Crazy looking seedling

Not sure whats going on here . I have 20 seedlings going in the same dirt ,cups and none of them are having any issues. This is a Blueberry or Flo it came in a puck as mixed I believe. I ve grow thousands of plants and never had a seedling look like this or show any color this early on. I have it under cfl light because my LED died on me. I m not sure if it sick or just a colorful seedling . Any info would be appreciated.


That’s a neat looking seedling. Not the more usual looking verdant green hues but considering the genetics it could just be in its genetics. A lot of blue types will show a faint purple hue to it’s emerging leaves as a seedling but this is definitely more pronounced that that.

My first thought would be that it’s just the genetics and some blueberry types can start slow. Some even express mutations seen in the leaves where pigmentation is nearly white in some areas, effectively reducing its ability to photosynthesize.

Considering those things, I think it’s a cool plant and if it can get a foothold and start growing the flowers may end up to be quite exceptional!

If 19 other seedlings are growing well then I’d think it’s the genetics. It does look a bit rough but hopefully it pulls through and performs well for you. Some blueberry types, mutants especially, can take a while to get roots going and can be easily over watered. Not necessarily saying that’s the thing, but it could be a compounding issue that I think would be important to consider as well. Plants like this I think do best with micro watering on mindful schedule. Nursing them along so to speak. Many blessings and much love


is it cold in there? looks like sugars are taking a long too long to move around so they’re building up. Also looks a little yellow, and not very turgid. Unhappy little fella imo


Not really 70 s . Its wierd because I have a bunch going I wonder if its the strain or something else. I ve never seen this or had it happen before .


I think u nailed it . I was kind ve thinking it to but was wondering if anyone else may have dealt with a similat situation. If it does turn out to be a gentic trait I d be super happy cause its the coolest looking seedling I grew so far. I m gonna have to ask @Josh_Blue … Eitherway thx for replying.


Looking at those colours Id say your going to get red buds as opposed to purple or green off that. Looks an interesting seedling, might be some fire worth cloning.


I dont have anything useful to add. I will say most of use soil not dirt. It does look cold but you said there are 19 others. You say the LED died. When? How are you watering? Whats your PH? have you feed them yet?

Light died last week but it was the last of all to pop so don t think it really would effect it at all. Ph is 6.7 and With seedlings under cfl or led I try not watering them till they are 80 % dry .I have sprayer I use to water all of them . It s crazy because I never have issues with Seedlings ever . It s just strange.

keep everyone updated on this one, cool little seedling

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I will man . Thx for replying.

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Well that f!cked my 2 cents out da window :joy:

:evergreen_tree: nice

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lmao , I m baffled. I m gonna keep everyone updated . It s still growing so this should be fun to watch grow .


How far is it from the CFL? --it kinda resembles sprouts that I dig up under the soil that didn’t quite break the surface. …??

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She is a Keeper, for sure. :grinning:


curious how this turns out. im pretty novice but still those yellowing cotyledons don’t look quite right to me, never seen that with any type of seedling of any plant and had it be a good sign or healthy seedling


I think 7 inches just enough so it feels the warmth of the light . Not to close at all … I ve actually been babying this one …

I believe 7 inches is too far for CFL, they can be way closer if I am remembering correctly. Like an inch or 2.


Same here . I ve grown tons of plants but no expert at all . I usually do my best work with germinating and seedling phases . I was just didn t get it . The maroon color is just odd. I figured someone here may have had it happened. Just strange.


How cold is it? What’s the dirt temp?

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I ll check its def not to far away . I do try to keep them close . This cfl bulb runs warm …