Da Sunshine show! Ongoing grow log from a 10 light medical grow in BKK

@Tlander Thank you for stopping by and your generosity!
I look forward to seeing your jungle one of these days!!
Yeah I woke up to rain just now too, second time in four days… hahaha
slept in a bit today … Go get in that fridge!! In fact Im going in too, not happy with our germ rates so we gotta improve right! Hahaha

That cookie got me last night. :joy:

Looking at my temps at the pheno room and they should really start popping off colors with this dip.
They are in late flower and have gotten a few cold nights here is right the room now.

Coffee from Chiang rai is going and headed to see how the swelling is going… so far so good, will scope a bit today to see where we are. ill try to get some shots but I’m a complete amateur photog at best. Got a new clip on microscope for the phone.

That being said the rain has been very welcome for sure, knocking down some pm 2.5 also.

The ability to grow right now is what keeps me going, I mean I never thought I would be doing this in my lifetime, that’s for sure. happy to be here during this time and to be a part of it.


On my way to the fridge I remembered that my girlfriend’s brother gave me some Thai weed about a year ago. Then I got to thinking I have some other Thai lao stuff from a friends wife from before it opened up and she is from Nakorn Panom (famous smuggling route town from Laos to Thailand).
Got to digging around and found em both. Hahahah

Well needless to say I dumped em out one by one and sure enough there are beans in there.
So I got to thinking why not have a little fun and pass around a few seeds.
Whoever can guess how many seeds are in this first picture will get a share of the seeds split between @Tlander and myself, If he will be so kind to try to crack these mystery brick weed bag seeds.
You get one guess only and my giveaway my rules I will consult with Tlander and we will decide together if any issues arise. I won’t say what the spilt will be yet but let see how many seeds there are.
I will save a few for future breeding and preservation. Keep in mind there will be more give aways to come as there are three different strains here (I think) and this is just half of one…I’ll leave a few shots of the others after the guess shot.

How many seeds on the tray and inside the buds???
one guess only!! leave it in the comments…

Close up of said seeds. Hahahahah
Not sure how viable but Im sure that @Tlander will find out.
I am very sure these are either sativa heavy or pure from the looks of the buds.

Jars of “Brother in law weed”… The small jar is what’s in the first guess pic. haha

Da brick… this one is from him too but lets call it this as im not sure if its the same but we will find out haha

This we will call “Without borders” from the Laos border.

I will post the number of seeds next week on Monday the 25th @ High noon Thai time! woo hoo

I will move this thread off my grow thread as well to make it cleaner for everyone.

This is gonna be DOPE!!!

And thankful for everyone else who is following along here on OG.

Your support is a bright light and I appreciate that very much! :green_heart:


I’ll be back!!!

Cheers everyone!!!