Creating True Breeding Strains By Vic High

Looking at everything. Power Plant has same structure as the California Orange it has the very sativa looking branches but also blasted the mix with Ammonium Nitrate even in flower and will see what it does. I just wasn’t sure what the AG looked like by itself and it is a very NLD that @GrouchyOldMan left link to. Just wondering if some South African genetics are in PP and Cali Orange?

Tom H said looking for large sized Resin heads and how they range from say 70 microns up to say 120 microns. What constitutes a large resin head > 100 µm? Say you are lookin for something bigger, depending on size this can greatly effect the % of THC since different head sizes can effect the maximal packing of the resin heads on flower and if start getting larger resin heads the loss of space between heads might cause the total resin % to go down so…

Looking at the number and size of the pistils and each plant is still different so… I need to read RC Clarke some more since section touches on the inheritance of bud structure color.


Ohh, a good Pure Power Plant got some real kick to it. Have seen quite a few people go under after taking a good bong hit from it.
Now when you mentioned it, the same type of high is in both plants. But Cali-o is less potent and got that cbd mellow body feel to it.

Pz :v:t2:


I believe that PP could be a really good smoke and the structure of the PP carries the longer Equatorial frame and has large stem size. The bract to leaf ratio is very good. I have a really large one that is in flower and have no idea how it is going to do but looks interesting.

Just wondering how the resin head size is inherited and how it can be crossed in to the breeding program. Not sure how you could measure these things so that makes for another solution to figure out!


How rare is it?

Pz :v:t2:


How rare is what @LonelyOC ?


The pheno with large resin size? :grimacing:

Pz :v:t2:


Well good question? Bb x Bb ?


If you don’t know. You can try to bx a plant with the feature you like and see in which rate to pops up. This will help you to determine what drives this expression :pray:t2:

After you found out you can build breeding schematics to introduce this trait into any cross.

Pz :v:t2:


Yes and you crack me up :nerd_face:!


Sounds like Strayfox gardenz, Cali-O Black
(Cali-O Aeric 77 cut x Afghani Black Skunk)

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@LonelyOC Had a question that you might know or not know but thought I would throw this out. Chiasma, they say that it happens at least once for each chromosome. My question is, during meiosis prophase 1 the non-sister chromatids cross over and that is where variation is created. My question is since this occurs readily between the maternal and paternal crosses; does self-fertilization(selfing) diminish cross-over some since they would be sister chromatids?


No, chiasma can occur when the female produces females aswell. It wont be as severe mutations though since they are more aligned.

Pz :v:t2:


Although the majority of higher plants show inbreeding depression of greater or lesser degree, there are some species in which inbreeding can be carried on indefinitely with seeming impunity. The self- pollinating species obviously fall in this category, but so also do a number of the normally cross-fertilizing species of plants. The cucur¬ bits, although monoecious and cross-pollinated, have already been mentioned as an example of a group of species in which certain lines appear to lose little vigor on inbreeding. Hemp, a dioecious species, is another example.


Since some well educated and experienced breeders are gathered round this table I’d like to pose a couple questions:

Cloning a plant, asexual reproduction, seems to render a nearly perfect genetic copy right? Every clone can almost(?) be considered as if it were just another branch of the mother tree.

  • What, if any genetic variations can occur in cloning over a long period of time?

Selfing, sexual reproduction via feminized male pollen, is said to produce few variations between the sister plants responsible for newly created seeds.

  • What processes produce genetic changes in the selfing process and how significant are those changes likely to be?

Growing out the first generation of S1 (selfed) seeds will show some phenotypic variations even though the genome from both parents was almost identical, right?

  • If those S1 seeds were again self pollinated to create an S2 generation, would you expect a significant increase in the number of recognizable phenotype expressions?

I’m kind of at that point with the Frankenstein S1 seeds I am currently growing out so any insights you folks can provide would be appreciated.


Frankie’s Daughters: Unpacking a Frozen Genome


I’ll try to answer your questions as good as I can, English is my second language so I hope that you’ll be able to follow :pray:t2:

It’s proven that epigenetics play a role in keeping clones through out the years and even the initial mothers timeline is not frozen, so each generation of clone will keep the same genetic timeline as the mother. Plant cells can’t live forever just line any biological system. Telomeres does exist in plant dna, though it doesn’t have the exact same role as in animals.

So where you source the cuts is just as important as where in the timeline you are. I’ll use G13 cut as a example here. Growing the cut will not give you the same vigorous growth as before, but here’s the interesting part. The G13 cut still breed beautifully. So a cut will run old and not produce the same as a young plant. But the genetic quality of seeds won’t decline.

When you self a plant the usual mutations are a key factor as with any seed. This is nothing you can get around and the rate is the same as any XX x XY cross.

When you self a plant the progeny will start to align part of the dna. You can use a S1 plant with the right phenotypical expression to align the genetics even further. The aligning of autonomes will simply produce less diversity within the progeny.

If you got any question im happy to answer them :fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Genetic variation is zero.
Apparent changes are due to the plant being infected by some malady, usually a virus or fungi.

Recombination, like shuffling a deck. Now if your deck is entirely composed of 10s, variation will be non existent. A deck where all cards are different will show great variance is its progeny.

The more homogeneous the cut, the higher chances are to see the same traits in the s1.

Going to s2 will have a tendency to zero in on traits you selected, there should be less phenos, or at least a greater number of the one you like.

Of course in the case of multi poly hybrids, you might need to get to s3 or s4 before seeing improvement.


Major Hat Tip to @LonelyOC & @Mithridate! :100:

That is exactly what I was looking for. I cherry picked the answers that I thought summarized best.

If you’ll indulge me a little further, read through my new thread and take a swing at how you would proceed to fully maximize the potential. Respond there or here as you choose.

Very best regards and seasons greetings,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


When you self a plant you’re seeing what traits or homozygous and which aren’t.

There could be a lot of variation(More traits are Heterozygous) or there could be very little variation(More traits are Homozygous). It just depends on the P1 you’re reversing.

Some codominant traits won’t show up in a selfing. In the same way they won’t show up in a backcross. Those traits need sibling pairing(s) to show up. Every ‘S’ generation is cutting down the heterozygosity in the genome by half.


@GrouchyOldMan I think this is where meiosis comes in and then on to fertilization. In mitosis two exact cells are formed and are diploid and cross-over is inhibited.

I found this was a link interesting and useful. I think this breaks down a very complex process so that one can really see all the mechanics involved in this amazing process. I know I may be coming across as simple and such but at my age I don’t care. I think the path is for everyone and how a person arrives at a solution is by asking a lot of questions!! This is how we learn especially when we honestly want to learn :smiley:.


Sooo Awesome!! @HolyAngel Thanks for the info!!