Crownpoodle's 4x4

Actually, I have always wished I could play the sax. A friend gave me one years ago and I tried. I got to where you could identify a song but not much more. I ended up giving it to the local high school for their band. I wanted to concentrate on guitar and mandolin.


That’s awesome of you to donate. They’re expensive instruments and sometimes kids would kinda be pushed into what instruments were available. I think they originally put me in Tuba heh BORING instrument for me.

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They started my son on trombone. He hated it. When he wanted to quit I asked him what instrument he wanted to play. He said guitar. :slight_smile:
I told him if he showed me he was serious about playing, I’d give him my Martin. One year later he owned my Martin and my wife went out and bought me the Taylor I always picked up at the music shop.
My son went on to college and majored in music. The kid can write symphonies but would rather play coffee houses.
Go figure. I don’t think he’s even doing that now.


I tried clarinet when i was in school. They told me I was so good that they wanted me to pretend to play during the annual christmas concert. I sucked and knew it and I also knew these adults were screwing with me. I played that damn clarinet as loud as I could that year in the concert and got in some trouble :rofl:
I later developed a love for the drums and played a lot in my 20’s and 30’s on what grew into a 14pc Tama kit plus a mix of sabian and zylgian symbols and octobans. My wrists are kinds buggered from all that but I often ponder picking up a kit and finding some locals to jam with.



explains it all hahah


@MoBilly I follow a damn goat on tiktok his name is Billy Earl and he’s forever getting into some shit. Lol.


Sounds like a goat to me. lol


Billy Earl has a daughter now.


I was 1st or 2nd chair playing Trumpet until highschool. I loved concert band, but abhorred the idea of marching in a clown suit. I was too cool for that. Band director booted my out of concert band when I wouldn’t march. Dill hole.
Anyways. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in our lives, living or not. The missus and I will go to a spot on the bay we like. Low key.


Pulled one DMT Dream today, mostly just a big bud. 2 left, one I could cut any time. The other has at least a month to go, vegged longer. There’s 7 Grapefruit GORG’s, one each Trainwreck, Double Heather, and Rude Dog.

Didn’t take many pictures today. I took down the bigger DD. I’ll give the other a few more days. They’ve slowed way down and I’ve got others that need the space to breathe.


Are you still vegging the double heather?


Those buds are looking hella dank, dude!


Not in the tent. I have one vegging outside that’s nice and healthy. I’ll try and get a photo tomorrow.


How were the germ rates on the double Heather’s? Buddy ran a pack and only 3 out of the 12 popped. He regularly pops seeds with good germ rates so was kind of surprised. He is stoked with the 3 and no issue but wondering if the dh are older. Anyway looking chunky🔥


We’re yours fems? Mine were. Popped 3 of DH and TW, all germed. I’ve popped a lot of Jaw’s. Germination has not been an issue.


They were fems. The 12 packs. He was stoked as fems are usually smaller packs. Good to know this was a one off and breeder is good. Did go through a third party so who knows. Same order my doc d all popped but another friend got something else with not good germ rates. So not being from breeder could have been stored poorly who knows…on to the next pack! Thank you for your experience great to hear and dig the pics!!:fire:


I’ve got more Jaw’s testers soaking right now. Into towels tomorrow. I scuff all my seeds before soaking. Who knows what those seeds went thru. My seed storage isn’t ideal, but germ issues aren’t my problem.
@JohnnyPotseed has a posted method using earth worm castings.


I grow separately but with a crew of coworkers and we each pop 5 to 6 packs of seeds every 30 days. We all have pretty good success especially now the breeders are so accessible and you can go direct so when packs have poor germ rates we generally move forward on that breeder or brand but will definitely check out jps method using ewc. We got some beautiful cuts from him absolute tlc used with his whole process so could imagine his seed pop tech is something I need to read so thank you🍻


I haven’t used the ewc meth method, but I see solid results.

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I bet. Will definitely check it out and thank you for the suggestion

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