Creating True Breeding Strains By Vic High

Would those be clone only strains or am I way out of my depth?lol

For hops they use rhizomes to reproduce so digging up the rhizomes and transplanting to new location where they will produce more.


Talking more of the intersex variety thinking monoecious has fully formed female and male flowers if I remember correctly?

I consider the term intersex not proper for cannabis, it create troubles in the understanding of its already very complex sexuality. Morphodite (lol) being imho the right semantic considering how it’s expressed and how it’s passed, and imho also the right term to relate to a monoecious condition or to its tendancy, yes. But it’s just me ^^

Industrial hemp teach a lot on this matter, you have both (monoecious and dioecious) in stabilized versions with inbreeding depth that most of our growers don’t think possible (because marketing and their own myths).

Yes, hemp lines have been bred into full monoecity for ease of fiber collection. There are some seed food lines too.

These are genetically different from our dioecious drug cultivars though. The male exists for a reason, and it’s not because the plant is naturally monoecious, its not. a small subsection of the species has been bred to be in certain conditions but that is it.

There’s been some speculation that a portion of the drug cultivars have been crossed with those monoecious fiber/seed-food lines in the past.


Couldn’t resist :grinning:. I was under the impression that hemp is not a stable type and given enough time will revert back to the dioecious form. I read the when breeding polyploids they want to revert back to the 2N form.


You’re mesmerized by it lmao ^^
Be frank, you want to smoke a weed that taste beer right ? :laughing:


That’s my understanding of it also. I know from reading than it requires constant maintenance to keep mono hemp lines to be stable in that form. The preference for mono hemp varieties is to do with the different stages of senescence between males and females and the effect that has on the quality of the fibre…. I.e males begin to die earlier.


It’s not Vic High but …

Professor Dr. Iván Bócsa, the breeder of Kompolti hemp (monoecy/dioecy/maintenance): Interview


ah gotta love it

IB: The natural state in which hemp appears was and is dioecious. Monoeciousness is artificial in hemp, it can only exist with the help of man, and without selection, the dioecious state will return in two or three generations. It is therefore very hard and demanding to keep 90 to 95 % monoeciousness during seed multiplications.

but you got a bunch of these “breeders” over here intentionally breeding with herms and calling it natural and normal. “It’s what the plant wants to do”. “Just shave the legs.” “Pick the balls off, they won’t grow back”. “iT’s FiRe”

On a real note, that’s a really interesting interview! It also backs up what I’m saying. We bred it into the lines on purpose. Then either on purpose or accidently, crossed them into some drug cultivars. Gonna have to go down that rabbit hole, thanks!



God this one is fire ^^ I’m not good with these things but let me try a complementary one :grin:


Lol exactly! :ok_hand:


So what you are saying is that the intersex mechanism isn’t desirable in your opinion, got it! My question is what is causing it then? Maybe one of the things Y chromosome is doing is inhibiting seed formation which is caused by the X suppressing parts of the Y and in doing so suppresses seed formation in the plant ie now is called a (male)? So maybe the mechanism driving this is from X suppression of the Y which disrupts seed formation and only forms pollen. Adequate suppression of the Y I think lowers the ethylene production in the plant thus male pollen is only formed? Low ethylene producing females are maybe the reason for the inter-sexed traits? I imagine higher ethylene and you have an inter-sexed male that produces seeds even though it started out with pollen sacs.

Has anyone given the male inter-sexed plant that produces seeds a review of how stable the females are? Anyone done this???


Yes the Jackpot might be found right away or no payout!


Yes very good info! Explains things and very practical, Amazing he had to go back and produce more of the monoecious stock. Still reading @Fuel Thank you!


I consider the term “intersex mechanism” with cannabis as an anthropomorphism. Let’s say that i’m a stubborn old fart; like with “narrow leaved drug” that sound like a prehistoric man describing a treat of the nature like he will describe a plane as an “ironed dragon flying and roaring”. The sativa/indica nomenclature, as we were used to farm it, permitted deeper abstractions that encompassed a lot more than just the leave’s shapes.

In your bunch of considerations, you’re blending a lot the concept of genetic potential, the concept of genetic expression and the concept of hormonal interactions. With morphoids-to-kill-on-sight of cannabis :rofl:, you have first to understand how it’s hierarchically cascading. The best being with your hands, and by example, with a landrace having a stabilized rate of expressed herms. But you can find clear leads in the readings i’m sharing in a losted part of OG.

I don’t understand the concept behind the chromosomal coordination between hemp/cannabis.

Yes and it’s documented since a while. I had already the unpleasant opportunity to taste it too, but why just don’t grow them. I know a commercial strain that produce them industrially if any, shoot me a message if it’s your poison to play with it lmao ^^


Yes, why not! Everyone is always saying no why? Yes any information and whatever would be greatly accepted. Hell @Fuel maybe I will pick up what is being laid down.


“Cannabis seeds were soaked at 10-15° C in extracts of dry inflorescences; the percentage of staminate plants was greatly reduced.”

Air 30°C/Soil 30° C: Maximum elongation, number of nodes, leaf abscission, and water consumption; earliest maturation; minimum leaf area; many staminate flowers.

Air 30o °C/Soil 15°C: Maximum stem weight; minimum plant weight; many staminate flowers.

Air 15° C/Soil 30° C: Maximum leaf size, stem diameter and weight; sex reversals from pistillate to staminate.

Air 15° C/Soil 15° C: Maximum leaf area and root water content; minimum water consumption; latest blooming; many pistillate flowers with sex reversals from pistillate to staminate.

During the flowering phase, the optimal temperature is 16° C (61° F) during the critical night period, and 28° C (80°F)during the photoperiod.

Additional K increases plant height, thickens the stem, and produces heavy, large, dark green leaves. The growth cycle is shortened by about one week, and the sex ratio is stabilized at about females 7:3 males.

Excessive Ca will stunt the early growth of cannabis, and causes terminal shoots to be weak and under-developed. Foliage is less abundant, and blackening occurs around the veins. The stems are fibrous and woody, with a hollow pith. The sex ratio changes to males 7:3 females.

Hope all you hermie growers got your grow in order before blaming genetics.


You can even find uneducated newbs that do all they can to trigger herms naturally, what a fcked world my friend.

It’s time for the next-gen saviors to spread all these new genetics created with a true understanding of what is cannabis, and without a hint of all these bad genetics born in the middle age of breeding.