Crownpoodle's 4x4

Thinking about your cure comment. If my weed has a long “cure”, it’s only because I had a lot in jars and couldn’t smoke it fast enough. Once my weed is past the “fresh weed taste”, it’s fair game.
Wonder what the average time from chop to ready for dispo weed is?


My guess is 1 year but the stores have stickers that tell you when harvested.
The problem is the Govt. can’t even get the testing right, do you think stores are honest about harvest dates?
Do you think anyone checks that? :thinking:

This is only my opinion but I gave good reason for why I feel the way I do.


I’m not sure anyone involved is honest @shag . My nephew worked in Humboldt County on the permitting process. Just a nightmare. At one point he gave me some #s. Honest? Nope. On the local front, the corruption has been in the media. At one point there was a city counselman taking bribes. Prison time involved.
I think the only honest people might be the full black market. Avoiding all things governmental or regulatory.


At a year I guess you could call it cured. Or depending on storage it might just be old. Why the dispos have a rep for short buzz weed.


They freeze it so it is kinda fresh…LOL

I am not sure, I have little experience, but some tumble trim their weed and that will knock the heads off the trichs and that could be an issues.


Good morning CP and the rest of your crew!


Hey I am up early enough to give a good morning wish for a change…LOL

Good morning hillbilly.
Good morning poodle.
Good morning to everyone in between. :sunglasses:


This county doesn’t have the black market dispos like some cities. They really had a chance to get it right here. Everyone knew who the good guys were. It was all about $. This is a conservative county. Lot of folks really hate the grow scene, as the perceive it. Can’t say I blame them.
This area has become about wine. Which is water. Touchy subject.
I’m glad dispos are there. Someone’s Aunt doesn’t know somebody who can help. I got some gummies for my daughter there. It was well run. Safe.


I consider the buds cured when you can plop them on the table and leave 'em there without them turning to dust. One of my properly cured buds is still flexible sitting on the table 6 months later.


Ranger at work.


I wouldn’t share those anywhere but here. lol
He’s all boy, that one! You can tell.

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The pictures are just for you guys. Go back far enough and it’s Weston with the 2’ loppers cutting down plants. He could water correctly at 4. “A little at a time PPa. You have to spread it around. Keep it off the leaves.” A 4 year old’s hands are perfect for transplanting small stuff. I have shots of Weston pulling himself up on a 30 before he could walk.


Yeah. I’ve watched the pics of the little guy for a while. I was just making a jab at all the morons out there that would have a conniption fit over it.
Times haven’t changed enough, yet, for a person to present growing as an acceptable family project. I hope that changes soon.


Mornin’ @crownpoodle and friends. What a cute picture and such a time to be alive, helping grampa. Good times indeed


Thanks for the kite recommendations, @crownpoodle . I ended up doing a shallow dive into the deep end of kites, and came out with a Prism Zenith 5. So much better than the kites I grew up with. The kids loved it.


That’s awesome! Such a simple way to spend time. Not thinking about negative stuff.


Those are pretty big.

I had to laugh…you got chemtrails coming off your kite…LOL

We really only used the 25 cent paper kites as kids.
But we loved em… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s hilarious.

Yep, that’s the kind of kite I was familiar with as well. They rarely lasted long but they were fun while they did!

I couldn’t agree more. It blew my mind how quickly the time passed. Can’t wait to get back at it.


I had everyone out for some foliar today. Some strategic leaf removal here and there. Random shots and random thoughts. The 4x4 filled back up. I just love this tall Grapefruit GORG. Beautiful structure to her. Real Open node spacing. This is between 3 and 4 weeks. .

Trainwreck and Double Heather fems looking good to me. I have one of each of these outside too. The TW might be a beast.

@JAWS I’ve been smoking a lot of the Cherry Hi-C. Every day it’s better as everything crisps up a touch. It gets me really stoned. I’ve been puttering outside all day, so not lock dmy own on the couch at all. Most importantly my mind is in a good spot. It’s got my vote.


awesome brother so glad you and yours are enjoying those cherry hi-c, was hoping she would be a decent girl.

yup the TW can be a decent yielding plant, great smoke to boot.

very nice brother …