Crickets and Cicadas Seeds

Late reply here, but, if you want to try and hunt the pheno youre speaking of, youre probably more likely to find it in the PNWHP X Puck/NL1 BC1. And they are very hard, if not impossible. The Puck BC3 has been inbred to be predominantly Puck phenos. Should be more variation, in the PNWHP x Puck/NL1 BC1 F2.

NWSun, here on the forum, has the PNWHP x Puck BC1 F2 for sale on Strainly, and at $45 a pack, is giving them away.
Its all I can do right now, to not by 2 more packs. I bought 2 a while back, and asked, if the freebies could be the same, and he gave me a free pack of the same. Cant beat that. A pack of these is worth $45 of anyones money.

Bad photo, but you can see all of the seeds are nice, and dark. Not 1 bad one in the bunch.


The color on those looks perfect! I’d say they’re pretty happy ^^


Labyrinth Seeds has the Puck BC3 on sale for $90.


@jimihendrix1942 why would you do this to me haha


Thanks so much for the heads up !! Im on it like stink on doo doo… I appreciate you reaching out on this… Message sent on strainly… just waiting for response… :smiley:

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Red leb x puck
Getting up potted Tommorow


Damn, long ass petioles on that last pic, I dig it!


Looking so good can’t wait to see them in flower :grin:


Yeah same here they’re all unique looking but there’s something about that one, I have a creeping suspicious this one will blow up once it’s up potted.


I know man I’m very excited for these ones.


Did he ever get back to you??

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Yes , I just stopped in here to say THANKS so much for pointing me in the right direction… mailman was awesome today !! some real nice freebies as well I wasnt expecting…


I really liked dealing with NWSun. Great transaction. I cant wait for his Lebanese x Puck cross.


I’m going to eventually do a red leb x puck… I have akbb red leb I’m going to cross at some point… nw sun sent a 90s blues x Peshawar… matter of fact, I just flipped my 90s blues to flower couple days ago…it’ll be interesting to see the difference in the paki cross when I get to it… long road ahead though… bout to move 9 black dom from akbb into veg tent saturday…:grinning:… I had some outdoor stuff this year I dried in one of my tent rooms… long story short, it must have had some powdery mildew in it and I’m seeing that on the '90s blues now. Omg…Geez… I have growers alley fungicide showing up today on delivery… I reckon I’m going to get a big sponge and some alcohol and go to town on that room and that tent after I treat those plants. I didn’t see that one coming


Random but does anyone know of f2’s of the C&C OG Kush x Puck or NLx Puck? It’s seemingly impossible to find original packs anywhere.

Check with @Electric-Stoner he may have a pack of the Puck Lights (NL2/NL5 F2 x Puck HP BC3) that I made in a fund raiser auction he is doing.

@webeblzr running a few now if you want to look in the Puck HP BC3 Testers needed thread. Not C&C but may give you something that you are looking for.

If you buy a couple things from the fund raiser, I’ll throw in a Pack of Puck OG18. Again not C&C but you may find what you are hunting and help a good cause.


@Comacus @webeblzr give me literally 10 min and I’ll dm you :call_me_hand:

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@comacus @webeblzr

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@webeblzr I got them an will hold then, if you decide you don’t want them. Its all gravy. Not trying to make a sale, trying to help a fellow grower searching :call_me_hand::pray::facepunch:


@IgrowBodhiandCSI one is still available.
