CSI Humboldt Seeds

" Nspecta



Green Dot ~ Ten years ago I collected practically every “Purple” clone in the Tri-County area…Humboldt Purple, Garberville Purple, Pakistani Purple, Bridgeville Black Afghan, Purple Nepal, Tooty Fruity Purple, GranDaddy Purple, Purple Urkle, Purple Urple, The Purple, The Purps, Grape Ape, Etc., etc…It was the same story as OG Kush…all extremely similar plants with only a few that stood out as being ‘slightly’ different from the rest. The pic above is a bed of a dozen different ‘named’ purples I grew side by side years ago…only two plants stood out as being a little bit different from the rest…Grape Ape & Tooty Fruity Purple. We only kept one plant out of the whole bunch…the cut we obtained as “The Purple” back in 2002. Do you have any pics of the cut y’all have as Grape Ape?"

Post in thread ‘Green Dot Labs Classified Forensic Files’ https://www.thcfarmer.com/threads/green-dot-labs-classified-forensic-files.65708/post-1351092

“I enjoy a good rant…especially from someone so passionate about one of their favorite topics…my buddies friend is, essentially, responsible for naming the West Coast D.O.G. hybrid…I thought it fitting considering the DOG’s history…according to the cats who introduced the cut to the community, OrgnKid & Kailua Kid, the West Coast D.O.G. was supposed to be the mother cut of OG Kush initially…but then it changed and was supposed to be a Chemdog Bx3…neither story came out smelling to factual…and left me not being able to take any of the cats responsible “to serious about D.O.G.s”…while I like the DOG cut…the history of it is a bad joke. Ya feel me”

Post in thread ‘CSI Humboldt test thread by SMF’ https://www.thcfarmer.com/threads/csi-humboldt-test-thread-by-smf.66680/post-1343274

Sep 25, 2014
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SpiderK said:
these are picks posted in 2006 ( wonkanobe ) of Chemdog 91’ all the experts agreed as this thread was started by H&L at the time.

somehow the yield has jumped up 80% since then. u can study all the leaf structure and patterns in the fans ect from these old pics. thats not changing.

"This might help with some of the confusion…or just make things more confusing. :confused: This is the problem…JoeBrand/Wonkanobe was given 2 fake cuts of Chemdog '91 before I gave him the real cut from SkunkVA. The pictures High & Lonesome posted in his notorious Chemdog 101 threads from JoeBrand were of one of the Fake CD’91’s not of the original cut that Mass G sprouted in '91. I have &/or have grown all of the '91 Chemdog cuts including both fakes Joe received & the '91 Docta sourced & the '91 Loompa sourced…not that this matters, just I have a broader perspective than most folks on the topic.

On a quick Triangle Kush note…when I flower out a freshly rooted cut & don’t give it much of any veg time at all…it looks identical to Big Ricky’s TK pics from the old days (2004/05).

As for an on topic mention…don’t have time to read 21 pages and not sure if anyone’s brought this up…but how credible is Dave’s story considering he was, what, 17 back in 1991 when he claims to have gotten the OG seeds? :wtf:"

Post in thread ‘The History of OG Kush’ https://www.thcfarmer.com/threads/the-history-of-og-kush.65593/post-1331008

Jan 14, 2015
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Looking forward to your first 2015 run @steelcanaries …rumor has it that Urkle is a Pakistani/Skunk #1 hybrid which I believe is a good possibility. While Urkle is extremely resistant to herming the Mendo Purple does have a solid mid-late bannana thang it likes to do. I’m looking forward to the CD’91/Urkle hybrid as well…I’m sure there’s keepers hiding in those genes."

Post in thread ‘Ex To The Next…’ https://www.thcfarmer.com/threads/ex-to-the-next.69710/post-1394006

“I originally made the Mendocino Purple x Bubba Kush hybrid back in 2006…my buddy @TigardFarms got a big bag of trim from that seed run and found some beans in it…he sprouted the beans sometime in 2007 and named it Obama Kush later that year when the presidential elections were just starting to take off in late '07/ early '08. I had absolutely nothing to do with naming the strain myself…I merely bred the seed…a lot of folks also tend to forget that Obama had a huge positive following back then before he became president. I personally call the MP x Bubba hybrid Mendocino Purple Kush but there’s nothing wrong with anyone naming their favorite phenotype whatever they like.”

Post in thread ‘The Emerald Cup Was A Blast’ https://www.thcfarmer.com/threads/the-emerald-cup-was-a-blast.68956/post-1381782

Feb 3, 2015
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“Rumor has it that DogShit is an old Columbian x Afghani hybrid which very well could be possible. I originally sourced the Dogshit in roughly 2002 from my bro’s friends who had been running it for at least 5 years themselves at the time in the Southern Humboldt/Trinity county area…supposedly it was bred in the area but this is merely hearsay. I lost the cut roundabout 2008 but reupped the cut from The Docta in 2012 I think…he had sourced the cut in the Seattle area I believe but heard a completely different story about where it came from. They were the same exact cut though.”

"DogShit is a very strong growing plant…with a fairly unique terpene profile for sure…the only plant I have even remotely similar in stature & structure is Charlie Garcia’s Panama which I have been hoping to outcross the DS too. Do the MasterKush x Skunk females have the same crunchy rock salt looking crystals…any pics of the MNS male or females? I have a single DogShit plant coming down in a couple weeks that I pollinated with a frosty Lemon Cleaner smelling Pakistani male…should be a few thousand seeds on just the one plant. I figure there should be some interesting specimens that come out of that hybrid…considering, have you noticed the sharp lemony smell that DS will get mixed with the poohey smell?

You got me thinkin’…I haven’t seen my DS mom for a minute…uh oh…‘shits’ been slippin’ through the cracks lately."

Post in thread ‘Dogshit’ https://www.thcfarmer.com/threads/dogshit.70666/post-1407660

Feb 4, 2015
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@StoneyPufnstuff The DogShit that Jason King published in his CannaBibles was grown in Alderpoint, Southern Humboldt and was the same cut I had…Jason compared outdoor grown Humboldt DogShit to PNW indoor DogShit and claimed they were different…Docta & I proved he was mistaken & they were indeed the same cut. Much of the information in the Cannabibles proved to be inaccurate but you can’t entirely blame Jason as his information was only as good as his source…and we all know how that is."