CSI Humboldt Seeds

Can’t wait to harvest my 3 5150 TK x Chem 91!
No pictures the past few days, day 58 today


I can’t wait to see how they turn out. I’m really excited to see how they compare to the tk s1.

That sounds like it should be good. That’s what I need to get from Caleb next, some Chem.

Please keep me posted fellas.


Very nice report @Uprangewilly

I have a pack iv been wanting to run. I will be crossing it with Cap Junky this fall as well.


It’s all so overwhelming trying to decide. I restrained myself and just got S1s of Strawberry Cough and Chem D because those were two of my favorite strains back in the day. I figured with all the freebies that he’ll send there’s no reason to grab more than that right now. I already have more seeds than I’m ever going to be able to grow, but what can you do? But that’s why I chose two cultivars that’ll immediately jump to the top of my “plan to grow next” list, to me that’s restraint :joy:


If anyone is interested, message me.


More and more. Haha. Nice taste in genetics!!

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This is a great report and came along just as i’m trying my 5150 TK x Chem 91’s for the first time.

Harvested a few weeks ago and have been drying in the fridge for the first time. Took longer than expected
and only got everything at the right moisture level to begin the cure over this past couple of weeks.

I’ve been sampling bits, can never help myself and I’m interested as it’s a new drying method, so I like to see where it’s at.

So the TK 5150 x Chem 91 is something I think I’m gonna love. The flavour is so unique to me, never tried weed like it. The flavour has an addictive taste, difficult to pinpoint, savoury, almost lemony but with some creamy gas going on that lingers in a good way. It really is hard to describe, maybe had a mild garlic/egg sweetness thing going on but again a weird one.

The high is really nice, just like you said, starts in the head for me and envelopes downwards. It’s pleasant uplifting and relaxing but doesn’t end my day.

These are early thoughts really, the cure begins after the fridge dry, so it’s at the beginning, will update as I go and post a full report when done.


Very interested, got some TK S1’s recently, didn’t you plant some 5150 x TK and some TK S1’s? You still got plants of each? Will defo be hopping aboard your thread soon :ok_hand:



Yeah that Indica stuff is total garbage IMO. People trying to rewrite the description to match the fake clones going around instead of the real deal.


Yeah, I germinated 5 TK S1 and 3 5150 x TK seeds. 1 of the TK S1s was a severe runt and is still less than 6" tall. I put it outside about a month ago and it’s still not doing anything.

2 of my TK S1s didn’t respond well to root pruning (1 GAL → root prune, back into 1 GAL) and so that leaves me with 2 TK S1s. All the 5150 x TKs appear to be doing fine.

Triangle Kush S1 #5 runt


Bottom container has the 3 5150 x TK & a Triangle Kush x Triple Sunshine (tk x ssdd). Top container has the 2 remaining TK S1s.

Will probably flip in a week or so - may replace some of the root-bound moms with cuttings in coco if they catch in time. I have some Triangle Kush (FarmerJoe) & Triple Sunshine in that tent that are ready to start flowering now so my timing isn’t that great right now.


Really immersing yourself in the TK, love it, I’d do that if I had the space.

Look forward to seeing how those go :eyes::ok_hand:


Got TK s1 coming in the mail soon, will def pop them next month!


trying to decide what to run for my early fall flowering, most of the stuff on the list is from the nspecta. Really considering 5150 x sweet 16.


I’ve been eyeing his pineapple s1 also he has some classic sativas in his reg offerings.

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My Tk cut only puts out 3 finger leaves

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Your plant is sick , looks Like a Mosaik Virus.
I had this problem too , in the Moment , i must clean the entire Room and Kill my Plants.
In my opinion the TK Mother from this Clone , Looks sick too on the Photos.
I’m surprised that nobody here in the thread has told you that yet.

I’m pretty sure these plants are grown from seed… so idk how he would have what you claim unless I’m missing something.


There’s like an 8-10% chance it passes to the seeds if the mom was infected.
if ya wanna be sure, farmer freeman does a 3-panel viroid test for $55.


Right but I think this guys posts made it seem like he thought it was a clone. Which things get passed around from person to person, and it’s likely to happen that way when buying cheap clones. Unless I misread it and perceived it wrong. It is early , and possible .


I hope it’s not a disease. And I highly doubt Caleb would use infected plants to breed with. He probably tests regularly.

I really think it has something to do with my soil. I was playing around with a diy soil mix to replicate Promix. I had peat moss, compost, perlite, worm castings, and I also added some chicken shit from my coop. I think it was way too hot, ie not broken down for long enough time.

The 5150 and 677 both exhibited the same twisting of the leaves and color change soon after using this soil mix. I repotted them to Promix and it went away on the 677, but is still slightly happening on the 5150.

Time will tell. Thank you guys for the information and I will let you all know if it gets worse.