Creating True Breeding Strains By Vic High

Well, let’s be frank … i tried today (like right now) to continue on a second shot but at 58:48, i reached by far my limit. On the first try, i finished my ice cream on Cannacribs presenting another nice legal grow op ^^

To make a resume of the first hour, they talk about naming strains, the host share an experience with something that look like a random US bud delivery service, he share also often that Barney’s Farm is his nemesis lol, the guest is also talking about drop shipping on watches … there is no real guideline in the discussion, or a real “red thread” purpose. More an evasive chit chat between two friends, and i’m maybe a bit old to appreciate this kind of entertainment.

On EU market they are a bit naive, very in late while they are guessing how are functioning the shit ton of white labels here and obviously not aware of the constraints of large scale EU operations. I will not even speak about the necessity to pay taxes and the administrative constraints of the B2B market here. Also very erroneous on production units of sensi fifteen years ago, at the point to commit a kind of shortcut that group many labels and link them with an unique producer ^^ They don’t really realize how this theory is fucked and they are talking about companies used to deal with the ground since ages.

I try to don’t be too caustic but … it was clearly not their ground. It was a better idea to stay on the marketing and to emit critics and advises from the point of view of the customers, but in structuring it. Not in considering that they are a representative model of the various group of customers ordering seeds online.