Crickets and Cicadas Seeds

Makes a lot of sense now after seeing it. Some varieties are just destined to play hard to get I suppose


VIP Restock at Speakeasy seedbank…wont last tho…fyi
Which one would you get?
edit: I picked up PNW Hasplant x Puck BC1


That’s what I would’ve picked! Pnw hp is already in the puck so it should be some kind of a distant bx. Figure that’d be the best to look at for puck itself with no bx2 being available.


Isn’t the puck hp/nl… as in g13/hp/nl…:thinking:


from “The Pot Cast” Episode 57 ft Mr Bob Hemphill …
around 6 min starts addressing HP13 and any relation to the Puck or Chem
Bob "Well I had the HP13 back in the day and that was I think I ended up dropping her in 2006 because of couldn’t get the PM all over and I got the copy again about a year and a 1/2 ago and it’s the same copy it’s I got it from Ryan tree and you got it from a friend in an hour no wait no the copy I’ve gotten 15 years ago was from another friend that had gotten it from maui and they were the same cut and you know when I remember back from 2005 you know I’ve actually you know I’ve learned a lot in the last 15 years so It might be related to the same family of hash plants that the Puck is from in the Pacific Northwest but it just might be the hint of the same type of turpine profile and you know the least structures are pretty similar but the HP13 has a much bigger internal stretch than the puck or the Pacific Northwest so so I wouldn’t think maybe that the Afghani family from the Pacific Northwest and the HP13 might be you know similar family and M from Afghanistan but I don’t think there’s any direct lineage I think the HP13 probably predates the chem ninty one by quite some time HP13 has such a unique turpine profile I’ve never really encountered in any other cannabis cannabis and it really throws that and it’s crosses like bread a 4 way sour diesel great white shark cross to it 2005 and does HB13 terms really dominate stuff and I see that again this cross and the lazy dog male is really thrille dog male is that really throws a certain qualities strongly so it was able to impart some really good quality isn’t the HP13 where you get the bigger butt structure and you get Really strong strong potent weed and then they HP13 added some of those really cool terpines in there and there and they’re just so unique and you know you can’t miss some I really doubt that it’s actually part of the chem or the Puck like related "

Disclaimer: Used Voice-to-text


It’s insane to read all of that and realize how knowledgeable he is. It also has my mind made up that my cocoa 13 (hp13 dad) is next to pop
Edit. I’m stoned. It’s hp13 mom by Afghani skunk dad


From the man himself :man_shrugging:


I assuming the pnwhp/nl1…is the same mom as g13hpnl…the 88g13hp…is really g13×hp/NL1… but that’s not saying what puck is…


He’s saying the purple is what nevil bred, and the black is what he bred.

So he said nevil’s puck hp is nl1 x pnw hp x pnw hp.
The black is what he did to get the bx1 and bx2


puck doesn’t have any G13 in it, it’s allegedly a plant that came out of the hashplant seed stock that Nevil put out. The picture is showing how Bob followed a similar path in his own breeding as nevil in order to try to recreate the seed line himself.


Umm. I know that bro. But thanks. @HolyAngel knows I am referring to hp


Puck bc2: this pheno gives an ok idea of what to expect from the general population, slightly above average in terms of yield. Both of the hairless phenos yielded less then this but still a decent amount, with the truly hairless having the least. All had very similar aromas, with one expressing a strong sour BO onion kind of thing. The smell is hard to describe, similar to the seasoning at the bottom of a pizza flavored cracker bag, but not.


Those pnw/puck beans look like they have a lot of potential, I have some old school hash plants beans from Bodhi that would pair up nicely with those genetics :thinking:


I plan on saving Male pollen…3-4 months away tho


Oh man, that Puck looks like a head denter versure, that’s so rad @Cutkeeper


That is the best strain description ever!


Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a lot of great info in this interview Duke did with Bob:

Crickets & Cicada’s new website is coming soon with limited drops and merch, although it doesn’t seem to be set up and working quite yet, I keep checking it often due to the fact that Bob mentions some seeds they’ll be releasing on the site soon that sound like fire.

Anyway, just wanted to keep y’all informed.



Oh hell yea! Good for Bob setting up a direct to consumer type thing, I’ll for sure rep some C&C merch. Should prolly buy some seeds first though I guess. :joy::joy::v:t2:


Popped 4 seeds of PNW HP X Puck BC1. These plants are stout with minimal branching.
Absolutely gorgeous fat luscious leaves. I ended up getting 3 females and 1 male. Excited to see these ones flower.image


If anyone is after some of the recent strains - JBC had a quiet restock from unpaid orders. There’s still some available from the puck bx and lazydog crosses.