Crafting Complex Cookies - What modern cookies crosses are worth growing?

For me the terps were the place Oreoz fell short mostly. I liked the terp profile, mostly creamy with a little gas, there just wasn’t enough of it. I had jealousy and trop cookies from the same grow belching terps out of their jars and the Oreoz was like a stereotype of an Instagram model, very pretty but not a whole lot going on.


Marketing is working! IG and pictures are directing consumers preference


I tried jetfuel gelato a while back and that was pretty good. Mostly diesel fuel gas terps from the sour diesel heritage I guess but the cookies side made it look pretty.

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thats actually why i started this thread. i love growing cookies but its fair to say some amazing looking cookies cuts fall short for me in terms of flavor. the market demands that bag appeal for their instagram followers so it kinda makes sense. id lump many of the cookies cuts into that “purely commercial” category. i was trying to find out what others might be growing that is more of the terp forward cookies

nice photos btw, those plants do look fantastic.


I’m not old, but I’m not young either. I remember all of the old school strains, and I’m a big fan of a lot of the new school strains. There are several differences my wife and I have noticed.

One that really stands out to me is smell. Years (decades) ago, you could bet money that if it stank, it was dank. It was almost guaranteed that a plant that stank out the yard was going to be a kick to the head. That just does not seem to be the case today. Now we grow indoors, and we have had many varietals that had the terps, but were mediocre at best. There are exceptions, but those exceptions are strains like GG, Chem, and Diesels, which are all derived directly from old school varietals anyway.

The second strange thing to me is stem rubs and terp profiles. Again, back in the day, a rub of the stem was almost a direct reflection of what the bud would smell like. That is not the case today, in our experience.

One last (but not least) is the terp profile of the bud itself. If an old school strain reeked of wet dog hair, it dried and cured into the taste of wet dog hair. That is definitely not the case today. We had a Wedding Cake pheno that reeked of fresh mango throughout the whole grow and when she was dried and cured, she smelled and tasted just like Christmas! I’m not talking pine, I’m talking every smell of Christmas all wrapped up into one terp profile. She was an amazing pheno, though. We both lit a candle and shed a little tear when that bud was gone.

To wrap up this long rant, many aspects of cannabis were more predictable back then. Today, you really are at the mercy of the genetics, and what was predictable seems to be much more random. In addition, there is so much pollen chucking going on today that you really don’t know how well anything is catalogued, or if you’re even getting what you think you are. Caveat Emptor.

I don’t want @GlassJoeGrows to think that all “Old Heads” are just stubborn cookie haters for no other reason than they’re not the old school strains. I love all cannabis, and a lot of the cookie crosses are top notch and some, not so much. That’s just cannabis. For us personally, it was a major adjustment.

My personal experience is that you pretty much can’t go wrong with wedding cake.


I agree with the sentiment and generally I don’t think anyone who’s a legacy grower or an old stoner is going to be automatically anti-cookies. Some of the cookies strains being good and some being bad is exactly the feeling I share. I just know sometimes folks who don’t like that cookies is in everything, can’t stand cookies (the brand), etc don’t care to make the distinction between good and bad, it’s all the same as far as they’re concerned.

Thanks! Oreoz was one of 7 cookies descendants I tried out this spring. Jealousy, MAC, and Kush Mints were the three I liked best all-around from a terp, frost, smoke, and structure perspective.

Do-Lato was a nice enough smoke but I didn’t fall in love with it, similar with Lemon Cherry Gelato. Oreoz I already mentioned, but I kind of fell out of love with it.

Trop cookies I’m on the fence about, it’s absolutely gushing lovely tangerine terps, but the nugs were just not large enough. I think if I grew it again it would be for fresh frozen hash to save the terps but ignore the structure. Pics of it:


Trop cookie is a tough one. Delicious smell taste and bag. I’m thinking pre roll joints are best for it though

I’m on a cookie trip too. Started in 2014 with Cookie Wreck and Sin Mint Cookies. The Cookie Wrecks were astounding from colors and smells but the high was too electrifying for me and my colleagues. Same with the Sin Mint Cookies. But I started a few seed lines with them, being f2 and also hybridized with Agent Orange. In the last years I was working a lot with them and found some nice specimens. One of them I am keeping since 2015 and it’s a Cookie leaner from terps, smells like opening grandma’s Cookie box. I also just started seeds of Cookie Wreck x Agent Orange F2, where the female has an orange peel smell but some of her sisters had different terps, like soap or artificial blueberry/raspberry and also Cookie ones. I started 21 seeds of these and I am hoping for lots of variation to find something outstanding. My other Cookie lines are from Chimera’s Cookies S1 seeds. I can only say they were fantastic. I could source 5 packs of them back in 2016 on ICMag equalling 25 fem seeds and this was my best single buy ever to this day. All of the plants had the Cookie terps and inherited this trait to at least 50% of the offspring in various crosses. I didn’t keep any of the offspring though as their mother’s are hard to beat. Contrary to what others say my cooks don’t wear off after 30 minutes. They last for several hours. They have the thickest smell ever. It just hangs in the air. Smells of cookie/cake dough, fresh from the oven with hints of rosemary. Rock hard buds, white from pure crystals. Chimera never disclosed the name of the cut he’s been selfing so it’s still a mystery what the lineage is on my cuts. I have kept 4 of them since 2017 around and I hope they stay with me. I have also selected a cut a few days ago which stems from the (Cookie Wreck x Agent Orange) cut crossed to a mystery Chocolope descendant, which doesn’t have an outstanding smell or look but it has THE effect for me. It makes me just space out, meditate, pure bliss and it has legs. This is my new goto strain and I am making a mother of the clone to produce a ton of it.


I am also trying to make a regular line of my Chimera’s Cookies right now via line breeding and also backcrossing. I am mainly doing this to make masses of high quality backup seeds as I am still living under prohibition.


this photo cracks me up. is that a cactus next to some beans in the background? youve got a bit a everything going on.


Good eye! “A little bit of everything going on” is a very apt description of the yard.

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I haven’t grown the following suggestion but I have smoked it and was quite impressed with smell, taste and effect.
The strain was cookies n chem by green point seeds.
A local dispensary was selling it for a minute and it was always fire. Usually testing in the high twenties as well.
To me the smell was that of a tropical creamy dessert. Almost smelled similar to that coconut suntan lotion :drooling_face:
Haven’t seen it available anymore on green point seed website unfortunately.

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I haven’t had that strain, but @SamwellBB - Baked BeanZ seeds, has a Purple Poison Cookies that was one of the best smokes I’ve had, ever. I think I may have gotten an exceptional pheno first time I grew it and it was a Chem and Cookies type of taste.

It’s the only strain I’ve grown here in 7 years that made heads turn after I smoked a few hits.

I would run into the store for something and people would literally tap me on the shoulder and give me a thumbs up and a big smile. Some would even comment about how great I smelled, lol. The taste and smell were the same, and it really lingered on your person after you smoked it. :yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s some yummy stuff. I’m going to try it again asap and hope for that same type of plant. I’ll be taking clones this time! :v:


BEAT ME TO IT! first thing i thought of doing once i read the thread lmfao.

edit after how it unfolded im glad it was you and not me lol

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Just throwing it out there but concentrates are where it’s at for some of these.

I like the flavors of the trop cherry but the high was like a cheese burger off the dollar menu.

Now you take that same trop cherry and make shatter and you just upgraded to a quarter pounder with cheese. Flavor and potency, imho


Lol this really is the perfect analogy for cookies


OGKB 2.0 (clone) by chunkypigs from icmag.
Cup winner at the 2015 ic420 cup in amsterdam… best indica and best in show.
I believe it was unbeaten the following year as well.

Regardless I went on a cookie hunt a few years ago and it pretty much ended when I aquired the 2.0 cut. I jokingly refer to her as “Yield Cookies” because she does just that.
Truthfully I haven’t tried many of the top named cookie clones but have had enough to decided that for “cookies” in my breeding program… the ogkb 2.0 is here to stay and a personal favorite. Her bakery shop aromas leave a room smelling just divine and her potency and effect are excellent as well with a lasting high… not the short lived highs of many super frosty dynamite looking plants I have tried and been let down by.

She is a hard to find clone but if you can her in legit form you owe it to yourself to run it. If you like cookies that is.


The answer to this question is “Dosidos” :heart:


oh man. you struct a cord. so when i was just getting back into the game ~2018 PCG was still distributing the legit dosidos cut. I was on the hunt and waited for weeks for them to post the drop on twitter. boom! i saw there post, drove across town to grab one and the guy in front of me grabbed the last three. wtf. never saw it dropped again. its on my “damn i missed out” list for sure. good news though is that its really easy to find at dispensaries since everyone but me seems to have this cut. ive been rocking the supersonic (gp x Project 4516) cut lately which is in a similar space in terms of bud structure / color but doesnt quite have those same terp. if you ever come across this cut you need to pass it around, she is a keeper for sure

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@sardinebags get on the Archive Seed Bank IG page and Discord. I could’ve swore I’ve seen them post cuts of Dosi, seeds highly doubtful anymore especially any regs, but Archive is definitely the place to look. It’s their baby :ok_hand:

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