CSI Humboldt Seeds

Get them. I just cut a couple lommpa headband hybrids, and they are really good. Very frosty and great terps.


As an aside, full pack of Giesel x Chem 91 soaking to pheno hunt. Iā€™ll be posting updates as time allows.


So firstly, diseases can be delivered in the seed, secondly, you can introduce the shit yourself when you are in the park, forest or garden, most viruses and viroids that infect plants donā€™t just have one host.
And mosaic viruses, as can be seen very clearly in the photos I mentioned, definitely affect several species.
Nettles, for example, are very often affected.

Come onā€‹:wink::slightly_smiling_face:, you canā€™t tell me that you canā€™t see that, how much clearer do you want it to be?


He has written that he has taken a clone of his own 5150.
If it is sick, the clone he took is also sick.
Which you can see very clearly.

Of course, viruses can be present in the soil or in feces.

And mosaic viruses do not kill their host; they break out when the plants are under stress, just like when there are problems with nutrients.

And when they get better and or they have a strong immune system, a resistance, it can also disappear again, so the symptoms but it is in the plant and it goes into the seeds produced and it spreads to other plants in the groom.

Which may not be able to cope with it.


looks more like variegation to me, personally.


Whatā€™s clear is reckless speculation by a guy on line who Iā€™ve never seen his grows, donā€™t know his knowledge kind of slandering a well known breeder with absolutely zero proof :man_shrugging:t2:


Again Triangle Kush S1, this individual has the shortest internodes, most branching but had not really developed any smell til week 8 and had the smallest flowers, already thought about it being a runt, but the smell she developed now is straight up new tennis balls.

She is the shortest out off all 7 TK S1 popped.

Maybe not a runt after all.


Oh and one of the S1s shows variegation too, only half a leaf though, have to look if I find the leaf again.


Whatā€™s inconsiderate about that, are we in kindergarten?
I didnā€™t insult him, I pointed out to him that his plant was sick.

Thatā€™s actually a nice thing to do.

And whether you know me or not, you should be able to. Google, type in tobacco mosaic virus and compare the pictures I meant with the ones Google shows you, instead of recklessly speculating and starting a fight with me.

And what are you talking about me putting down a breeder I know?

Nowhere did I write that it had to be in the seed.

You can also contract a virus in the course of your life, you donā€™t have to be infected from birthšŸ™„



Yes, but there is also Alfalfa Mosaic Virus , Cucumber Mosaic Virus
Hemp Mosaic Virus and many more.


Thatā€™s why I recommended the 3 panel test from FarmerFreeman. Itā€™s covers HLVD, CCV, and LCV. He also has a TMV test and BCTV test for $50/each.


The disease/variegation topic can be taken elsewhere.
Iā€™d really like to see some CSI related content when I see new posts.


Cheese s1 back in stockā€¦ scooped a pack with a buddy! :cheese:


Well I got a bubba s1 a few days above ground. And put a single Irene fallen soldier in paper towel yesterday. Also thinking of increasing this bubblegum ix.


Iā€™m very curious about how his Bubblegum. Please keep us posted with how they all turn out.


Hereā€™s a single sour Oā€™s I thought Iā€™d drop in for you guys. Doesnā€™t look like itā€™s enjoying the soil mix like the other cultivar next to her ( secret formula x indian / Iraqi ) . Feeding her a bit extra of recharge just recently so weā€™ll see how it goes from here.


Most of these are at week 8 of their life. 5 gallon cloth pots. Donā€™t mind the lean. Theyā€™ll be taking off over the next few weeks.

Blackberry Wine 69 x Sweet 16

Z26 x HP13 (something has been nibbling the lower leaves)

Sour Diesel x Obama Kush

Forbidden Fruit x Purple Punch

Forbidden Fruit x Granddaddy Purple

Bubba Kush


Nice selection!
Iā€™m excited to see how the sweet blackberry wine turns out. Thatā€™s one I almost bought 3 or 4 or 5 times haha but never pulled the trigger.