Crownpoodle's 4x4

How’s Big John this morning @MoBilly ?


He has a belly ache CP. I forgot that I had some sassafras roots hanging out there next to the pen and he has a small head. He got his share. Now he has the drizzling sh**s. lol
Other than that, he’s doing gangbusters even though he was not a bit happy about spending the night in the pen and he has a small head. lol


Mine finished early is all I remember.
Yours did look done but if it was still putting on weight let her go a bit longer.

They do seem to come out more after a short cure, I don’t really cure my weed very long personally.

Good afternoon for the late crew…LOL

Coulda killed himself or he did not eat that much?


It makes me nervous but he’s still bouncing around like normal. He stripped one side of about 14" of a 1" root. We’ll be watching him closely for the rest of today. At least until his droppings are normal.


i don’t pay attention in class … what kind of animal you got there @MoBilly ?


It’s a baby billy goat @SHSC-1 .


Smokin’ too much weed on the way to school will do that… :rofl:


I thought that was Snoop Dogs tour bus that went by. You mean that was a school bus!???


He has a MoBilly Goat. Known for being extra stubborn. Just ask Eva…


If you ever raised a goat you will fully understand the old saying “stubborn as a goat”. You’re not going to MAKE them stop a behavior very often. You have to figure out a way they CAN’T do what they want. Then just watch the tossing of the head and stomping when they figure out that you outsmarted them. Then they look for weaknesses in your plan. If it’s there, they will find it. lol
I don’t mind that. It’s like a chess game to me now. I used to get upset. You know… a goat doesn’t give a tinkers damn about your inconvenience or whether you’re upset. Not one bit.


that is too cool. Are there pics on the site somewhere?
My wife has been buggin me since we moved to the country… so for 15 years now… to get mini goats and mini pigs… hell she would take a full size pig if I let her. Not for bacon… as a pet LOL
Maybe when the dog passes I will give in. They would do a good job helping me landscape and clean up all the brush on my 1 acre property hehe

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I only really smoked weed maybe 4 times before I graduated high school. Only one time was in the school setting though. I thought I was failing grade 12 … shit going on at home had me very distracted from my usual C+/B average across my classes. Except French 11 that I had to take 3 fuckin times because it was mandatory to graduate. My teacher felt pity on me and gave me a P as a final mark LOL. I wrote my french exam that morning then went with some friends who ended up at a house where a guy lived that had this weed called Elephant weed. I’ll never forget that. I knew very little about weed except that my biker uncle was a big time player in it at the time. (as we found out years later) . Anyways I got right fucked up off that joint and being that high was still a very new experience for me at 18 years old. Couple hours later was my English Literature 12 course and I showed up without a pencil LOL had to go all the way to the front of the auditorium, face the teachers and ask for a pencil … I was so high… Then I wrote the exam and was the 3rd person to finish… still baked out of my skull I floated down to the front and handed in my exam.
I was absolutely sure that I was failing grade 12 and wouldn’t graduate with all my friends in the class of 87 but I soon found out, I got the 2nd highest mark in the province on that exam and with that mark I ended up passing the course with a solid mark. That and the P in french was my ticket to graduation way back in 87.
2 years later I would find myself elbow deep in Sunshine mix 4 learning how to transplant freshly rooted clones and potting up seeds :rofl:


This is where we kept him until he healed up. He was one of four in the nanny’s womb so he ended up with contracted tendons. Heat, massages… got him straightened out. Now he is in the outside pen.
This is the day we brought him home to try and get him walking. At this time he couldn’t use his front legs more than maybe 20% functionality.


So hard to read past Shags post without getting Big Bad John stuck in my head :frowning:

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend @crownpoodle :heart:


That was one of my favorite songs when I was young. It seemed fitting. I named him after that song and JohnnyPotseed. :slight_smile:


I very much enjoyed it as a kids as well, but in a different era I believe :slight_smile: . My grampa worked a lot in the garage and I was his shadow. His garage music is now my garage music. Frankly I kinda prefer music from 60-80’s most, especially the older traditional country, like Jimmy Dean, Hank Williams Jr, I can do some Merl haggard, but Buck Owens - Act Naturally sends me into tears every damned time.


I grew up on Patsy Cline, Ernie Ford, Kitty Wells, Johnny Horton… Mom and dad were straight up country music but a lot of my family back in the hills play instruments and bluegrass was a big thing with them so I learned that style of picking. I learned in church so 80% of what I play is gospel with a bluegrass feel.
Then I met a blues picker and he corrupted me.
That accounts for the other 20%.


Patsy Cline was great! My gramps listened to a lot of jazz? Dean martin, Les Paul, Frank Sinatra. I really wish I knew them all. It would bring back so many memories. I need to listen to some song by the folks you mentioned. I might know some of their songs.

String instruments are are really cool skill to have. I played Saxophone Soprano to Baritone, but preferred Alto. I don’t know how to play anymore unfortunately. I did try to learn guitar once but never follow through with it. I still think it’s really nice when you hear a soft guitar being played. And to kinda go full circle… sorry… my old neighbor, who was teaching me to play, had this method of picking guitar. It was an absolute pleasure listening to him. He sang and played Melissa by Allman Brothers that was so heart warming… again tears to my eyes stuff. I guess Im weird like that


I do just a bit of finger picking but not well. lol
I do love the the way it sounds when someone that knows how does it though.
I think that’s one of the most relaxing sounds I know of.


Lol. I’m happy you we’re able to decipher that catastrophe of a paragraph.