CSI Humboldt Seeds

Good through the 11th


Thank you for sharing this!

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Thanks for sharing this. Just ordered Lemon G x Lemon Party


Really appreciate the heads up. I was going to make an order soon and hoped there might be a sale before I got around to it and ta dah! Here we be. :pray:

Strawberry Cough and Chem D S1s on the way!


I am waiting for payday tomorrow and might place an order. I have had my eye on Living Dead Girl for a while nowā€¦


But then again the Durban Poison S1 has been tempting me!


Thanks! How do you enter the code? They say they take credit cards but I donā€™t see the option.

Thanks! How do you enter the code? They say they take credit cards but I donā€™t see the option.

They definitely donā€™t take credit cards, you have to send them cash or a money order by mail old school style. Thereā€™s a box that says ā€œhave a promo code? click hereā€ in the cart and thatā€™s where you can put in the code.


Thanks man I think I have it figured out!:pray: .


Any recommendations from his options? Any sativas?

Iā€™ve asked here before. The pineapple perhaps was what was suggested to me.

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Maybe some sour d or dogshit xs. I have a gsc x sour d and itā€™s straight sativa. I donā€™t smoke it at night because Iā€™m up lol


Just bought the Notsodog pack from csi. So excited


I sifted the website for the past 5 days and couldnā€™t make a final decision on what to grab from CSI this time around. Decided it was best to wait and see what comes knew in a few months.

My first go I bought Snow White :womens: and Hawaiian Lites F2 regular. The amount of freebies from those two was overwhelming :laughing:


Grow what you have. Iā€™m guilty of amassing way too much too fast. Now I have wayyy too much :man_facepalming:t2:


You picked the two guys, with Bodhi and CSI, who people seem to collect the most packs from too. Haha. Itā€™s hard to pass up all of the killer looking crosses they put out though, so makes sense.


Yeah youā€™re telling me hahaha. In truth, Iā€™d sell half my stash if people didnā€™t want packs for absolutely pennies on the dollar and were reasonable with their offers at this point. I have a baby on the way in a few weeks and canā€™t see myself growing out what I have fully.


Crazy Crocs
5150 Triangle Kush X TK
Harvested at 71 days 12/12

Smell/Taste: 9/10
Smelled and tasted citrusy ,orangey, gassy at first sample with a hint of cream. Tasted kind of like a fuel soaked orange creamsicle.

As it has cured a little more, the smell and taste has become more Limey and gassy. Not much cream anymore. Coats the mouth with this lime/gas flavor for at least half an hour.

Potency: 9/10
This was a plant I had to shift my scale a bit. You know what itā€™s like. You plant countless seeds and once in a while a plant comes along that makes you reevaluate your definition of ā€œgreat weedā€.

It starts between the eyes. Feels like a pressure on the sinuses. Sometimes it even clears my sinuses out. Tickles the back of the throat with an almost vapor like action, but not in an irritating way. Makes my eyes sensitive.

Overall I am very impressed with this strain. It grows like other kushes I have grown in the past. Viney and long internode length. Needs support from flopping over.

All the research I found says Triangle Kush is mostly indica. I didnā€™t find that to be true for me. Very little couch lock. Just a good all around stoned feeling. I wonā€™t be able to test it with a longer cure because itā€™s almost gone. It has moved to the top of my list of keepers.

I also harvested At 6ā€™s & 7ā€™s, aka 677 tk X Tk. And a Sweet Pink Stink.

The 677 is pretty good. Just not as good as the 5150 imho.

The sweet pink stink did not impress me at all.

I will post picks of those as well soon.

Here is a veg pic of the 5150 clone I took. Anyone know why the leaves are twisted? I was using a new soil mix and suspect thatā€™s the reason. Or could it be genetic?


I am already there with I believe 40+ crosses, a handful of landrace, and think 600+ seeds from my last count.

With that saidā€¦ what Bodhi and CSI cultivars are you trying to sell?! :laughing::rofl:


I feel a similar way about the FarmerJoe cut of TK. Awesome bud at any time of the day and great for activities as well. Awesome review! You have me excited for my 5150 & TK S1s set to enter flower in a week or so.