Crickets and Cicades Og Kush x Puck grow

Bro…solid grow!! This thread flying under the radar! Can’t wait to see the harvest! Great stuff, man!! :+1:


Thank u very much :slight_smile:


Yeah I grabbed some Puck Bc3 seeds as well. Seems like they made way more of those then previous releases.

Everything is look amazing. I’m looking forward to seeing them finish out!

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Looks like they are doing well. @Player0685

I been eyeing some Puck BC3, Pre 98 x Puck BC2, and a few others.

This thread makes me want to pull the trigger sooner.

Happy growing, have a good day, and Peace!!


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anxious to know the taste of these og x puck, they were big and with a good structure. I will continue to follow :partying_face:

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Thanks for the kind words! I’d definitely pull the trigger on buying a few of those beans if the strains are what you’re looking for.

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So these guys were put into 48 hrs darkness yesterday morning. I’ll cut them tomorrow morning when I get out bed. A couple could have been pulled a week ago and couple could have used another week I think. Growing from seed is always like this and keeps it interesting in my eyes all the variations. I’ll post some post drying pics prior to the cure and update a smoke report after a good cure of 6 weeks for sure, I find none of it hits like it will until 6 weeks into the cure.


Looking real good!

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Thank u very much!

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Do you do wet or dry trim? Either way, I will say a prayer for your wrists and hands!
Looks like a visit to the “Netflix recommendations for trim jail” thread will be in order.
Very exciting times!


I dry trim at the end of the cure before long term storage. I do it all in stages. Once these guys are dried in the tent for a couple weeks I’ll strip all remaining fan leaves without tricomes the rest stay for the cure and will be put into dry sieve for temple balls eventually. I find doing a couple defoliations during flowering week 3 and 6 it knocks down enough of it that trimming isn’t so bad. I use to only grow outdoor and they were gigantic plants so it took months of work to deal with so I find the small tent very easy compared to that. My last outdoor grow


So these are the last pics before I chopped them. I would have gotten more but have been very sick with the flu and anything more than laying here has been a bit much. At the end of growing I couldn’t be happier with it all. There is only one potential keeper imo based on everything I’ve seen from the plants without smoking them. The plant in the front with them all in the pic is the one I’m hoping has the magic. It has a nice slightly fruity/earthy/hashy smell so far and huge buds that stack nicely and finish faster than the rest, also drinks 1/3 less than a couple of the others so pretty low maintenance compared to others. Time will tell if she comes back or not. I have piles of seeds so something will have to be special and that’s very special to hang around for more than two rounds.


That is a lot of big colas, very impressive!


Holy hell!!! Beasts!!! Very nice!!!

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Breeder deserves most the credit, I just grew the seeds he made.

Yeah had huge losses from mould even having them covered with 100% humidity it is here for 6 hrs every morning in fall. I gave up after that year at growing anything substantial outdoors. A lot work to see it rot, happiness is in my small tent :rofl:

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