Crownpoodle's 4x4

I look for things to change around here within a year or three.


3x3 a few days into 12s. The one Grapefruit GORG I put in the 4x4 is stretching like a big dog! This is gonna get interesting when these start stretching. Right about the time I’m maxed out on space, something will come out of the 4x4 and some of these will go in.


A couple Cherry Hi-C’s here. One’s been out of the tent for about 10 days and into the shed at night. Wasn’t enough room. Amazing how quick the color comes out in the cool temps.
I’m real curious how my outdoor plants will do. Most are starting a full month later than past years, not by accident either. I plan on 3-4 different @JAWS in the yard. Hopefully more at another spot inland.
On the ones outside I plan on foliar sulphur for PM. Never tried this, hope it’s helpful. I haven’t used sulfur before. Can someone tell me the recommendation for time between sprays? Appreciate any other Pearls of Wisdom on dealing with PM.


@shag im sure can help with this. I’ve never used sulfur for foliars only dry dusting before.

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I’m curios to find out as well, especially after his recent post about essential oils. I use oil IPM during veg, never flower, but i may reconsider just swapping to sulfur


Sulfur works best for elimination it has no long term effects
Never use sulfur in flower.
In flower use the secret weapon for best results.
I don’t really use sulfur much, I have some but I have to look up directions when I do use it.

The secret weapon works as a terp enhancer/elicitor.
Elicitors are compounds, which activate chemical defense in plants .

This is a bit long but tons of good info there.


This is fine, it works well as a preventitive.
I use it…in veg only like you do.
Don’t use sulfur and oil alternatly it will burn your plants bad.
I forget but I think you need to wait 5-10 days or even 2 weeks before you use another.
Should be in the thread, if you can’t find it hit me up and I will find it in my notes.


Thank you for sharing that. I keep running out of likes this morning.

You mentioned secret weapon for the stage @crownpoodle at now. Is that a diy foliar?

Also, my apologies. Good morning folks!


True story. Eradicating the mildew parasite is where I shine! I’ve developed a protocol to kill off the colony for good, no matter where it is. 1 tablespoon per liter of 90%+ sulfur powder or even half that will work. Spray it on twice two weeks apart. Only in veg.


I figured on a lot of responses in short order. I live in a mold belt. Known factoid. Everything just rots. Black molds. Powdery Mildews. All these plant specific rots the AG guys fight. I haven’t looked close, but I’d bet it’s cyclical with some years being bad, some not.
I’ve tried a lot of stuff over the years. Successful or lucky? I’m going with keep my plants healthy. Weak plants never do well. I’ll use Regalia and Protekt because I’ve used them with success? and I have them on hand. The plants will get Compost teas, used both foliar and root drench. My whole yard. Nutrient teas are different. Not my deal.
Big plants are more prone to mold for me. Plants with a lot of leaf, foliage. Lanky, tall plants do better.
Have back up plan(s) in place, and working. My tents. Hopefully some other locations, grown differently under different conditions.
Stressing about them won’t help.


Don’t just spray your plants outside… spray all around thier environment too.
Since that little outbreak of pm I had 2 years ago in the greenhouse , before the season gets underway I now spray the entire greenhouse area and the perimeter outside it Zero PM last year so the sulphur spray protocols certainly work at killing powdery mildew and the spores.


Powdery mildew isn’t like botrytis or mildew that grows in the bath tub. It’s an obligate biotrophic ascomycete so it’s only on plant tissue. That’s where it regenerates from, year after year once the infestation takes hold. Being host specific, it only grows on cannabis plants, as far as I can tell.


Outside the fence. Anyplace I can get to gets treated. The yard looks so nice with just all the tea. I treat the yard pretty much all year.
@JoeCrowe I’m not splitting hairs on what kind of mold/spooge any of it is. Understand they require different treatments too. Just PM is all I was referring to.
I addresss a lot of problems with a dumpster. Nice tool at times.


haha Love it… exchange dumpster for bonfire around these parts :rofl:
also a nice tool for making problems disappear… talking about unwanted plants of course :rofl:


I think I have seen it jump from grape vines to cannabis, also from squash, pumkin, ect.
I have heard others say the same.
But it could all be anecdotal but I am pretty sure that is what I observed.


Sunflowers, with those big 'ol moldy leaves. Outside the fence even.


No, there is definitely a physical difference between the mildew on grapes and cannabis. Same with pumpkins etc. In my garden alone there were a dozen different mildew species, but none of them were the one that infests cannabis. With a microscope, you can see the difference. I’m not saying which plant does host the same species as cannabis, but I can probably list 20 species that I know for sure it’s not.


54 days for most of these. I like this shot. 40 for the big leafed DMT Dream. About 10 days for the Grapefruit GORG to the left of the tent pole. This one’s super stretchy.


They all look extremely happy and healthy. Outstanding job @crownpoodle
:100: :pray:t2:


Thanks @OnePassionateGrower . Enjoying this grow.