Crickets and Cicadas Seeds

Great info. Thank you


Fantastic info! Thanks for sharing!

That fits a lot of what I’ve read over the years.


been eyeballing that one, i know the prices arent steep for the work that went into em, but its more than i can just pull up and spend on a whim right now, gotta finish this boat and then ill hopefully have more seed money, haha.


Has anyone been successful going to the crickets and cicadas website?


I’m in the late planning stages of my first grow and am going to include Crickets and Cicadas in the mix. This has been a great thread to wind through.

I was late to the game with the newest C&C drop. All that seems left of it is the OG Kush x Puck bx1 which I’m going to pick up so I don’t miss out. What’s the lineage of the OG Kush cut used in this?

The description on the Seeds Here Now website is informative but doesn’t discuss genetic lines. I’ve enjoyed Bob discussing his Puck genetics on pod casts. No doubt whatever the source of the OG Kush it’s legit though.


It’s my opinion that Bob is in the tightest of tight circles of growers/preservationists and breeders. I think that cut of OG Kush is as legit as they come, especially if he’s using it to breed. I vaguely remember him mentioning it on one of his pot cast interviews but I can’t remember which one. He appears in 3 of them, the latest being the breeders award episode if you want to go back. Either way, think about all the OG cuts he must be able to get his hands on, if he’s keeping that one around and breeding with it you know it’s going to be damn good.


Whole heartedly agree @NorthNorthNugs! He seems like a good guy before being a principled breeder. I’ll have to go back and see if I missed some info on that OG Kush. Looking forward to figuring it out. I also thought the interview I heard (Pot Cast maybe?) where he briefly discusses cacti and his collection of it shows a deep interest in growing plants period…


Ya for sure! He states multiple times how he just wants to make sure these genetics stick around and how he wants to see what other people will do with that and what they will create. You can definitely tell he has a deep passion for it.

I could be wrong about this, but I seem to remember him talking about the OG Kush cut and saying he didn’t really know the lineage of it but that where he sourced it from is legit and that it’s really good, so that’s why he kept it. I’m going to have to go back and listen to see if I can catch it now lol

I’m almost pretty sure I remember him laughing about how he really didn’t know about the lineage but that it was really good. I also seem to remember him saying in the comment section of his Instagram that the OG Kush x Puck crosses were some of the most narcotic/couch lock of the crosses when someone asked about it specifically.


Bob is on Duke’s 3rd YouTube video… hot of the grill. :pancakes::cricket::cricket::beetle::bug::ant::spider::mosquito:🪲🪳



Bob just got some of NLGreg’s pure NL5 seeds.
Greg had told me pure NL5 seeds rarely got out and Nevil never got the pure seedline.
So, Im expecting something huge.
I really wanna cross that NL5 line with my BOEL Hawaiian for a Hawaiian Sativa BX


Was lucky enough to scoop multiple packs of puck bc2. Taken cuts of everything but this one is looking the least hairy. We will see how she smokes soon! Definitely going to f2 but I’m not trying to compete with Bob so sometime in the future I’d be down to share.


Looks awesome @Cutkeeper. If you were lucky enough to get a couple packs of the Puck BC2, luck must be on your side :grinning:. I’ve heard some talk of the hairless pheno. Looks like you may have gotten one of them.


What’s this all about and why are these more desirable? Haven’t done much research on The Puck back crosses yet but I have a pack of 88G13HP x Puck BC1.


I don’t know if they are more desirable or not. I heard Duke mention it the other night on a benefit auction he was running on IG…where a pack of Puck BC3 went for $500. I haven’t listened to his podcast with Bob yet. Maybe they talk about it.


Shit… .lol… I forgot I had bananaghan, and goldghani…duh…lol


Thanks man, Id been trying to find crosses containing the puck for a while, so being able to score multiple packs was a blessing indeed. I’m hunting the other pack at the moment but she does look good.


I guess Im hoping the hairless trait Brings other desirable traits from the mother, since the puck was a hairless pheno as well.


I want the hairless pheno because it’s beautiful, it’s the one Bob hyped up, and hairs taste bad imo. You ever sparked a bowl of hairs only? I have and I can’t forget that taste, now I taste it in some strains


Whoa that’s super cool, I wonder if fewer hairs would make it harder to make seeds from it or not?


Bob has said that the puck doesn’t make many seeds, which is why there were only 150 packs released. I would guess that does have a lot to do with it.