CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

I tried them on jalapeños tomato and cukes last summer. Wacky tobaccy seems to like em the best.


It’s encouraged! Thank you for sharing! Feel free to post any updates as you progress.


She gets flipped tomorrow I’ve got the day off time to give the garden some love!
Ohh hey can anyone answer me this is it normal to see roots in the res ? I looked down the tube today after work and see roots down there!


Yes, roots in the res is what your after. Those will drink all the clean water they want while the feeder roots on the surface take in the goods


Thanks @BeagleZ ! Coming from soil this has been kind of eye opening for me it’s been so much less work than what I’m used to except pruning leaves seem to be doing more of that. Think I’m in love🤣


Anybody use ferments? Curious what everyone’s opinion is: top water or bottom water ferments?

Looking at this bottle and being a SIP guy, it makes me wanna bottom water since there’s EM1 in it and seems like that fits the probiotic part of our program :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:


day 49 from sprout. 5ft tall. Drinking 5qts dechlorinated tap water per bucket per day. :man_shrugging:


@unomas ive wondered the same thing


Lookin good @BudLarfy


Hey bud,
I’ve used various ferments before and I’ve always topwatered or foliared them. Anything you put in your reservoir, you are forcing them to drink wether they want to or not. I’m sure it would be fine occasionally, but not as a regular thing. The only things I consistently put in the res are clean water and LABS.


Mystery solved! Thanks for clarifying, big homie @CrunchBerries :pray:

Luckily, I only filled the res on one plant once with the ferment. Had a feeling this was the reason why there’s burned tips from top to bottom of the plant. Here’s the victim, SSDD F2 #4:


I figured I should try my hand at trellising while I was at it


Good morning, y’all,

A lot of really great updates from everyone! I love seeing all the activity!

My next round is finalized and got planted on Monday (02/26). I feel like I say this every time, but I’m really excited for this run. A lot of these strains have been at the top of my list for some time now.
I do feel kinda weird, as I flipped my lights-on schedule for the lights to run during the day. I think it will be a welcome change and allow me to get more work down in a timely manner.

Before I go any further with this update i’d like to give a Big-Huge-VegasStyle-Shout-out to @Higgins/Robin Masters for his generosity and kind spirit.

Everything you see before you needs a good shave and a haircut. Once they get a little more comfortable I’ll top and clean up lowers. I haven’t filled the reservoirs yet and only watered once during transplant. Gave everyone a FulPower, Comfrey, FAA, Coconut, Aloe brew. Second topdress layer added at transplant.

Irene @Higgins.

DLA 5 f2 @Rosinallday

Lavender Jack (NN Cut) @Higgins

Dragon Hammer @Higgins

Space Monkey @bodhi

Black Triangle @bodhi

Sunshine4 7&8 @Great_lakes_Genetics

Good Medicine F3 @LegsMahoney

That’s it for now! Y’all be good!
MTSBWY ~ Crunchy


Nice man - cool to see the DLA5. They’re unique plants for sure, I had one that was a S1 of those f2s - super dense low stretch Jurassic plant! Had a nice high - trancey indica zone, and garbage dumperster terpenes. That Lav Jack is excellent as well, it’s got a really unique smell / flavor to anything else I’ve grown, and super loud.


That’s an impressive line up, @CrunchBerries !!!

Have fun with those Black Triangle F2’s! I found a lemon smelling plant that was my wife’s all-time favorite smoke…wish I still had her. According to the z-labs thread, it might be a common pheno. Hope you find it or something better!


Thanks, man. Yeah, I’m excited for that one. I found a lankier one with really cool structure that I’ll run next go round. This cut is from the runt of the litter. Wasn’t sure it would make it as a seedling, but it kept fighting the good fight and was one of the first to show sex out of the last seed pop. Has double serrated leaves and a very funky stem rub!
Seeing everyone’s grow and smoke reports from Lavender Jack has me really hyped. I just hope I can do it justice.

Thanks, man! These are actually F1s. That zlabs BT f2 journal is just a great read. Sorry for the confusion. I really hope I get a mom leaner, as I haven’t had the best luck getting mom-leaners with x 88g13 crosses I’ve tried. Guess it’s really only been two crosses, but still. This would be a good one to start with, I’d say.


Lovin it!


@CrunchBerries no worries! The F1’s are very nice too! IMO you won’t have trouble finding a TK leaner. Hoping your plant is one :crossed_fingers: Here’s mine:


Hey @CrunchBerries i was hoping to finally get around to building my SIP this weekend and had one more quick question.

I was planning on building this style:

How tall does the reservoir need to be? I was planning on using three 3” net cups. They are only 3” tall (obviously, right? lol). That would mean the reservoir would only be 3” tall, and I know you want a 1” air gap. That would only leave 2” for water in my 10 gal tote.

Is that too short? Seems like it might be too short to me.

I’m thinking maybe I should order 4, 5 or 6” net pots?
I was hoping to just use a few of the 3” ones I had laying around (as we previously discussed) but I also want to do it properly.


Oh I’m excited you have a lanky dla5. Every one I’ve popped has been squat, barely stretches, and is a dense plant with huge leaves. Good luck!!