Crazy looking seedling

I ve heard so many different things. I hate wasting time growing out duds but this seedlings doing great . I m just gonna keep it growing and hope for a mutation but I ll def read the link and appreciate you replying …


Oh yeah, definitely keep it going!
I’d be documenting the changes aswell. :wink:

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So I finally have a light instead of CFL bulb . I can t wait to see this plants future. So far its the prettiest seedling I ve ever seen. Im just gonna keep documenting . Its a healthy plant and Im not sure if I d rather it be a male or a female …


Female so you can STS and make F1 seeds, love the colors and its only a seedling… :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom:

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Yeah ,I love it …It s the coolest seedling I ve ever seen …

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I duuno if its possible to move but if we could get a photo in natural sunlight it would be nice.

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I can , I ll take it out next sunny day …It s in a solo cup so it ll be easy to do.

Well its not sunny out but heres a couple pics off my phone I just took.


Well after some nutes and Alaska fish ferts this lil shits green and looking great…


What the heck? Was really cool looking before lol. Crazy how much the color changed.


I know ,I m kind ve bummed out . Nute were off I guess just crazy .


Mine is definitely a true mutie. Doesn’t even look like weed!


Dude this should be called the Tales from the crypt strain…That plant is crazy looking… Man I gotta see this thinf grow…If u can keep sending pics I d appreciate it . I wonder whats going on here…


It’s very slow growing, but it’s in the citrus grove. It’ll live out it’s days there with the spider colony! I’m curious as to what “male” or “female” looks like on that thing. No sign yet. hah hah I joked clones available only a million bucks each. I’ve seen some strange growth, but that’s a new one to me.


Thts so cool. I love seeing the posts on this thread . The odd ball plants are starting to be my favorites to watch…

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Here’s that trifoliate GG4. Was having some ph issues but got it going smoothly now.

I’m curious on what will happen if I top it but im terrified to do so lol


FIM it if your really worried , The plants a beaut man… I had issues with some of my older seedlings but some fish fert has them green and looking great .


Thanks, my worry is that if I top it itll lose the mutation. I’m gonna wait and see the node structure on the side branches and might just wait untill before flower and top/clone the main branch… idk either way I’m gonna wait untill it gets bigger. I use the Alaskan 5-1-1 fish fert lol

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Well you already seen how she fades :eyes: so when you flower and finish her off she will be the same colors

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I d wait too.I grabbed that stuff last year and barely used it . It s come in handy with my younger plants , I actually love tht stuff now… I use it every 2 weeks diluted and its been great.