune cookies), Then i seen this topic which stated crafting complex cookies so i “say to myself” how about i let a (bx1) of (Phantom s1 x Phantom s1 x Space Kadet) pollinate it.

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Oh let’s go!! That sounds like a sick experiment. These are the two most complex genetics with cookies that I’m holding right now by Blood&Fire genetics
Prenup Piss- a Cheetah Piss and Grape Cream Cake cross
Annulment Cake- Divorce Cake and Grape Cream Cake cross


Nice presentation with the wax seals… i dig it, betcha they’ll be :fire:

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I still gotta grow them out but the breeder was a real solid dude so I’m 100% it’s good work

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That the packaging is on point on this one.
@CkNugz glad your excited. This thread was more intended less as a breeding thread and more as a discussion about which cuts or strains have an enjoyable high with terps that don’t suck. People love to shit on cookies crosses either because they feel like the high is muted, too short or uninteresting. It’s also pretty common to get buds that look emaculate but just don’t have terps. Like at all. Oreos is a great example of both. Fantastic bag appeal for days but pretty much no nose, taste and a high that fades as soon as the pipe leaves your mouth.

This thread was a discussion about cuts of cookies that rise above the pack and don’t suffer from that issue. There are tons of em by now. My personal favorite I’ve been smoking lately is called slurty3 which takes slurricane and crosses it to gelato. It’s kinda funny to me because slurricane kinda does have shit terps but her daughter turned out to be one of my favs.

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a buddy made some slurricane S1 beans and passd them to me. The plants were quite different but both turned out really nice to look at. Cured, the flavors werent what I expected… one smells like boiled hotdogs LOL but it is some potent weed and tastes quite different than it smells. It has a kinda burnt sugar flavor to it that I don’t mind.
I think the strongest cookies I have smoked was the Grandpa’s Breath I think it was called. From a weed delivery guy a friend ordered from back in etobicoke ontario before he flew out to visit a few years back. What ever happened to that cut I wonder?

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I… I have mixed feelings about slurricane. I grew the cowboy cut a few times. Decent but not spectacular. Looked amazing though and my buddies raided my stash dry immediately. I let her go because the terps were just kinda meh. Too boring or something. I really love her daughter though, slurty3. She is on point for sure. There hasn’t been a day in the last 4yrs I haven’t had her on deck ready to go. I get constant compliments. I feel like slurricane was a good breeder but not a 10/10

Grandpas breath though. Hilarious name. I just did some googling at it looks like a daughter of hers is still in circulation (gg x grandpas breath). The reviews on other forums agree with you though, she sounds legit af.

(Can’t vouch for nursery but I know people who have sourced from them successfully)

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